... while doing a "live" sideline report ... : He turned his head away from the camera to watch the action on the field! ya know?>>> as if the play on the field mattered?? This might sound trivial, but sincerely, in my opinion, when he did that he passed Rob Stone and several others in the pecking order of soccer broadcasters. I'm a Dallas fan and I hear a lot of broadcasters who talk about everything else except the soccer being played in front of them. so, if ya see Dave [I probably misspelled his last name] tell him I said 'good on ya'
Davy B. was great last season. He seems to actually enjoy the games, and isn't just putting in time til he can move on to the Chiefs. He stopped by the Cauldron tailgate for a beer at the end of last year.
Great? "How frustrating is ______?" -Dave B. Can we settle on his vast improvement over what would have to be best described as a "frustrating to listen all the 'frustratings'" beginning of the season? Yes, he can be listened to now without wanting to see just how far you might be able to stretch a resume.
Welcome to broadcasting. Show me an American soccer announcer that doesn't fall into easy patterns of repetition. They all do. O'Brien, Dellacamera, Balboa, Harkes, Rob Stone, Wheelock and on and on. I'll take someone who cares about the game and doesn't try to have his sideline reports overshadow it.
I agree. Dave's offerings at one time were repeated questions of frustration, often using the word numerous times in the same question. It was painful. He's improved. Good for everyone. Let's not compare him to Dellacamera just yet.
I want more play-by-play, less history, sociology, reminiscing, name-dropping, long-range plans, favorite restaurants, the take-away message I get from Rob Stone is, "sorry about the quality of the play of the match ESPN just brought you, hold your breath for 5 years, during which marvelous millionaires will do great things behind the scenes, and Ibrahimovic will be starting for Real Salt Lake, Fabregas for Seattle --- THEN and ONLY THEN will it be worth it to me to give you play-by-play." ------ tangential excursion ------ here's another aspect of soccer broadcasting where the "presentation of the sport" imho undercuts the sport: OK. If the play on the field is important and worthy of attention --- that's a big "if" --- then why do those electronic sideline ad-boards in the Spanish stadiums still zip around and activate and flash and race faster than a player can run? ... ... during play is what I'm complaining about. Wouldn't the broadcast be a lot better, and the advertisers still get plenty of "eyeballs" for their advertising buck, if the electronic ad-boards only changed and moved during stoppages? There's plenty of moments when the ball is out of bounds, before a free kick, after a goal, injury stoppage, etc btw the ad-boards' floating words and logos and images make a some people seasick. specially when they scroll up or down ---------- back to MLS broadcasters, I'm not talking about voice quality, impartiality, would you like to have a beer with this guy, soccer knowledge, or anything else, I'm just talking about conveying some sense of "Something Is really happening here, now" I'd give high marks to Jon Shrader ['Quakes], Dave Johnson [DCU], and even Shep Messing [MetroStars of New Jersey and also New York Bull]. {by no means am I an expert on this or have I even probably heard half of the broadcasters) your opinion here ______________________________________________
Shep Messing, huh. Messing has a unique delivery, no question, and he has interesting analysis; the only problem is he comes down on the wrong side of every call on the field. Ironically even on the infrequent occasions when he tries to be "impartial" by saying "yeah, that one could have been a foul on us" he is invariably dead wrong. It's uncanny. Maybe it's because he was a keeper.
Did I say otherwise? The guy infuriates me--he is literally the worst homer I have ever heard in any sport as a broadcaster. However when there's no opportunity for blatant homerism, he does at least do competent color analysis, which is more than can be said for virtually everyone else. But when the ref blows a whistle it's all out the window. The other thing that sticks in my gut was the time he belittled every member of the Wizards organization the day after firing Gansler: "They just fired the only guy in the entire organization who knew what in the hell he was doing." Remember that gem? Yeah, I'm with you, he needs to learn when to keep his f^&%$@ pie hole shut. I still think he should call Mark Naster and anyone else left over from the HSG organization and personally apologize.
i guess i could've put quotations around the 'wOOOOw' to better identify it as being what shep says, not what i was saying in response to your quote. i just figured it would be obvious to anyone who's had to listen to him. that's why i only quoted his name, not your entire post. there's no disagreement here. we both think he's a bagadouche.
