Croatian Forum?

Discussion in 'Central & Eastern Europe' started by SS2006, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. SS2006

    SS2006 Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    London, Canada
    I couldnt find one for Croatia
    does this place (soviet union) also refer to Croatioan topics
  2. mutinywxgirl

    mutinywxgirl Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    St. Petersburg, FL
    There isn't a specific Croatian forum - you can post in the general one for all the Croatian fans. If there is enough interest, then there is a possibility of creating a subforum in the future.
  3. SS2006

    SS2006 Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    London, Canada
    are there any croatians here anyways?
    and wahts the link for teh general one
  4. Shurik

    Shurik New Member

    Nov 2, 1999
    Baltimore, MD
    Early on, when the EE forum was created, we noted two specific areas of interest: Poland and the former Soviet Union.
    If you can find ant least 4 or 5 people whose primary area of interest is Coratian and/or Ex-Yugoslavian football, I will create a sub-forum for you.
    Right now this seems like a topic for the general forum.
  5. aloisius

    aloisius Member

    Jul 5, 2003
    What is it that you wish to discus?
  6. crvena_zvezda

    crvena_zvezda Red Card

    Oct 21, 2004
    in Ur EyeS
    My primary area of interest is Serbia
  7. mutinywxgirl

    mutinywxgirl Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    St. Petersburg, FL
    You can count me in for the subforum of former Yugoslav areas.
  8. cro lion

    cro lion New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
    Dinamo - Varteks 1:0
    Kamen Ingrad - Hajduk 2:1
    Slaven Belupo - Inter 2:1
    Zadar - Rijeka 2:2
    Medimurje - Zagreb 0:1
    Osijek - Pula 1856 2:1

    1. Inter 27
    2. Hajduk 26
    3. Rijeka 26
    4.Varteks 25
    5. Dinamo 24
    6. Osijek 24
    7. Slaven Belupo 24
    8. Kamen Ingrad 23
    9. Zagreb 17
    10. Zadar 13
    11. Pula 1856 12
    12. Medimurje ]
  9. MetroFever

    MetroFever Member+

    Jun 3, 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    Since I'm the 4th person now expressing interest, can we please have the Croatia forum? :cool:

    I know you and Mutinywxgirl mean well, but I would strongly suggest that you do NOT have a "former-Yugoslavia" forum. It will simply degenerate into a forum for historical revionists to come on with their own political agendas rather than to seriously discuss soccer topics

    During WC matches and qualifiers, I have posted game summaries and really would have liked to have had a Croatia forum to post in instead of a general forum. Even to my surprise, non-Croats would join in with their own two cents.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
  10. budalabutt

    budalabutt Red Card

    Nov 4, 2004
    I am Croatian.

    Lets get a forum together for this great soccer nation.


    Steve M
  11. crvena_zvezda

    crvena_zvezda Red Card

    Oct 21, 2004
    in Ur EyeS
    Serbia or Former Yugoslavia Forum not only croatia :cool:
  12. pmannion

    pmannion Member
    Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2001
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Do any of you know the Croatian squad to play Ireland on Tuesday? I haven't seen it.
  13. tomvandamn

    tomvandamn New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
    new york
    Im another Croatian and give us a forum

    there is alot of croatian posters on
    im sure theyd register here if there was a croatian forum

    The lineup for the Croatians today will look like this


    Da silva will also get playing time in the second half
    He should stop forcing vranjes and he shouldve given ivan leko a shot instead of kranjcar but he knows alot of scouts will be at the game and niko gets the start

  14. MetroFever

    MetroFever Member+

    Jun 3, 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    I didn't see the game, but at least two shots got cleared at the goal line by Ireland's defense.

    I'm still pissed we gave up two late goals against Bugarska to salvage a tie, instead we'd be in the drivers seat for WC qualifying.
  15. cro lion

    cro lion New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
    We played ************ as usualy when we must play friendly ... ;)
    U didnt miss anything
  16. cro lion

    cro lion New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
    Rijeka - Dinamo 4:2
    Hajduk - Slaven Belupo 2:1
    Inter - Zadar 4.1
    Pula 1856 - Medimurje 2:1
    Varteks - Osijek 4:0
    Zagreb - Kamen Imgrad 1:0

    1. Inter 30
    2. Hajduk 29
    3. Rijeka 29
    4. Varteks 28
    5. Dinamo 24
    6. Osijek 24
    7. Slaven Belupo 24
    8. Kamen Ingrad 23
    9. Zagerb 20
    10. Pula1856 15
    11. Zadar 13
    12. Medimurje 9
  17. tomvandamn

    tomvandamn New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
    new york

    Bravo Hajduce
    Its great to see dinamo sinking the way it is with their abundance of talent
  18. cro lion

    cro lion New Member

    Oct 15, 2004
    Novi potresi u Dinamu - u subotu navečer bijesni su navijači presreli i pretukli napadača Darija Zahoru, a u nedjelju je trener Nenad Gračan podnio ostavku.

