Cristiano Ronaldo ~ Your Favorite Player Is So Much Better!! Thread

Discussion in 'The Beautiful Game' started by EdgarAllanPoet, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. EdgarAllanPoet

    EdgarAllanPoet Member+

    May 1, 2011
    #1 EdgarAllanPoet, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    I have argued with many here who feel Ronaldo is only a good player not worthy of legendary status. We hear the ridiculous misnomers like "he scores 15 penalties a year" to "he chokes in big games." It is also said "most of his goals are tap-ins" and "he only scores goals and doesn't assist"

    Ronaldo is worthy of being compared to any player in history and is among the greatest to ever grace the game.

    Career Statistics:

    578 games 388 goals 115 assists

    games 50 goals 11 assists

    Ronaldo is one of the most versatile goal scorers in history. Here is a breakdown


    Outside the box: 33 ~ 7 left foot
    (open play^)

    Free Kicks:

    Weak foot:



    Champion's League:

    Domestic League titles:

    League Cup: 5

    Supercups/UEFA: 3

    F.A. Cup: 1

    Club World Cup: 1


    Golden Boot:

    Champion's League top scorer: 3

    Premier and Liga top scorer: 3


    Euro finalist ~ '04
    World Cup semi-finalist ~ '06
    Euro semi-finalist ~ '12
    Best XI ~ '04/'12
    Top Scorer ~ '12

    Appearances ~ Goals: (club)

    Finals: 9 games 8 goals

    Semi - Finals: 20 games 10 goals

    Quarter - Finals: 22 games 15 goals

    *sources: ESPNFC, Real Madrid, Soccerway,, Wiki,

    Ronaldo began his career as a speedy winger slashing through defenses with quickness and cunning. He played much deeper on the wings and orchestrated attacks. Most plays had his influence all over them. He would dribble at defenders relentlessly challenging them 3 and 4 at a time. He terrorized full-backs with his unpredictability.

    Today he is a master goal scorer and more of a part-time creator. Though he can execute that final pass with the greatest playmakers in the game. He sacrificed some quickness for strength but still possesses an unmatched top speed.

    How many players have reinvented themselves becoming the best player in the world at two positions?

    His off the ball movement is genius, he has the best long range shot by a wide margin, unique free kick techniques and in the air he is rivaled by no one. He is so effective with his weaker foot at times he appears to be naturally left footed.

    This man is the embodiment of a legend. His achievements will live in record books for decades to come.
  2. La-Máquina

    La-Máquina BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 5, 2013
    Juventus FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Gregoire1 repped this.
  3. JamesBH11

    JamesBH11 Member+

    Sep 17, 2004
    Agree CR7 is indeed a legend (even now) and will be rank in TOP50 soon by many

    However ... compared to "any" players is a bit exaggerated ... ( I would rephrase CR7 is so comparable to "any TOP25 players" -
    Loco repped this.
  4. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
  5. Al Gabiru

    Al Gabiru Member

    Jan 28, 2020
    CR7 is one of top 10 of all time. Which place between 4-10 is a matter of personal taste. Great carrer!

    Top 3 is out of his reach, CR7 lacks better performances in World Cups. Zero goals in five knockout stages hurt his legacy compared to Pele or Messi
    Gregoire1 repped this.
  6. victorcalello38

    Feb 28, 2017
    Montevideo Wanderers FC
    As Al Gabiru said the top 3 is out of Cristiano Ronaldo's reach. He can fight for fourth place with Johan Cruyff, Franz Beckenbauer, Alfredo Di Stefano and Ferenc Puskas. Which is no small thing of course.

    But to say that he is better than Lionel Messi, Pelé or Diego Maradona is nonsense. Especially the first 2.
    Gregoire1 repped this.
  7. Gregoire1

    Gregoire1 Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    top-6-7 ever at max. Peak is top-15 at max.
  8. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    The big Question here is how justified is the Excuse that CR7 is playing for Portugal ??to not have a SINGLE Elite International campaign
  9. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    This is your opinion, many feel, myself included that the Champion's League is superior and many others feel the Euro is a more competitive and difficult tournament than the World Cup. This includes winners of both like Zidane and Xavi for example. The Euro lacks the fodder that the World Cup boasts.