C'mon, nobody is worse than the LA guy as far as seeing through tinted lenses. He wasn't the only one to have that opinion. There was some evidence that backs up what must have been his view, blunt as it was. All in that position are paid to give opinions. The only poor opinions are ineffuctual ones; ones you don't give a hoot about either way. If you don't like that, blame Howard Cosell and Rune Arledge. THE CASE FOR HOMERISM: It is irritating occasionally. Threre is a reason they are called "throw" pillows... Moreso probably in KC than anywhere else as the very least modicum of respect is given to all things KC normally by national broadcasters. Even on non-national airings KC usually got the short end as announcers were commonly from the other team being brodcast (as KC games were not televised otherwise) over the PPV, therefore the country as it were hears the non-KC perspective. That said, I like homerism on balance. This especially if I'm a neutral. Give me the call of the wildly jubilant honest reaction in the best moments. Give me the home guy who clearly suffers with the hearts of local fans. I love him. He's my brother. He understands the depth of my pain and the grandeous heights of my elation. Is there any other call that stands out this year any more than the CFB App. St. guys going ape-poop bonkers on the last play block at Michigan? C'mon, that's a great audio moment no matter who you are. I like listening to the Royals' guys on radio tell me the umpire is worthless. I don't care if our guys are wrong or whatever. I want that to some degree. Bleed blue and tell me why I should be bleeding too. I want to hear Ruiz is a diving hack, Suarez is a wussie, or that Eskandarian should be hung post-game on principle. It's colorful in measured amounts. I can see the replay and make my own judgement. Bias need not sway my eyes or mind. Plus, sometimes rising hatred can add to the "enjoyment" of a televised event. It's always nice to hear the homer home announcer be forced to call a winning KC road goal late. That's a sweet dessert that is less so without the homerism. I wouldn't want every announcer to be a blatant homer or over-the-top rah-rah. I look at it as enjoyment of the constant variety, just like I seek in several things. OK, I'm done.
Another reason to love Dave... he's now part of the Wizards office family. This guy is a stud. More power to ya Dave.
{R} Dave Borchardt did ANOTHER great thing: At the very end of the DirectKick broadcast, and I do mean the very end, after he interviewed Jake Jewsbury and, I dunno, Chase Myers ?, he says to the control room, "Well, that's all [the interviewees] we're gonna get, 'cause everybody's pissed" Tellin' it like it is!
I've noticed that if you watch enough mlslive you will get gems like that because in many cases you are seeing footage from the production trailer that would not be broadcast over the air. I've occasionally heard some casual profanity when mlslive still had the feed from the booth while the TV broadcast was on commercials, or before the game or after it was over.
Yep before the game tonight we got Lalas telling somebody something and then saying something like I'm not yelling I'm just stating the facts. If you can stand the announcers enough to have the volume on mlslive has some interesting comments that aren't meant for broadcast.
Wohoo... a broadcaster thread! Not sure who it is, I think dellacamera maybe, that does the ESPN broadcast analysis, but somone please help me with this before I go insane. The name Gallardo, as in the player from DC. Is it pronounced Guy Yard O (double l is rolled in spanish, right?) or GUY ZHARD O? The ESPN guy is driving me nuts with the guyzhardo version. He says it differently every time and sounds like he wants to make babies with the player. So how the hell SHOULD it be pronounced? Anyhow, I feel better now that I have gotten that off my chest.
Thank you, that is what I thought. Unfortunately, that means I get to keep yelling at my TV all season when that idiot tries to make it sexy and changes the pronunciation. I was kind of wishing it was Portugese or something and he was right so I would be the idiot. Oh well, just another reason to hate ESPN.
How about the guys on FSC who seem to think Schelotto starts with an "e"? Next time they show Columbus, listen to their pronunciation....drives me freakin nuts. Sounds like they are saying "ES-Schelotto".
MLS needs to smack some the announcers around a bit. Trying to market a "foreign" game full of foreign players is hard enough without them making the better plalyers names harder for casual fans to remember/pronounce on the off chance that they talk about the game at work the next day. That could be a fun thread to start, the "make this player name sexy like you are a color analyst" thread.
Last night at halftime, one of the broadcasters was nice enough to tell us he was going to the bathroom.