A roster for a youth team at the Argentine club lists him as a '95 "mediocampista" from Los Angeles. However, the search results page lists that roster as being published last season, and it's the only mention of his name on the site I could find. Consequently, not sure he's still there. Damián Paulette -26/12/1995; Los Ángeles (USA)http://www.sanlorenzo.com.ar/articulos/69/ Also haven't been able to find out much else about the guy.
Well, this might be saying that as of late May, he was with their sixth team. But I dunno. http://www.sanlorenzo.com.ar/articulos/1588/
And here's an interview with Damian (in Spanish, from 2010): http://cuervosdelmundo.blogspot.com/2010/05/de-california-boedo.html
On his status with San Lorenzo: “I have what they call a pre-contract,” Paulette explained about his status with the club. “I give my word that I won’t go to another club until I’m 18.”Says he has practiced with the 1st team. Has not been contacted by NT representatives but says he wants to play for the US. Article refers to him as a left back. http://www.topdrawersoccer.com/club-soccer-articles/us-players-thriving-in-south-america_aid28502
Currently he plays for our 5th Division as both left and right back, if you need any more information on any of our players I will be happy to provide it.
This Giovane Lobo kid sounds interesting: FCLA coach Beto Dos Santos, the uncle of Giovani and Jonathan Dos Santos, has connections with a number of clubs in Brazil. LAFC has taken teams down in the past to compete in tournaments. Lobo was one of the players that FCLA recommended when Sao Paulo called the club asking for any players worthy of getting a look at the historic club. Lobo flew down to Brazil last week to start his yearlong contract with the club. The club and Lobo’s parents agreed to that start date, so he could join at the start of the new school year. The youngster has dual citizenship (Brazil and U.S.). Shanley said that Lobo has been in U.S. marketing training centers, but yet to receive a call-up to the youth national team.
OWTY :: 'El Yankee' thriving in Argentina :: http://owhentheyanks.com/2013/10/30/el-yankee-thriving-in-argentina/
Hi Guys, Damian Paulette is my nephew and is currently looking for an opportunity to return to the states and play soccer. Any help with tryouts is much appreciated. Please contact me at appletecky@gmail.com or 323-630-3037. Thanks, Bryan
So, a '95 YA with experience in San Lorenzo's youth teams would like to return to play in the US. What would be the right level for him to target? PDL/NPSL? College/JC? Maybe NAIA if amateur status is an issue?
I can't find mention of him on either the senior or youth team web sites of San Lorenzo. Anybody know his whereabouts? (Based on social media postings, he's still in Argentina, but I'm not sure he's still with the club...)