I am worried about situation of our future team. I know that in the last months there have been important steps to realize our aim to bring the NYCFC in MLS : creation of the BOROUGH BOYS ( compliments to Paul and Nick also for the site and the blog of the group ), NYCFC site ( compliments to Kubah also for the petition ) and other initiatives. We have great enthusiasm ( to see also the number of threads on bigsoccer in the New York City section ), but I often read that the favourite for 17th and 18th teams are St Louis and Miami !!! My hope is to see the NYCFC in MLS in 2010, but what is the real situation ? Is it right to say that at best we will have our team in MLS in 2010 and if the worst comes to the worst we have the NYCFC in MLS in 2011 ? Or exists also the possibility that our team will be in MLS even after 2011 ?
Miami is not ahead of NYC. From what I hear they are planning to put a stadium where the Orange Bowl is, but I have no idea if that is true. I don't even know if they have a potenetial owner yet, while Wilpon has been confirmed as ours. As for St. Louis, they have a stadium plan ready and in place but no solid ownership group so it all depends on them getting a solid group with deep pockets toghether.
Wilpon hasn't been confirmed as anything other than a person interested in potentially owning a NYC team. Sure, he's the odds-on favorite, but that means relatively little right now. It's certainly nothing to bank on.
I said potential owner. Trust me, in no way do I feel that there is anything concrete. I just was trying to say that if Wilpon puts an offer foward to the league, he would most likely be the favorite to egt the next expansion spot over St. Louis and Miami.
being non bias - its going to be tough - honestly - although i feel that they failed once they should not go to Miami - if they get approval for a stadium in the orange bowl site - ive been to the OB - around it has a large lating community that would embrace that team as their own - St. Lous - with an owner would most likely be a shoe in. NYC2 is not a definite by far but i just feel knowing how the league wants it that if WILPON says - hey - lets do it they will do it! Remember that the Mets are wilpons baby though. Even if he is sitting there saying - yep - im going to replace shea with a SSS - he has to do so in a way that owuld not upset his mets fans. Ya know. You cant celebrate the last season of a stadium with a construction crew outside ready to rip it up!
Well it seems that many of the Mets fans that I have spoken to on that forum seem happy at the fact that Shea might be saved in some way.
I am just checking my keyboard seeing if it works. it started typing chinese lol. 色哦look阿特this吃呢色stuff。 Iguess没有我让对手translateinto吃呢色lol
ha ha - he would come in a second - he lives in Napoli - he is the Italy Chapter of the Borough Boys PS napoli - our shop ships internationally
I didn't realize, he really is in Napoli. Well then he's excused for the march meeting, but for april there's no excuse.