I heard on MLSnet videos that the Philly group is down to two names for the team, one is the Philadelphia Athletics, this name has history in the city for it's baseball team from many years ago and Philadelphia Independence, this one for obvious reason. I think we have a winner here, they are both great names, hope a great logo will come with it. Also there was a chance of them getting the KC wizzards to move to Philly but are happier getting they're own team and starting fresh...It looks like it's pretty much official that they will get a team, great for the north east region.
i think Philadelphia Liberty is better than independence (Liberty bell) but theres the k.c. wizards and the washingston wizards (nba)
concept names suck in general. Philadelphia Athletic is classy, has american history and traditional euro flair. though www.philadelphiaindependencefc.com is registered to MLS god isn't that a long name? Which video is this?
Feel free to continue in the Expansion forum - that's what it's there for! Lots of good topics hiding out there, in fact.
Philly Thread Moved/Why my friends won't watch MLS My reply to Jade and dude who didn't like singular names...could change the thread title here to Why my friends will watch every sport (men's tennis, etc) except MLS, they watch soccer, but not MLS....anyways, here is what i said... Since 2000 in the expansion forums when everyone used to put "their" own version of MLS 5-10 years down the line I always named the Philly team Philadelphia Independence. So obviously I think that is a great name. For whoever doesn't like singular names, neither do I, but with Independence its different, its not like Miami Shark or Detroit Wolf (as opposed to Miami Sharks, Detroit Wolves, just random madeup names for purpose of my point)...hope I don't need to explain further since I didn't really explain anything there but maybe you can see what I'm saying... and Jade, why the hell do we need to have team names with "euro flair", whatever that is. Is that like our mexican flair we added with Chivas USA? regrettable. or by euro flair did you mean ReAl Salt Lake? thats ReAl classy. Personally I like Columbus Crew as a team name better than both of those and better than FC Dallas, since the FOOTBALL team in Dallas is the cowboys. Hell I'de rather they were still the Dallas Burn but all of my complaints about these team names is a different thread or tired arguement, is what it is, wouldn't say embarassing (at least not to me) but very difficult to talk MLS with average joe sports fans with these team names. My one friend who I "make" watch MLS all the time still can only remember two team names, Los Angeles Galaxy and DC United and still thinks when Chivas USA is playing that its NOT a MLS team. As for the rest of my fans, I say MLS and they laugh and say if they ever were to watch soccer it'd be teams from England (then they name basically the Big 4.) These are people that along with me, season tickets to Sonics, Mariners and Seahawks. Goto U. Washington for football and basketball games, watch boxing when its here, watch minor league hockey, travel to Arena Football games and have got some to goto Nascar races with me. Got them to a few Sounders games but now with the new Seattle MLS team, with basically 10 (including me) true and real sports fans I'm the only one getting season tickets, they said they would if it were a ReAl league, but claim that its a joke with joke teams like Chivas USA and ReAl Salt Lake and FC Dallas (meaning team names)...Seriously, thats the reason, not like here in Seattle we "need" them, but these are people that watch womens basketball FFS, and two years ago we went to the woman's fastpitch world series...but won't watch MLS because of ridiculous team names.
Re: Philly Thread Moved/Why my friends won't watch MLS Well I would say its just becuase they are not soccer fans. How do you not watch a league becuase you dont like the team names, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Chivas USA, why cant they have that name, the owner of the team is the Guadalajara owner so if thats the name he wants well that what it will be. FC Dallas, well they are the real "foot"ball team in Dallas, cuz I even as a Giants fan thinks that the sport us Americans call football should not be called football since you use your foot like 10% of the game. So if Dallas wants to call themselves FC well then I am all for it, its the way the rest of the world would do it, why do we have to be different. Im sorry but you are just another one of those American snobs, who thinks everything needs to be Americanized. Well you know what why dont you and your friends f**k off and go watch an American sport. This FOOTBALL is the worlds game, and the league is just trying to go along with the way every other league is going, so we dont get looked at as just another American sport.
Re: Philly Thread Moved/Why my friends won't watch MLS Philadelphia Independence is just terrible! How stupid is that? Just because Independence hall is in Philly doesn't mean you have to name your soccer team after it. Even the stupid 76ers name is kind of weird. I live here in Boston and have been saying for years that the Revolution need a new name. It's just silly and most people up here call the club the Revs. How are you going to cheer for your club Philly? In-de-pen-dence that's just as bad as Rev-o-lu-tion...dumb.
seat's taken! WPSL team - http://www.philadelphialiberty.com/ oh, and an actual link to said video on MLSnet would be fabulous.
my 2 cents..... Philadelphia Athletics??? why would you name a soccer team after a baseball team? what if you change it up a little bit....what about "A.C. Philadelphia" or "Philadelphia A.C." ->the A.C. standing for Athletic Club. Independence S.C. - anyone like that? or Independence F.C.? OR... why not just - Philadelphia S.C.
<shrug> No team announced yet and already down to two possible names? Seattle WITH a team announced, and no word on ANY name. </shrug>
I know I look official in the video, but you guys can't take my final two names as fact. The league spelled my first name wrong
http://web.mlsnet.com/media/player/...v&w_id=16111&catCode=events&type=v_free&_mp=1 By the way, that Ben Franklin guy has just been showing up at events, he isn't even a member of Sons of Ben
This is great. Bryan is official...officially famous! ...well, "Brian" is, I guess... Not bad, I've argued for that one before. Any name including "FC" as a part of it, in my view, would be an ill-informed decision in an NFL town like Philly. I now prefer Philadelphia Athletic SC, or to abbreviate, Phila ASC.
Indendepence? Liberty? Is this the WNBA??? Philadelphia Athletic - how freaking hard is that? If "Athletics" has a historical meaning to the city this should be a no-brainer.
I'd go with Philadelphia A.C. ... it retains roots with the Athletics name without being directly connected to an old baseball team ... the Indipendents could be their nickname.
Would someone please post a link of where MLS officially announces Philly as the next team. I checked their website and saw nothing. Thanks.
It's obviously not up yet. All the parameters have been met and Garber even references the Philadelphia stadium in today's Houston Chronicle when giving an example of a great stadium deal for the league. At this point, we are waiting for the announcement to be scheduled.