Croatia-Hungary bid

Discussion in 'Central & Eastern Europe' started by Vfbstuttgartfan, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    Croatia has accepted Hungary s offer to run for the right to host the European championships in 2012. This would be a great succes for both nations if they succeed(it ll be Hungary s third attempt this time, they finished runner-up to Austria/Switzerland last time around). However, they will face very tough competition from favorites Italy and Euro champions Greece. And Ukraine and Poland may also run. What do you guys think of their chances?
  2. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    I think there is more chance of Ronaldinho signing for Fradi ;)
  3. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    All i heard was "ronaldinho signing for fradi" :D .
  4. MiamiAce

    MiamiAce New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Miami, USA
    Eight Candidates Bid for Euro 2012

    I remember a while back making the suggestion that Hungary should bid with Croatia or Romania to host a major soccer tournament, and a couple of people in this forum were telling me that it would never happen because of supposed "differences". :rolleyes:

    I think this is a GREAT decision for Hungary to join with Croatia as both countries are very linked together in their history and culture. I hope they are awarded the rights to host the Euro 2012, it would provide much needed development expansion to both countries in the athletic, social, economic, and tourist arenas. If UEFA is smart, they would realize they have the ability to regenerate soccer passion in two eastern european countries, rather than choosing the usual suspects that give the good show, but don't broaden soccer roots. I seriously think they have a VERY good chance of winning the bid, the ones that worry me are Greece, considering they already built and proved themselves with the Olympics 2004 and their team recently won the Euro.

    Go Magyarorszag!

  5. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    are you kidding?

    To host games of the nature we will need stadiums of around 40,000.
    the only one nearly capable of it is the Puskás Ferenc stadion.

    and thats falling apart!

    we will need to build like 5 brand new stadiums.

    The most attendance Hungarian teams get is around 20,000 for Újpest Vs Fradi games. After the event when will the stadiums get used? Never!
    I mean MTK are lucky to get 300 at a game.
    Where will the money come from? Shall we close some Hospitals?
    put tax on Hungarian air? :)

    and It will be millions spent when the money could be spent a lot better elsewhere.

    this is 3rd time we are going for it, they never learn.
  6. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    Haha, Azerbaidjan running makes me laugh! Romania won t get it by themselves, Turkey has too poor security, Greece won t get it because of the olympics -the gap between the two is too small. i think it will be between us, Italy and Ukraine/Poland for the win.
  7. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    dont be so foolish!
    how can anyone belive Hungary have a chance?
  8. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    a) Cause its the third time they apply, and the more you apply the better chance you have
    b) Cause they have a very proud footballing history that everyone would like to see happen again
    c) the nation is getting more and more westernized, especially since joining the E.U.
    d) croatia is a top 10 team in Europe right now, which helps alot
    e) hungary finished second out of 7 or 8 candidates last time, and that was when they were applying by themselves.
  9. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    a) 3rd time they waste millions again.
    b) what that got to do with it? dont give us stadiums and facilitys to host such a circus.
    c) being in the EU hasnt changed anything, like I said does being in the EU give us five 40,000 seater stadiums and exellent facilitys to host such and event?
    d) again dont mean jack, Germsmany get beaten everytime they play they still get the world cup because they have the infrastructure to host an event like this.
    e) lol, I dont know that.... now post who they beat to finish 2nd.

    its seem you think Hungary should spend Millions of cash on stadiums that will only be used 3 times rather than area's where cash is needed.
  10. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    They will get millions back from the money they spend...
    a) simply running does not waste millions - if they don t win, they don t waste any money
    b) and c) helps in the politics of uefa, though it may not help financially, it does help in talking the people into giving us the event, which after all, is what this thread is about.
    d) Germany have qualified for basically every single tournament ever, and when they won they had just qualified for the European championship and had reached the quarterfinal in the WC, a better record than anyone they were running against - so it does help.
    e)They beat Croatia/Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece/Turkey, Denmark/Finland/Norway/Sweden, Russia, Scotland/Ireland.
  11. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    no, its got nothing to do with it.
    they have the infrastructure, thats it.

    like USA'94.
    they got it because they have the infrastructure.

