I was going to post this earlier, but my attention got distracted by the Zurwaski situation and my poor little brain doesn't handle two way information very well. Thursday, I was driving back from taking my girlfriend to work, when I got behind this Honda CRV with Virginia plates. Look up at the back glass and then... OMFG, WTF?? DC United bumper stickers. In Findlay, Ohio? It took all of my strength and self control to keep me from my Crewly duty of burying the front end of my Jimmy into the rear end of his CRV. I was going to try to pass the guy and start waving my big foam Crew finger at him, but never got the chance before I had to turn off. And yes... I keep my big foam Crew finger in my Jimmy for just such emergencies.
I hereby officially chastise you for not putting the pretentious scum that had invaded our holy soil into the ditch and then blaming it on black and gold ice, if you decided to stop at all. The shame you have brought upon your fellow Crew fans and your family shall be felt for generations. If the council so deems, you will be forced to slit your belly. Expect a ruling in 60-90 days.
Repped. On the subject of non-Crew fans living in Ohio, a while ago, there was a BS user (maybe a moderator?) attending school at Ohio University and cheering on the MetroFilth. Of course, we have had non-Ohio fans living in Sweden (then England, then California), as well as Virginia, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, Japan, U.S. Naval watercraft, and that's just the start.
Update on this: I've noticed the guy drving around town a couple of times here in the last couple of days. Finally, yesterday, I pulled into a local Speedway and he was there as well. So I went over and struck up a conversation with him. To make a long story short, he's a pretty affable guy, who hasn't made a match since he and his wife moved to Findlay, since his wife doesn't feel like driving to Cbus for a match. Said he's more of a baseball fan (was wearing a Braves hat and had a Nats hat on his passenger seat), but still would like to see D.C. when they are down in Cbus if he could ever talk his wife into it. I gave him my number/email address with the offer of being his ride for the match, being the nice fella that I am. (Crap, I'm gonna get flamed for that).
I will no longer speak to you at tailgates or inside the stadium, Scott. This is just terrible. The proper course of action would have been, walk over to his car at the gas station, say "Hey, I see you support United, you piece of shit." Then while's he's stunned at your approach, you clean his clock and then say "Crew Cat say's hello, b*tch!"
not so much a driving story but, i was down here at OU eating with my friends at Wendys in my crew shirt when some idiot in a shitcago jersey flips me off through the window. I of course flip him off in kind to which he invites me outside for what i assume to be more than a friendly conversation. So me and my friends all get up and head out. As soon as we get through the door the math finally works itself out in his head that he can't take on three people and he takes off like a bat out of hell. Now since we never got to have that "talk" he so desperately wanted I couldn't be sure if he was from there or just a fanboy but either way i doesn't matter because it was all very funny.