You want proof the Crew is in trouble? Even Merz is getting sarcastic: Andrulis:"We know we have start with Chicago and take care of business." Merz:Instead of taking care of business recently, the Crew seems headed to Chapter 11. Then there's Greggie with this classic: Andrulis:"If we get three wins, I think we can get ourselves in." But Craig helpfully supplies the facts: Merz:The Crew has not won more than two in a row since Aug. 14, 2001 But here's my favorite; a stirring call to arms from our leader - reminds me of Al Pacino in the locker room: "We still have a pulse," Bring on those rotters from Chicago!!!!!! WE HAVE A PULSE!!!!! Please, Northend: I'll pay good beer to hear a rousing chorus of "WE'VE GOT A PULSE!!!! WE'VE GOT A PULSE!!!!"
{humor}Don't be stupid... I you are going to put a bullet in your skull at least have the decency to go on a killing spree first and let the cops take you down... I would suggest hiding in the bushes outside the Crew front office with a high powered rifle. Do the right thing... {/humor}
Common Zak, you don't own a guy... it so isn't your style. And pasting your brains on the wall would really ruin all the hard work you put into your hair. Think man, think!
Twellman OFS w/ a stress fracture. A little good news for once, although we still ain't getting into the playoffs
Considering they started playing well when Twellman went down originally and had players like Chris Brown scoring hat tricks I doubt this will affect our boys that much. We still don't score goals.
"We still have a pulse," Unfortunately, people in COMAS still have a pulse, too. Craig has been getting subtly more caustic for some weeks now. I'm sure it's getting hard to maintain a professional demeanor when you get such drivel in an interview - game after game.
Re: Re: CrewboyCraig: Talkin' Playoffs We're mentally flatlined now, just some guys playing with heart in a shippy situation.
"The Crew sits fifth in the Eastern Conference with 32 points." Why do they say this as if there are teams below us? Just say were in last place in the East. That's where we are, that's where we belong, that's where we'll stay. Hitting this team with padels charged to 480V DC wouldn't give them a pulse.