Because they believe abortion is murder. I mean, nobody got upset because Jeb! said he would kill baby Hitler if he had the chance.
Likely. @superdave : found one! This is interesting, though. An article on Salvi and conspiracy theories... Before his arrest Salvi met with a Catholic priest and demanded to distribute lurid photographs of aborted fetuses, charging that the Catholic Church was not doing enough to stop abortions. He confronted his parish on Christmas Eve 1994 for failing to live up to his interpretation of the Catholic faith and its obligations. He quoted the Biblical book of Revelation; and told his parents of wanting to confront Satan. Shortly after his arrest he released a handwritten note alleging conspiracies of freemasons, conspiracies to manipulate paper currency, and conspiracies against Catholics. He told the court he supported the welfare state, Catholic labor unions, and opposed abortion. He has talked about the Vatican printing its own currency and a specific conspiracy of the Ku Klux Klan, the Freemasons, and the Mob. Far from being unique, all of these ideas appear in right-wing Catholic, Protestant, and secular political publications available in the Boston area. And later in the article, the "Reconstructionists" make a cameo... In recent years, the most militant anti-abortion groups such as Operation Rescue have been influenced by the theology of Christian Reconstructionism, or dominion theology, which argues that true Christians must physically confront secular and sinful society and return it to God. Though predominantly composed of right-wing Protestants, a similar movement among doctrinaire Catholics has emerged. The trajectory of Philip Lawler from the editorship of the Boston Archdiocesian publication The Pilot, to the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights to Operation Rescue is one example of this drift toward militancy. In the spring of 1994, Salvi joined with 300 anti-abortion demonstrators outside the Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts where pamphlets were circulated that cited Operation Rescue as claiming that 18,000 abortions were performed annually at the facility. Both the theocratic right and nativist right have supporters and leaders that emerge from the Catholic right, and who have formed coalitions with the Protestant right and secular right over issues of morality and economic policy. Examples of leaders emerging from the Catholic right would be nativist Pat Buchanan, currently a presidential candidate running in the Republican primaries; and Paul Weyrich, a leading Catholic right figure with significant influence in the Republican Party. Weyrich's main base of operations is the Free Congress Foundation (FCF) in Washington, DC which he founded and still leads. Weyrich commissioned a FCF study titled "The Homosexual Agenda" written by Fr. Enrique Rueda, another Catholic right ideologue, that alleged a vast conspiracy of homosexuals to infiltrate government agencies. Rightwing Catholic activism, however, is a relatively small phenomenon. According to Catholics for Free Choice, "Only a tiny fraction of US Catholics-less than 200,000 people out of a diverse community of more than 50 million-have deliberately and consciously aligned themselves with Catholic organizations on the 'religious right.' And in conclusion... Certainly a person like John Salvi does not represent the mainstream of Catholicism, the anti-abortion movement, or the US political right, but he expresses the views of a durable subculture with conspiracist views that target scapegoats. Scapegoats can be injured or killed by persons-no matter what their mental state-who act out their conspiratorial beliefs in a zealous manner. The failure of political and religious leaders to take strong public stands against groups and individuals that demagogicly spread scapegoating conspiracist theories encourages this dangerous dynamic. Good point. It's important that good christian leaders denounce thise who commit acts of violence in their name.
Also, James "Atomic Dog" Kopp (the murderer of Dr. Barnett Slepian) was an extremist Catholic. It's important to note that vast majority of pro-life Catholics are peaceful. George Washington University released a pretty comprehensive report on nearly 1,000 known ISIS sympathizers in the US that are being investigated by authorities. About 250 of them have either traveled to Syria or tried to travel to Syria. About 80% of them are male and from a variety of backgrounds including cops and military. The reason I post this in the "domestic terrorist" thread is because the report finds that about 40% of them were not born/raised Muslim. For the most part they fall into it on the internet. This is exactly why racial profiling, religious based databases and anti refugee propaganda are not only 100% unAmerican but also completely ineffective.
The officer killed at the Planned Parenthood shooting was 44 years old. So let me put it in terms the pro-lifers can understand: Robert Lewis Dear aborted a police officer's life in the 176th trimester.
Seal the borders to these two terrorists breeding states!!!
Saletan is probably my favorite columnist, so he's always good for a re-read, but I already posted that. Post #5 in this thread.
I think I'm going to have to take this back. It seems that Protestants aren't overrepresented in this to any kind of statistically relevant* degree. *I used "relevant" rather than "significant" because the latter is a technical, mathematical term.
Colorado lawmaker say PP caused the violence the terrorist perpetrated, not her and her party's dangerous and ignorant rhetoric about PP - basically says the victims deserved what they got, don't look at her.
The former Mrs. Dear was interviewed and said although ex-hubby claimed to be an evangelical, he didn't follow the bible. Believed he would be "saved" so did whatever the hell he pleased. Again it illustrates the main difference between Catholics & evangelicals...very generally speaking of course. Catholics try, most not successfully, to lead a kinda virtuous life for fear of eternal hell & damnation. Evangelicals do what the f#ck they please in the here & now because Jay-sis has a Get Outta Hell Free card if you accept him after you've made a mess of your life and the lives of people around you.
So is Planned Parenthood to blame? Liberals to blame? Lack of 2nd Amendment freedom? All of hte above? Didn't the security guard have a gun, thus nullifying the "good guy with a gun" scenario the painted? Wasn't a cop killed ? Didn't he have a gun? Or are they arguing if someone had a bigger gun? Also, I have heard differing stories on PP selling baby parts. Is this true? And how come these videos can't be verified or found? Is this another ACORN video hoax?
No, that's not true. Irrational guilt comsumes them as well. How is this different in any meaningful way from confession?
I'm thinking that trying to connect this terrorism to religion is correlational not causal. FWIW - same thing with 'Islamic' terrorism, or Sikh terrorism, etc.
One requires an intermediary for a "get out of hell card" while the other allows you to print your own.
If I get to 500 lbs and then ask for bariatric bypass considered the same as if I eat too much during the holidays and then workout to lose the 20 lbs I gained? Not sure, just asking...
I'm not sure that's meaningful at all, song- Catholicism requires an intermediary for everything. That's one of its biggest problems- a Faith Club does not need a hierarchy, but they keep propping it up.
You're not working out- you're taking Prilosec. Repeated confessions of stuff you knew you were going to do beforehand, enjoyed doing and hope to do again soon as you get the money/time/friends together do again is bullshit from jump.
But I might.. I mean, from January first I'm working out so I can get back into my Freshman year pants... This year I'll do it for sure... OTOH, I'll just eat that KFC bucket, still 200 lbs away from bariatric.....
My mother-in-law went to high school with the unibomber. Evergreen Park High School, is a public school on the South Side. Not that that means anything, but there are multiple Catholic High Schools in the area, so his future was not shaped by Catholic education in any way. I think it is worthwhile to separate out those who claim that they are acting for God from those who simply were born into something. We could also determine how many terrorists were little league baseball players, but that wouldn't do much to address the problem.
Oh yeah, Ted Cruz sez this guy is a cross-gender transexual or some other nonsense which prolly makes him a lib-rul. See, when he got his drivers license, they accidentally ticked the wrong box for gender. Even though he had it corrected, the records are the records, and you know how much them Repugs trust the validity of any gub-mint agency.