    Hungary dont.
    do u really think that the 20 or so games can bring in enough revenue to build 5 new stadiums :D :D :D

    I can just see MTK Vs Vasas in a 40-000 brand new stadium with only a max of 600 people turning up :D
  12. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    thats cause by the time the euro championships are over, Vasas will be bankrupt :) .
  13. sanyi

    sanyi Member

    Aug 9, 2003
    every single magyar club will be bankrupt before the euro even starts.
    the only advantage I see in this euro hosting thing is the fact that our aranylábú boys will not have to carry the burden of those qualifying games which they would fail in anyways.
  14. Hrvat

    Hrvat New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Ofcourse Croatia and Hungary don't stand a chance. I'm really frustrated with the president of our football federation who claims we cannot lose. Yeah, right... I just wonder what will he say when someone else gets it.
  15. ilovas11

    ilovas11 New Member

    Feb 16, 2005
    Bentex ,edesem, a Puskas 69,000 nem 40,000!. Talan neked a 29,000 az semmi? De ertem hogy erted, kell tobb stadion! De kinek a zsebebol?

    Bentex,my sweetie, puskas stadium is 69,000 not 40,000. May be to you 29,000 is nothing? Tho understand how you say we need more stadiums, but from whos pocket?

    The Huns are dying with soccer.. ARGHHH , Bastard coaching,staff,players. The whole thing is a mess..which is killing its own fans!

    Hajra magyarok, Bulgaria ellen, MA!
  16. ilovas11

    ilovas11 New Member

    Feb 16, 2005
  17. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK

    maybe you should get your facts right before you post.
    maybe 69,000 a few decades ago.... but now, no more that 45,000.
  18. MiamiAce

    MiamiAce New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Miami, USA
    Why are you so pessimistic?

    Do you want people to believe that you are the prime example of how Hungarian pessimism continues to prevail even in the 21st century?

    The facts: Hungary placed a bid for Euro 2004 and they finished second (2nd) with the 2nd most votes. And guess what? They bidded ALONE. And now you come along and want to believe that FIFA will "laugh" at them now they they have Croatia in the mix? I think you're the one we should be laughing at!

    You keep bringing up this notion of what will the stadiums be used for after if they host the Euro 2008... would you like to ask that same question for Portugal's stadiums now that Euro 2004 is completed? Portugal built/improved ten new stadiums, Hungary will only need to worry about five, since Croatia will handle the other five (FIFA might change the rule to 8 stadiums in total, so could be four for each country instead). Portugal doesn't average more than 4,000 in attendance as a league. Yet, they still went through with it. If Portugal, as small as that country is, was willing and able to successfully host the Euro ALONE, and continue to find ways to finance the clubs, stadiums, and league, you mean to tell me that Hungary with Croatia can't do it? A stadium doesn't strictly imply that it will only be used for a specific professional sports team. Nowadays, stadiums are built primarily for a sport, (in this case: soccer), but stadiums largely also depend on music concerts, conventions, other sporting events, etc. This is why Portugal was willing to build, this is why Greece was willing to build for the Olympics, and this is why Hungary with Croatia must be willing to build.

    Hey buddy... Russian communism is no longer controlling your minds! Start living!
  19. ilovas11

    ilovas11 New Member

    Feb 16, 2005
    Amen to you MiamiACe!! bout croatia and Hungary euro 2008!
  20. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    its all in his name 'MiamiAce'

    I guess he's never even been to a football game in Hungary.
    it will be a great feeling for him to see all that money wasted when 300 people turn up to game in a 40,000 seater stadium.

    and pensioners have to make a choice wheather to eat or heat their homes.

    you guys really need a reality check.
  21. Hrvat

    Hrvat New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Well, my support is unquestionable but I really don't find this bid realistic. I think people still have a lot of prejduice towards eastern Europe, and I'm pretty sure that if Italy starts a serious campaign they cannot lose.
    Hungary and especially Croatia are not in a very good economic situation, but I'm sure that in the end the organisation would pay off, so people of Croatia and Hungary shouldn't be afraid that it would cost too much.

    God knows I hope we'll get it, but... I really don't see that happening.
  22. Hungaria

    Hungaria New Member

    Apr 12, 2004
    1. Someone who doesent even speak hungarian shouldnt make comments about the "hungarian mind".

    2. Your attitude of labelling people who doesent agree with your opinion as stupid is more an example of "communist mindset" then anything else.
  23. Bentex

    Bentex Member

    Dec 23, 2002
    Nottingham, UK
    here is pics from the big game on Saturday!

    Győr Vs Zte!!


    btw, the plans are already away to build a new stadium 4 these loyals fans :D
  24. Vfbstuttgartfan

    Aug 3, 2004
    VfB Stuttgart
    Well i think there are some good points in both sides arguments. What must be taken into consideration is that Hungary is no longer such a financial wreak as it used to be so it wouldn't be half as damaging as it is made out to be. Also, with the publicity surrounding the championships, more kids in Hungary would become football fans and more ex-fans would return to their beloved sport and that would somewhat solve the problem of empty stadiums, which is shown by the pic Bentex posted above.

    whatever, we won't win anyway, though i personally support the campaign.

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