Tweet from the president of the CFL tiger cats after being at the TFC game on Wednesday... @the2ndyellow it's going to happen, just a matter of when and what league. Pro soccer will be great in Hamilton at Tim Hortons Field.— Scott Mitchell (@ticatmitchell) October 14, 2015
I had to google it. I apologize, i did not know Canada already had its own chain store of donuts. I didn't mean any disrespect with the Dunkin Donuts suggestion.
It's no different down here. Millions of people on the East coast can't survive 6 hours without their Dunkin'
Tim Horton's is what would happen if Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts had a love child. EDIT: Oops, quoted wrong person.
I have a friend from Iowa, who went to college on the East Coast, who I legit thought was going to have a stroke when they opened a location in Des Moines.
Since the stadium is called Tim Hortons Field ...we get to use the great Ricky Gervais line "the hint is in the name"
I'm hearing rumblings from all corners in Canadian soccer that the league is coming. When it will be announced and when it will start (probable 2017) has not been released. Although I would bet money it will be announced by the end of the year, either during WCQ or the Grey Cup.
you should remember (although I often forget) that they inappropriately do not use the apostrophe in their name....I write that off to Tim Horton having played most of his career with the equally inappropriately spelled Toronto Maple Leafs
This discussion is just proving that old Tim Hortons marketing slogan "Americans can't even spell doughnut"