Dream Result in Final [R]

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by Pegasus, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Pegasus

    Pegasus Member+

    Apr 20, 1999
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Since I had to personally watch two Burn drubbings in KC on roadtrips and listen to some obnoxious fans, I have been pulling for DC this week. Misgivings of pulling for DC were there because of the "Stupid and Hated" (Kovalenko). He solved the problem for me by singlehandedly letting KC back in the game by sticking his hand out on the goal line and deservedly giving KC a penalty and himself a trip to the showers. DC hung in by their fingernails down a man, won 3-2, and I'll bet a lot of DC fans now know what an idiot he is. Was also fun to watch KC have to play offense while behind as their main threat is a counterattack when ahead.
  2. ihearttheburn

    ihearttheburn New Member

    Jul 26, 2004
    Denton/Plano, Texas
    I jumped for joy when Kovalenko got the red. It was even sweeter when Josh Wolff netted the PK. I was jumping around my house as I imagine ROB was too. LOL...

    I was hoping for a KC victory, but they deserved to lose after sitting back after that first goal. I think all Dallas fans know how it feels to score the first goal only to have the other team come up on you and ruin it all, but KC did something very Dallas-esque and just shut down after scoring that first goal. They felt comfortable with a 1-0 lead, and just like that they lost the game.
  3. SoftTackle

    SoftTackle Member

    Jan 16, 2004
    Missoula, MT
    FC Bayern München
    The ends justify the means with the DiCks United crowd.* They still won so they won't care that he mixed in dumbassery with cheating.

    Although you have to hand it to him for challenging for the ARod Trophy - dramatically acting like you were wronged by a decision despite all evidence to the contrary while on a big stage.

    *The exception is the kind United fan who mailed me his Burn voucher. ;)
  4. Kevin Lindstrom

    Oct 28, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It certainly was the right result - what in the h-e-double hockey stick was KC thinking for the last 20 minutes or so? "Hey, we won the Hunt trophy, so its cool"?!?!?!?!!?

    Moreno is a good player, and Esky has grown into MLS pretty well.

    And, unfortunately to all City fans, I'm sorry - but it would be agaisnt all Karma for Bo O to net a championship in MLS.

    But yes, seeing Dema walk of like a little b was sweet. Too bad he still gets a ring.
  5. Native Aztexan

    Jan 27, 2002
    Austin, Texas
    Austin Aztex
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I was disappointed that D.C. won the cup.........again...........for the 4th time. (cue the Freddy Adu hype...........again). :( So congrats to them as well as KC, but it was a fair result.

    However on the bright, Dema getting the red card was Poetic Justice. :D Couldn't be more fitting for him to become the 1st MLS player to be sent off in the MLS Cup Final.
  6. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I hate DC, I hate the fact that they won. I hate the fact that we gotta listen to their fans gloat until April.

    That being said, KC sucked. DC deserved to win (its hard for me to say that) and Kovalenko did get sent off so all is well.

    Now comes the longest waiting period ever, the time between today and when I first get to step into ULHOWA.
  7. justscore

    justscore Member

    May 31, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We were watching the game outside from the hotub when the Dema Devil got the hand ball call. Mini Travis Inferno dude came to the window jumping up and down holding his red card cheering!!!! It was too funny. He was really into the game and was really upset that KC lost. Come on 2005 :cool:
    PS.....Dema sux still!!!! :p
  8. Mrs.TexasArsenal

    Mrs.TexasArsenal New Member

    Aug 24, 2004
    Frisco, TX
    Oh really, when do we get an invite ;)

    Pretty exciting game.. I wanted KC to win. Great to see my boy Josh put in the Pk. KC didn't want it bad enough the last 20 mins. GREAT to see DEMA off. We were all so happy and cheering.

    Come on FCD 2005! We are ready.
  9. boomersooner027

    May 13, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    im so glad for this to be over because now every day that passes is a day closer to the season starting, and no other teams will be playing
  10. Kevin Lindstrom

    Oct 28, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wonder if there was any action on those odds in Vegas? I'd have put Dema as a 2-1 favorite on that.
  11. ArsenalTexan3

    ArsenalTexan3 Member

    Sep 24, 2002
    Arsenal FC
    What if he doesn't have any fingers to put it on? :D

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