    All the best players are playing against one another in Europe every year, this isn't the 50's and 60's where the best players rarely ever played against one another and the World Cup brought them all together. If a player is not already playing in a major European league for a top team in the Champion's League every year then we already know everything we need to know about that player. The World Cup isn't going to teach us anything. Unless it is a youngster with a breakout performance.

    It used to pit all the South American and European powerhouses against one another displaying the highest level of football in a single tournament. Where you could see Pele and Eusebio in the same competition. There are no more Peles and Garrinchas or Zicos playing in South America and we see them perform against the Europeans finally. There are no more Platini's missing out on the Champion's League playing for a small club so we wait to see him in the World Cup. The greatest players face off every year. The World Cup is a tournament where the skill is dumbed down and conservative approaches stifle the flow and creativity of the greatest players. The chemistry is severely lacking and games are usually boring.

    I don't give a shit how many World Cup goals anyone scores. Its an antiquated tournament that has been surpassed by the Champions League format. You need to argue this with like minded sheep that praise teams playing in arbitrary destinations with teams consisting of players based on where they were born.

    I do not lend weight to a 3-7 game tournament every 4 years comprised of some teams consisting of players that lack any significant time playing together and others who have invaluable years playing together at their club. The hundreds of games between tournaments is undeniably more representative of a player's skill, consistency, longevity, technique, versatility, mentality, leadership and of course any weaknesses in those areas. 200/250 games vs 7 (max)

    The Champion's League is the pinnacle of the sport and consistently produces the highest quality play annually. The World Cup is a relic and the whole premise of using it to judge a players greatness is asinine.

    How about you select one month every 4th year to watch Boca play disregarding the previous four years and judge the players careers based on those games?

    Thomas Muller and James Rodriguez proves why the World Cup is worthless for measuring players. Muller's first 2 World Cups is more impressive than Pele. He has a better World Cup career than Maradona. James shined for 4 or 5 games which any player can do and was the rightful Golden Ball winner. He were a shell of that player for Madrid and before the World Cup he used to be sub at Monaco. He weren't tearing up the Champion's League and neither did Muller (who used to be 4th or 5th best player at Bayern). The greatest World Cup player at that time were just good in the Champion's League.
  10. victorcalello38

    Feb 28, 2017
    Montevideo Wanderers FC
    Beyond the discussions of who excelled in higher level competitions, in terms of skills Cristiano Ronaldo will always be 2 or 3 steps below Messi, Maradona or Pelé.

    In any case, I believe that the Champions League is the tournament with the highest level in the world and that its number 1 player has been Cristiano Ronaldo. That is why he is the fourth or fifth player in history, but it is not enough to be considered the goat. That's stupid. Because there are also the national leagues where I think Messi has been the best and the national team tournaments where the best have been Maradona and Pele. And as I said at the beginning, the Portuguese in terms of skills has never been the best. So making a summary it has no arguments to be considered the goat.
    Praasen and Gregoire1 repped this.
  11. Mavz

    Mavz Member

    Manchester United
    May 29, 2023
    So messi was out of the top 3 with no possibility of getting there before World Cup 2022 for you?

    Messi was not clearly better than ronaldo in the world cup until 2022 while playing in a much more solid team for the majority of his career.

    Ronaldo vs england/france was as good a world cup performance as any messi had before last year in the knockout stages, only thing he lacked was a goal.

    Ronaldo may not be in your top 1-3 or even 100 but it should definitely not be for the reasons you mentioned cause it just would not make any sense.
    Isaías Silva Serafim repped this.
  12. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    watch Messi´s copa 2011, 2015,16 & 21 and his 2010 and 14 WC and then compare it to Cristiano´s International Campaigns.
    Praasen and Gregoire1 repped this.
  13. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    And yes one single World Cup campaign can change a lot of things if u remove Maradonas 86 WC he would not even be a top 20 Player ever.
  14. Mavz

    Mavz Member

    Manchester United
    May 29, 2023
    What are you saying? I truly do not get your point at all. A poster made a ridiculous claim that ronaldo lacked better performances along with zero World Cup goals in knockout stages in comparison to messi who had a total of zero knockout goals before 2022 and no knockout performance to his name better than those of Ronaldo in 2006 World Cup and you ask for me to go watch the Copa?

