Ecuador NT (Post-World Cup)

Discussion in 'Ecuador - National Team' started by LDU4ever, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Anyone following Anselmi in Mexico? Cruz Azul made it to the semis.
  2. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Liga de Quito
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  3. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
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    LDU4ever repped this.
  4. \^the king^/

    \^the king^/ Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    wherevr da action @
    Liga de Quito
    Tough loss for Liga. Terrible form, not a single goal from open play in libertadores this year, we do not belong. Simple as that.
    GGs Junior they have a solid Keeper
  5. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Truth- and that GK was just a beast to keep Liga to 0, but we did ourselves no favors by just looking flat and generally uninspired.

    ultimately, this is a coaching issue. We can compound it by also mentioning yet again that Alvarez and his front office is aloof and not equipped to lead.

    This is as much a player crisis as it is an institutional one.

    In other words, the rumor mill is churning and saying Jhegson Mendez might come to Liga.
    \^the king^/ repped this.
  6. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Im glad fans and the media are finally lashing out towards Isaac Alvarez and not just Alcacer. Let see how he handles the media and board now. Hopefully we make changes and dont let the chance to redeem ourselves in Copa Sudamericana go.
  7. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Moisés getting booed…
  8. \^the king^/

    \^the king^/ Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    wherevr da action @
    Liga de Quito
    That sounds great, bring him home.
    Yeah, Brighton fans are not happy. But caicedo is BALLIN’ - not to mention he dyed his hair blonde lol almost as if to help the fans know exactly when to boo.
    This is a very different caicedo from that first game vs Aston Villa (or west ham not sure). Glad he’s finally settling in. Not so excited to see him back with Enzo though. Hope they qualify for Europe and can alternate the them or figure out how they coexist. Lavia had been injured all season? WTF

    In other news Brighton look like hot shit lol interesting that it’s after all the Ecuatorianos have been left out (because of transfers or injuries). Maybe time to cal IDV again? De Zerbi is being exposed at home.
  9. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Ecua futbol is shit this copa libertadores.
    cabezamagica repped this.
  10. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I got a feeling their medical staff is crap and I wonder if Pervis was rushed because he is in Ecuador.
    Regardibg de serbi, there’s always some news about how he told one of his players what he needs to improve on, shouldn’t that be kept private between coach and player? It kinda rubs me the wrong way.
  11. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
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    #2461 The Machine, May 15, 2024
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
    I thought that Ecuadorian teams would have gotten better results in the Copa Libertadores. I thought Liga, IDV, and BSC had decent chances of going on to the next round. What a disappointment. I wonder how Liga would have done if Zubeldia was still coach. I think they could have made a deep run. Alvarez is a joke. Here’s some of the gems that Liga have accomplished during his leadership - didn’t resign a coach that led them to a domestic and international championship, signed Parrales who has been a disappointment, the whole Zambrano fiasco, eliminated from the Copa Libertadores. He deserves all the hate going his way.
  12. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    What’s going on with Zambrano? Has there been any update?

    Piovi and Mendez would be a good midfield duo. Mendez has to go back to Ecuador. His career has been on a downward trend ever since the World Cup. He’s still young so he can still get his career back on track. He’s also been linked to BSC which would be a bad fit. It wouldn’t surprise me if he were to sign with them tho. They like to hoard players. He’ll more than likely also go to the highest bidder.
  13. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
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  14. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Mendez had an interesting run in Sao Paulo. I think he was injured and then basically sat on the bench in perpetuity.

    Losing him in the game vs. Senegal was so noteworthy. When he's on, he is a force in the midfield- he reminded me so much of Edison, but a raw version.

    I do hope he comes back to Ecuador for continuity of play, though I know his priority is to stay in Europe.

    Plata is now being linked with Getafe...good, he needs to get out of Qatar, but hopefully he doesn't come back to the NT in the short term. He really needs to get excluded for a while, get a big chip on his shoulder, and play focused and with intentionality. And him getting the call-up should be a big IF and contingent on a lot of behavioral norms getting put in place.
  15. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
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    I lost hope in Plata. He is who he is. He’s not going to change or modify his behavior. It’s going to come down whether or not his production can offset his off the field behavior.
    LDU4ever repped this.
  16. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    #2466 javer, May 16, 2024
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
    It announced that we will be allowed to have a 26 player squad. I would like to have Jonathan Mina, Jairon Charcopa, Yeimar Medina, Allen Obando, Pedro Ortiz called up for the friendlies prior to CA and include the players who does best in the final squad. For sparing it would be interesting if we can get Aimar Govea, Michael Da Costa, Jeremy Arevalo, John Mercado, Michael Bermudez, Alex Rangel, Maikel Reyes, Keny Arroyo, Patrick Mercado, Erick Mendoza, Gilmar Napa, Layan Loor, Oscar Quinonez, Oscar Zambrano, Justin Lerma.
  17. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
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    Hopefully we decide to take 26 b/c it will help us find/fill 3 gaps and have these dudes scrapping for minutes.

    Considering Ecuador's woeful performances in past CA's, I'm hoping an experienced back line and fortified midfield can really allow the strikers and forwards to play freely and get well positioned to score. Much of this will be centered around who gets paired with Enner and the team dynamic for 2 scenarios: Enner productive/healthy (supported by 1 forward) or Enner missing/injured (support from 2 players).

    Separately, I don't think Zambrano qualifies to travel. He's only cleared for domestic play if I'm not mistaken.
  18. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Im hoping Zambrano can still be called to sparing so he can continue to be in form and close to the NT. Im still hoping for a resolution and good outcome for him soon. Something tells me it will be. It almost been 6 months. I think FIFA should take this time as punishment enough and at worse a financial fine on top. He should not get any added time.
  19. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Agreed- but the timing of these things can run endlessly. I guess it depends on the stage of the case.

    Time is tightening, so it might or might not be at the point of making "decisions".
  20. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
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  21. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
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    He’s out until November. I haven’t watched any BSC games at length recently but people are saying he’s been their best player this season. He’s had some bad luck in regard to injuries the past couple of years.
    \^the king^/ repped this.
  22. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I heard it could be longer than that.
  23. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    His season is pretty much done. The Liga Pro regular season finishes around the end of November. The best case scenario is that he makes it back for the final game or two.
  24. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
  25. \^the king^/

    \^the king^/ Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    wherevr da action @
    Liga de Quito
    The few games I have watched from BSC, I would say he's definitely the player with the most energy.

    Not so easy without Ecuadorians lol but in all seriousness, how many pieces did Chelsea have to steal to finally tear these guys down a bit.

    In other news, Hincapie solidified himself in German football history today being part of the first undefeated champs. He had a few good plays and 1 brain fart. Overall Hincapie viene in top form for the CA.

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