Close this thread. The link wont work on this forum for some reason. I posted this on 2 other forums and there was no problem.
Are you referring to this one: You need an account here:
pls tell me how do you download the file after signing up - what exactly is a torrent ? and how do you use the damn site ?
Go to, dl and install. DL BitTornado and install. Now you can download the torrents. The speed depends on the number of people seeding the file. Check the video out, it's fantastic
That site shares files which let you download videos, which you need to download completely before you can see them (it isn't a stream) using a program like BitTornado or Azureus. It's pretty much been explained HERE at the bottom of the page.
You can't (as far as I know) watch streams with torrent, think of it like a program like Kazaa or WinMX (or Napster if you want to go way back in time ), only you need to download a little file from a site first before you can download a video/music/aplliance file. You don't download (live) streams from those programs either, only completed files. Like I said on the other thread, I mainly use bittorrent to download my files now. Once again using it "right now", you can never have enough concerts on your hard disk. Everybody should have bittorrent in their house. It has replaced the dog as man's best friend.