    Messi 2014, which was his best tournament before last year was nothing special in the knockout round, didn't register a goal either so I don't see how that argument works.
    Isaías Silva Serafim repped this.
  15. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    the reality is 2022 WC happened and like i said a single World campaign can change a lot of things so It´s fine if someone had messi out of the top 3 before 2022 imo.
    Gregoire1 repped this.
  16. Mavz

    Mavz Member

    Manchester United
    May 29, 2023
    Many on here would have argued his case regardless and you know it...not until he scored a knockout goal in WC 2022 did that argument become prevalent.

    All of a sudden without a knockout goal you can't be rated amongst the best, yet go back to all lists of greatest players on this same forum before 2022 WC and messi with zero knockout goals, zero great performances in the knockout stages was hailed alongside those other names.
    Isaías Silva Serafim repped this.
  17. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    The point is: Before 2022 Messi was already a top 2 in history second only to Pelé. Even though he doesn't have any goals in the world cup knockout, just like Ronaldo. It wasn't the world cup that put him in that place. You Messiphiles are using that argument now just because now Messi has goals in world cup knockout. Now that's the most important thing to define a player's legacy.
  18. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    Tell me a skill that Cristiano's skillset lacks in relation to any of these legends? Speaking of "pure ability wise". I've asked this of dozens of posters on this forum and usually they just don't respond.
  19. Praasen

    Praasen Member

    Mohun bagan
    Jan 8, 2023
    Even before 2022 messi's world cup performance was easily better.he had 4 knockout assists compared to cristiano's nothing.cr7 has had all the skills yes but he hasn't been able to show them consistently enough to be compared with pele or messi
  20. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    it´s not about scoring a goal in a wc ko stage even terrible player´s like en neysri can score in a wc ko Stage. It´s about performing over 90 minutes and having a great overall world cup campaign and leading your team to a trophy
  21. Mavz

    Mavz Member

    Manchester United
    May 29, 2023
    Messi's only legitimate assist of any meaning in a world cup knockout match before last year was against Switzerland 2014. His first vs Mexico 2010 was a clear offside not given, still an assist though I know. His other two assists came when it was all said and done against France in 2018, with no impact on the game, a little too late.

    If that was the measure of messi's greatness in the World Cup knockout rounds that made him comparable to the greats even before 2022 then well...what can I say...
  22. carlito86

    carlito86 Member+

    Jan 11, 2016
    Real Madrid
    If that is the case then the World Cup is more overrated then I originally thought

    7 games can propel a top 50 all timer(?) to top 3 all time?

    If you believe that is even possible there is no point even trying to convince you about anything

    Either maradona without WC 86 was much greater then you give him credit for or the World Cup is extremely overrated
  23. LaPulga22

    LaPulga22 Member

    Messi FC
    Mar 10, 2023
    i don´t consider maradona top 3 he is at the lower end of top 10.

    I don´t make the rules There is general consensus in the Football Community that the World Cup is the Stage where Greatness is truly written and that it is by far the biggest stage in football History. I have seen a lot of People who didn´t even consider Messi and CR7 top 10 because they have no world cup like this guy right here.

  24. Praasen

    Praasen Member

    Mohun bagan
    Jan 8, 2023
    Couldn't disagree more with your baseless comment.even without an offside goal he had 3 perfectly legitimate assists over cristiano's null and void.i never rated messi higher than maradona before the 2022 world championship although so many peole all over the world did.and their logic is very much understandable.
  25. Praasen

    Praasen Member

    Mohun bagan
    Jan 8, 2023
    Even with ronaldo winning more ucl trophies,i consider messi a greater club player.just compare his career goal and assist numbers with that of rocket science this.

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