We've had fun with some other threads like this. I saw this article, and thought, you know, there are aLOT of these. Let's collect them in one place and laugh at politicians. Contraception Mandate is Like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/...raception-911-pearl-harbor.php?ref=fpnewsfeed I don't think this was a money blurt. I think this was insanity. But maybe you can convince me otherwise.
Remember the early days when the Tea Party was portrayed by the media as everyday Americans who had lost their patience? We later learned that the Party was for everyday Americans who had lost their minds ... the Tea Party has been a gold mine for crazies. Here's Allen West channeling Joe McCarthy - http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/n...ears-cheers-jeers-at-town-hall-meeting/nN24X/
One of my favorite political analogies -- while not so crazy -- was Colin Powell's gem as quoted by Bob Woodward, warning President Bush that invading Iraq would produce a “Pottery Barn rule -- you break it, you own it.” (Although Pottery Barn vehemently denied such a rule exists.) Less an analogy and more of a simile -- but way, way more crazy -- was of course the Cheney classic: "We will be greeted as liberators." >Mwah!< C'est Magnifique!
Of course there was the whole Republican spin machine a few weeks ago: "These wildfires are Obama's Katrina."
Beware of Republicans waving lists. One ray of hope is that they cant go full-McCarthy without a Roy Cohn to perch on a shoulder. Orly Taitz is a lawyer. But, I dont think she is evil enough to play the role.
A black guy wearing a hoodie is like a young woman wearing a short sk- wait, I thought of that one. And it's pretty apt.