    "Nakon poraza u Rijeci cijelu noć sam razmišljao i zaključio sam da je u ovom trenutku najpametniji potez dati ostavku. Nadam se da će to proizvesti pozitivan šok kod igrača", rekao je Gračan, drugi Dinamov trener ove sezone koji je morao prije roka napustiti kormilo momčadi.

    Ostavka je stigla u vrlo nezgodnom trenutku, budući da 'modri' već u četvrtak igraju važnu utakmicu Lige UEFA-e protiv Benfice u Lisabonu. Treninge prve momčadi do daljnjega će voditi Gračanov pomoćnik Đuro Bago, a prema riječima glasnogovornika maksimirskog prvoligaša Ade Kožula, Uprava Dinama intenzivno traga za novim šefom stručnog stožera. Njegovo će ime biti poznato tijekom naredna dva ili tri dana.

    Nenad Gračan pronašao je elegantni izlazi iz užarenog 'modrog' okruženja, što se ne može reći za Darija Zahoru, na kojem su svoj bijes zbog loše igre iskalili navijači. Sada se i slobodno može reći da Zahora definitivno nema sreće s najvatrenijim kibicima zagrebačkog kluba. Nakon što je prije dva tjedna pobrao veliki pljesak zbog igre i pogodaka postignutih protiv belgijskog Beverena, u subotu navečer po povratku iz Rijeke osjetio je i drugu stranu tog odnosa, zaradivši već druge batine u samo tri mjeseca.

    'Što sam ja skrivio navijačima?' - sigurno se pita Dario Zahora

    Prvi je put navijački bijes u pravom licu vidio nakon poraza u Zaprešiću, kada je pretučen pred kućnim pragom. Drugi fizički napada doživio je, pak, po povratku 'modre' ekspedicije s poraznog gostovanja kod Riječana, i to samo nekoliko stotina metara od maksimirskog stadiona.

    Kako piše Jutarnji list, napadač Dinama je po iskrcaju iz autobusa sjeo u svoj BMW i odvezao se prema Kennedyjevom trgu. Dok je čekao zeleno svjetlo na semaforu, napala ga je, prepostavlja se, skupina navijača ili bolje rečeno huligana. Razularena masa prvo je otvorila vrata njegovog automobila, potom je uslijedio udarac nogom u glavu nakon kojeg je Zahora pao na suvozačko sjedalo. Serija udaraca na igračevo tijelo trajala je dvije-tri minute nakon čega su se hrabri napadači - razbježali. Ovaj incident potvrdili su za Jutarnji i neki neimenovani Zahorini suigrači, koji su dodali da im je sam napadač 'modrih' rekao kako 'nakon prvog udarca ništa nije vidio' te da je 'samo nastojao zaštititi glavu'.

    I zagrebačka policija potvrdila je da se napad na nogometaša Dinama dogodio, te da u tom incidentu Zahora nije ozlijeđen. Kako sam nogometaš incident nije prijavio, policija je tek u nedjelju s njim došla u kontakt, ali Dinamov napadač nije se žalio ni na kakve ozljede, a pregledao ga je i klupski liječnik, izvijestila je PU zagrebačka.

    Ipak, čini se da je Dario Zahora, koji se vjerojatno našao na krivom mjestu u krivo vrijeme, zaradio dobre batine...
  19. tomvandamn

    tomvandamn New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
    new york
    budale su ti bbb drogirane kukavice
  20. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Don't know if anyone is keeping track or no, but count me in as a vote for a Serbia forum. I'm a huge fan of Mateja Kezman, and love watching him play for his country as well. Thanks. :)
  21. yellowbismark

    yellowbismark Member+

    Nov 7, 2000
    San Diego, CA
    Club Tijuana
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think it would be great to see either an ex-Yugoslavia or Croatia forum. I don't know a whole lot about the soccer going on over there, so I would probably be more of a lurker though. But it would help me learn more though.

    And though I am a fan of SCG, I don't think there are enough of us to make a sub-forum. I do think there are enough Croatian fans on here to make a Croatia forum, though I would like to see an ex-YU countries forum too. :)

    Peace, y'all
  22. tomvandamn

    tomvandamn New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
    new york
    so what are we waiting for
    i can get 20-30 poster from for a CROATIA forum
  23. Shurik

    Shurik New Member

    Nov 2, 1999
    Baltimore, MD
    How about a compromise?
    Would you like something called a "Balkan Forum", where Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and even Albania can all be discussed?

    If there are no major controversies on this issue, I will place a request in the Moderators Board.
  24. budalabutt

    budalabutt Red Card

    Nov 4, 2004
    Well, I am not so sure about that. I mean we have been lumped together with these clowns for generations, sure would be nice to get our own enclave for once.


    Steve M

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