Edit what I have or create your own. I'll start: When the Saints Go Marching In We are the stars, of MLS We are the Galaxy oh yes, We're from LA, don't you forget! We are the Galaxy oh YES! America the Beautiful We are the stars of MLS We are the Galaxy. We're from LA don't you forget We ARE the Galaxy Oh GALAXY Oh Galaxy, Our hearts will be with thee We are the champs We'll always be We...are...the....Galaxy!!!!
L-A, L-A, you are best, You are the team that other teams like to detest. L-A, L-A, above the rest, You are the team that other teams like to detest Just lyrics this time: LA Galaxy, you're the best, You're the club other teams detest. You do things that can't be done, Make other teams give they're fans a refund ...
A variation to Galaxy the Beautiful: Oh Galaxy, they are the best, The best in MLS. They're from LA don't you forget They ARE the Galaxy Oh GALAXY Oh Galaxy, We'll always be with thee TheY are the champs They'll always be They...are...the....Galaxy!!!! Another variation: Oh who's the best, in MLS? They are the Galaxy, They're from LA don't you forget, They are the Galaxy, Oh Galaxy Oh Galaxy, We'll always be with thee, You are the champs, You'll always be You are the Galaxy!!!
The Galaxy Tis of Thee Oh LA Galaxy Our hearts belong to thee, They'll forever be, We follow you proudly, The champs you'll always be, In the Galaxy we'll trust always, We'll never leave. I'm on fire...lol
My friends and I might bust this one out at the CCL game against Metapan if we can get a big enough group. Who's in??