Ecuador NT (Post-World Cup)

Discussion in 'Ecuador - National Team' started by LDU4ever, Nov 29, 2022.

  1. GPisco

    GPisco Member

    Jul 22, 2014
    Toronto, On
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    We are in for a bad Copa America from the looks of it.

    FSB needs to be sacked, how do you take 3 strikers, 2 of which are injured and manage to play Sarmiento out of position. He needs to experiment to find logical solution not this garbage. Playing everyone out of position messes up chemistry and more importantly moral.

    Tactically I don’t know where we stand, we are just ball watching and leaving all these passing lanes open. Again a common theme with this NT is the inability to hold possession for more than a minute along with mental lapses. Let’s hope the 2nd half is better
    cabezamagica repped this.
  2. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Shoot man

    Stop improvising and put Enner on and move our makeshift strikers in their real positions.
    \^the king^/ repped this.
  3. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    What’s up with our defense? So many mistakes.
  4. \^the king^/

    \^the king^/ Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    wherevr da action @
    Liga de Quito
    Pervis… without him at 100% (last seen vs uruguay) this team IS horrifically flat.

    the defense looked organized even with ahincapie back there but no había manera de habrír la cancha. We had no answers to move the ball up the field in the final third. Galindes looked great at least lol

    Argentina has so much chemistry, wow they can lob the ball from defense and two flick passes later they are in front of goal. That world champ title is very well deserved.

    we play my second country Honduras next and it should be a win. No excuses.

    Venezuela Ecuador will set the tone for our campaign. I don’t see us going through if we can only tie them.

    Colombia Uruguay Argentina and Brazil are very much a good 2 notches above any other team in this tournament.
  5. Allan_Somewhere

    Aug 6, 2016
    AC Milan
    Can we get Alfaro back??

    I cant stand how we play now
  6. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    All my Argentinian friends ask why we didn't continue with Alfaro. But rember he closed himself off to negotiation both pre WC and immediately after getting eliminated then set unrealistic conditions for us to meet to get him to continue. What was it 4mil salary that he wanted for his renovation.

    Alfaro left an established team. Anyone else would of had us playing at the next level. FBS was just such a bad signing. Like the Portugués coach for Colombia or the Swiss Coach for MX. All we needed was a coach knowledgeable of South American football. Knowledge of Ecuadorian football would have been a plus. But this guy has absolutely no ideas.
  7. cabezamagica

    cabezamagica Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Terrible game,this coach has no clue.:eek:.
  8. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    what a terrible twit.
  9. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    I hate this nationalistic tweets and posts from former players- it's so ignorant.

    Upon nationalization, it's unfair to call Galindez an extranjero- he's Ecuadorian. That dude sings our national anthem louder than some of our own "homegrown" talents.

    Why doesn't he call out Alan Franco for lost balls or Preciado for not being sharp today. Hell, why doesn't he call out the FEF and FSB for clearly lacking vision.

    Who else on the team has the mind to captain the club? They're all geeking on social media 24/7 and have zero personality on the pitch. Except Enner or Dominguez who are seasoned old guard players who've battled in the trenches?

    Make Kendry captain to make Toño happy- for once, I'm legitimately disappointed by him and his outlooks. Is he running for office as a nationalistic populist, or what?
    GPisco and Primitive Ways repped this.
  10. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I hope there’s a CA clause for Bas.
  11. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    I hope so too, but what's the precedent? Maybe only Bolillo Gomez?
  12. Allan_Somewhere

    Aug 6, 2016
    AC Milan
    Looking at it now, 4 million was worth it for Alfaro instead of the guy we have now.

    Also our retired players need to stop being bitter and support the youth. Their fear of becoming irrelevant will become true if they keep being annoying.
  13. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Most recent was Bolillo. Vizuete? It’s been so long, I don’t recall.
  14. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Chango doesn’t hold back. This is making rounds again.
  15. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    Chango says some wild ish from time to time, but in certain cases his direct statements, while emotional, are rooted in deep truths.
  16. Allan_Somewhere

    Aug 6, 2016
    AC Milan
    The people's champ lmao
    Primitive Ways, LDU4ever and GPisco repped this.
  17. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    Carlos Tenorio, Jefferson Montero, Antonio Valencia, and Edison Mendez are all here crying- and to some extent Alex Aguinaga but with a less sharp undertone.

    Despite their great contributions to the advancement of the NT and the many joys they brought us throughout the years, I can also recall many frustrations, and in some cases legit indignation for how they performed on and off the field.

    While their positions are revered by seniority and their professional track record, I'm always reminded that none of these men ever did jack sh!t in the Copa America and with the exception of Toño's debut in the WC (alongside Carlos Tenorio), Ecuador hasn't really amounted to much in terms of competitive output at the senior level. Hence why we always say "jugamos como nunca, y perdemos como siempre".

    Not to mention Piso 17, fighting over prize money, trincas in the call-ups, sabotaging games, red cards in accountable matches, etc. All these dudes are out here are throwing stones in a glass house forgetting that each of those storied careers has a big asterisk next to each one of their names- zero silverware for the NT.

    It's this small minded mentality that impedes Ecuador from succeeding- they're all like freaking crabs in a bucket.
  18. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I’ll be tuning in ECDF tonight to see what Frisckson and Bam bam have to say.

    Somebody tell Montero to shut the hell up. He didn’t do s*it either in his career.
    LDU4ever repped this.
  19. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I also want to say that what’s up with Ecua teams wanting to adopt Spanish style of play? tiki taka is outdated and Spanish coaches don’t know how to adapt to the realities of Ecua fútbol. Alcacer, Rescalvo and perhaps adding Bas after CA is said and done.
  20. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    How do you watch the stream in the US?
  21. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    YouTube. They stream everything for free except for the games.
    LDU4ever repped this.
  22. Primitive Ways

    Primitive Ways Member+

    Jan 30, 2009
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    I have completely lost respect for all those comments coming from Mendez, Valencia, Montero, Salas.

    What they’re trying to do is destabilize our squad in the midst of a competition. Probably scared to be left in the dust if these kids do something important.
  23. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:

    Siguen con la trinca y maña de antes.

    It's soooooo bad, dude. So unbecoming. What a way for these guys to tarnish legacies.

    And that's considering some of these guys have already been caught red handed for engaging in nonsense.
  24. GPisco

    GPisco Member

    Jul 22, 2014
    Toronto, On
    Barcelona Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    1800592301753762066 is not a valid tweet id

    Not sure about the validity of this but what do y’all think.
  25. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    The Ecuadorian media venden mucho humo so you never know. If true tho I’m going to be honest I hope Ecuador gets eliminated in the group stage. FSB was a terrible hire and I don’t like the outlook of the NT with him at the helm.

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