Who: Jersey Team Formerly Known As Metros When: Sunday ... Sunday ..... SUNDAY 7PM On What TV: NBC Sports, employer of the great Russ Thaler Radio: I have no idea Baby animal: Lots of folks going to Unpaid-for Park in Harrison NJ, even more should be watching on TV, some will be invisibly watching on crap pirated streaming sites - but we'll all be watching for a good old-fashioned beat-down of the Pink Cows
So listening to the players complimenting the traveling DC fans, will there be another full section for this match?
A podcast, I cannot remember which one, said something about 300 or so. A little less. It's a Sunday night.
Is that cow a cyborg? What the hell is going on with the hind legs? Or is it better if I don't know...?
That must be some valuable cow to have two prosthetic legs! Unfortunately, it isn't a Jersey cow - I would guess Angus from the coloration - but a crippled cow of any breed is a good metaphor for a team that calls itself Red Bulls. 1
Hey, give him a break, for a third grade education, he didn't do too badly. In 7 more years, when he reaches 5th grade, it will be all "your mom!"
I think he wants to let you know that he is wearing 37 items of red bull flair or somesuch... He's got brain drain from that cancer causing drink!
I searched for veal on the hoof, saw the pink lead on its head and pulled it up, that's when I saw the prosthetics and knew it was the right pic - was hoping someone would notice and be as curious/creeped-out by it as I was When we slaughter the metrobulls, it is perfectly acceptable to grind them up into patty form and serve them at the next tailgate, right?
What? And you thought McDonald's contained suspect, highly carcinogenic meat-like "food"stuffs? I think we should start an annual tradition of a bull roast prior to the games.
We’re Coming for YOU! That’s right, you preening Jersey boys in your fancy pants stadium – the Black & Red hordes are massing for another trek to make your grounds RFK North. If you haven’t yet signed up for the latest roadtrip to Red Bull Arena on Sunday, you are NOT out of luck – yet! Jimi, our roadtrips director has procured an additional 50 tickets so that there is no excuse not to jump on a bus or make your way there on your own. Just drop him a note at roadtrips@screaming-eagles.com More details, yada yada at http://screaming-eagles.com/2012/06/first-place-at-stake-dont-miss-it/