What the hell is the legal limit in Spain? Where I live it is .08! A few years back in Galicia, my dad and I were pulled over by the policia, they seemed to be very strict about the blood alcohol level at the time.
I wondered that myself and looked it up. To convert it to the US measurement you need to divide by 10. So basically he blew a .035. I'm still in disbelief that Spain's limit is .025. A .35 = really liquored up.
Real Mad 1/29/2008 12:02 PM(report inappropriate content) http://www.digitalbreathc heck.co.uk/legal_limits.h tml .35 ml/l is equivalent to .07 US BAC that's what one poster said on the comments. not that bad really.
I personally respect players for how they perform on the pitch rather than their personal lives. However, when their personal lives interfere with their playing ability (players getting drunk, partying excessively) than the respect issue gets brought back up. I still respect him as a Barca player but he has been pretty stupid lately.
He's lost all respect from me. Regardless of how he well plays (or used to play) on a football field, if he drives drunk he is an asshole in my book. There is no way around it. I've seen too many people die or have life-changing injuries because of irresponsible people who drive drunk to cut him any slack. I agree with Lucho, he has the money to get a driver or at the very least call a cab.
Yea seriously though, why drive if you got soooo much cash? I'd have a driver drivnig me in a bently or something lol.