What does everybody think about the financial crisis in Futbol Chileano? They are threatening a strike on Monday and I think it actually may go through... Also, what's up with this stupid freeze on decention to the second division -- are they trying to make it even harder for the players to get paid or what??? Would be nice to get some halfway smart people in the ANFP rather than the idiots they have in there now...
please, explain the whole situation, because i don't know nothing about chilean futbol, but io want to know
No habra descenso por dos a~os ("descenso programado) porque asi la liga no sera tan competitiva, y los equipos van a estar obligados a "promover" sus respectivas inferiores, en vez de contratar jugadores y por eso endeudarse. Ademas en dos a~os aumentaran la competencia a 20 equipos. Basicamente, mas partidos mas plata. Carlos Soto, presidente del Sifup, dijo que falta apoyo de un par de clubes para una huelga. Ademas descenso en ingles, se dice "relegation" no decention, chicarica.
Simply put, most chilean clubs are close to bankruptcy, and although no relegation during two years won't help to enhance the level of competition in Chile, it will somewhat help to "clean" some debts, hopefully.
Relegation/Decention same thing... sorry wrong word... yea - the no relegation might help some clubs regain footing on their debts, but it screws over the players in the end. The clubs wouldn't be forced to load their teams with good players to do well on the season because they won't get knocked down to the second division if they come in last now, so they could let go of the big salary guys or even medium salary guys and use youth players who make $100 a month. Then, the real professionals are out of jobs and still struggling to get paid backwages owed to them from who knows when... It's a horrible idea and they players shouldn't have to suffer because these clubs are corrupt (Colo Colo for example) and/or don't know how to manage money. Plus, do you think the fans are going to want to go watch a game full of nobodies at a mediocre level of play? Most of these fans barely make enough money to feed their families and they won't spend their few dimes left to watch mediocre games with kids playing kickball... It just seems to me that the ANFP hasn't thought this through very well...
I think that everything ANFP did after Colo-Colo's bankrupcy was to try to avoid the big disaster that was to come. When all the problems with Colo-Colo's management came out to public light, nobody ever imagined that Catolica would end up in the same way (OK, they might not be doing as bad, but right now they are looking just as Colo-Colo at the end of last year). I seriously don't know if there's a way of this crisis with the same people running chilean soccer.
El jefe de la Unidad de Fiscalización de la Dirección del Trabajo, Pedro Leiva, sostuvo que la responsabilidad de la actual situación de endeudamiento que vive el fútbol nacional es de sus dirigentes. En entrevista con la Edición Matinal de 24 horas, Leiva planteó que "en rigor los trabajadores no son responsables de esta situación, porque ellos hicieron la manifestación de voluntad cuando denunciaron esta situación". En este sentido, dijo que la responsabilidad es por parte de la empresa y del empleador, y no de sus trabajadores, ya que ellos son los que tienen la facultad de administración del negocio. Recordó que ya desde los años noventa investigan la situación del fútbol, de la que tuvieron conocimiento por una serie de denuncias recibidas en el sindicato de futbolistas profesionales. En cuanto a la petición que hizo la Asociación Nacional del Fútbol Profesional (ANFP), de un "perdonazo" a la deuda del fútbol por parte del gobierno, Leiva indicó que los antecedentes fueron derivados a tribunales, porque esos dineros que se adeudan "ya han ingresado al patrimonio de los trabajadores y por lo tanto no es facultad de la administración del Estado disponer de ellos". Por su parte, el Presidente de la Universidad de Chile, René Orozco, negó toda responsabilidad que se asigna a los dirigentes. Al respecto, manifestó que hay una intencionalidad "de hacer parecer a los presidentes de clubes, que hemos sacrificado nuestra vida personal, como las peores personas", opinando que lo que se está haciendo con ellos es un maltrato para imponer un modelo mercantilista en el fútbol. "Nosotros no podemos seguir apareciendo como los responsables cuando hay leyes que son discordantes. Eso pone a cada persona en posición de ser demandada e ir a la cárcel como si fuera un delincuente", aseveró. Orozco se defendió de la situación que se ha producido con las deudas previsionales y dijo que ellos, como dirigentes del fútbol, jamás le han descontado a un trabajador su parte de imposiciones, porque según el decreto del año 80 éstas iban al INP. Explicó que en la ley de ChileDeportes no se deroga este decreto, por lo que según la interpretación de la dirigencia del fútbol, aún está vigente. Insistió que ellos son víctimas de leyes que no son claras y eso lo demuestra, según él, la serie de reuniones que se están haciendo para tratar este tema y el hecho de que en la proposición de Sociedades Anónimas haya un capítulo especial en lo laboral que demuestra que existe confusión sobre el tema.
a mi me parece que las medidas empeoraran la situación, ya que como no van a ser decendidos los equipos, el nivel empeorara, y si el nivel empeora, menos gente ira a los partidos, lo que conllevará a una crisis...
hehehehe, i did the same comment to myself 2 days ago.... i think that we will do a good work there... because its the first tournament and none of the other countries is putting a lot of effort...
Most Likely. We have some good players in Chile, granted very few, but enough to make some respectable teams (including a national team), but this mess is destroying the federation and the soccer in Chile. The only team worth anything in Chile right now is Catolica. About the national team, does the team even have a coach? Is Vaccia still in Charge?
I don't think Chile has a coach. I think only Argentina and Venezuela are the only S.American sides with perminant coaches.
Chilean soccer players go on strike SANTIAGO, Chile -- Chilean soccer players went on strike Tuesday to protest unpaid salaries and changes in tournament rules. The work stoppage could wipe out this weekend's national tournament. "We won't take any more lies and unfulfilled promises," said Carlos Soto, president of the professional soccer players' union. The coaches' federation said it would honor the strike. Chilean professional soccer has been affected for several years by a slump in the national economy, and even some of the most powerful clubs have fallen behind in paying wages and social-security contributions to players. The players also protested rules changes made by the Chilean Soccer Federation, including freezing the promotion of clubs from second to first division. Sergio Toloza, secretary of the soccer federation called the strike "absurd. We flatly reject it." The Chilean government is supporting the players and has offered to mediate between the two sides.
Sid, I just saw that article....on the front page of ESPN.com. That was a shock. The strike makes sense, the players have barely being payed in the past few months. They gotta eat.
That is true not many people would continue working if they were not getting paid. How do the people in Chile feel about the players demands? I see the goverment is behind the players.
I know we don't have a coach, and there are games being scheduled to play with Bolivia on September. In a beginning there were 2 games to be played. Now, the only game that is being considered is Bolivia coming to play to Chile 'cause there is no money to go to play to Bolivia.
I've seen they are total indiferent. I asked someone yesterday (a big soccer fan), "So how about soccer?" he replied, "Nah! a strike!" He just didn't care. I've seen how people are starting to care less about national soccer lately.
Hey Sid.... I thought the colombian league had already started? What do you mean they havent schedule anything? Are you referring to the Col. National Team? Who do you think will get the head coaching job in Colombia? Do you think it will be a Local or aforeign coach? Most of the South American countries dont have coaches.... Do you think this has to do with the economical problems some of the countries and/or federations are having... OR that the federations are actually taking thier time and planning things?
I meant national team games. I hope it will be a local coach. I am hoping it will either be Hernán Dario Gómez or Jaime de la Pava who was the coach at America de Cali. I think just like in Mexico people are planning who their next coach will be. Gómez has been linked with 3 S.American sides and one Central American team. Hopefully, now that the Colombina federation has elected a new president he will move foward with getting a coach in place.