We currently sit on 41 points with a +6 goal differential. I'm looking back at our history and our best was 54 points and a +9. We have 10 games left. A possible 30 points. 15 if we only win half of them. Where will we end up? Feel free to check my math/history.
Should end up being the best regular season ever at least, playoffs however... No way of knowing how that will go.
Exactly, our best season was when we finished 2nd (i.e. made MLS Cup Final). Our second best is probably the USOC Final season.
If we win a silverware, sure, it will be the best of all.....For stat number I don't give a rat ass if they make 100 points....
We currently sit on 44 points with a +7 goal differential. Best was 54 points and a +9. We have 9 games left. A possible 27 points.
Do you have food you need to put in the refrigerator? It means zero, other than home field advantage throughout, which would of course be nice. But a Shield winner who craps out in the playoffs is worthless.
Dont you still get CCL entrance and a trophy? Depends on your views of the playoff system (which don't get me wrong I support fully) but I hold the shield at an equal level of prestige.
You get into the CCL for finishing first in the playoff qualifying stage, yes. You might also get in for finishing 2nd or 3rd, depending on how things shake out. You do get a piece of worthless tinfoil for finishing 1st in the playoff qualifying stage too. If we finish ahead of Mexico in the Hex, and then we lose to them in the WC tournament itself, are we equal to Mexico? Dpn't think so.
You're a strange one as far as RB fans go, isn't this the fanbase that's pretty much rabid for any 'piece of worthless tinfoil' at this point? The hex comparison is totally irrelevant, but if you don't respect the supporter's shield, what it represents, and what you get for it, then I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise.
There are two domestic trophies that matter, the U.S. Open Cup and the league championship. The league championship is determined by a playoff. The other stuff don't matter. Yes, guaranteed home field would be nice. A CCL spot would be nice. It is as valuable as the President's Trophy winner in the NHL. I am a big hockey fan, and I can't tell you off the top of my head who won it this year. I had to look it up to see that it was Vancouver, and that was their second in a row.
The Supported Shield is of great and only value on those leagues where isn't a play off to withdraw the champ, ...here in MLS the MLS CUP is the Holy Grail and by consequence the USA Open.... Of course we Metros/RBNY will like any trophy by now after 17 years of nothing, but the Supported Shield is a secondary price here in MLS.....
We currently sit on 46 points with a +7 goal differential. Best finish ever was 54 points and a +9. We have 7 games left (5 at home). A possible 21 points.
The dedicated thread for this topic: https://www.bigsoccer.com/community/threads/mls-the-quest-to-set-new-club-records-in-2012.1975268/
The team have a chance to best some records but not all of them: 1.-Place: ...Was 3rd in 2000 & 2010, this year have not chance to best that... 2.-Points: 54 in 2000, 49 actually with 4 games to go, a possibility.... 3.-Wins: ..17 in 2000, 14 this year, no way Jose.... 4.-GF.......64 in 2005, 49 right now, impossible dream.... 5.-GA.......29 in 2010, actually 42, horrendous defense line.... If we consider that in 2000 and 2005 we haven't those big names that have today and did a better job with locals and no name players, I think we are doing very poor job administrative, coaching and on the field........
MLS teams played 32 matches in the 2000 season. The 2012 MLS season consists of 34 matches per team. Overall points are not exactly an equal comparison. Maybe points per game is a better indicator: it was 1.6875 in 2000 and is currently 1.6666
So far it looks like 2010 was the best season overall statistically, with 51 points from the 30 matches played for a PPG average of 1.7. The Red Bulls finished first in the East that season and had a +9 goal differential (as well as the aforementioned lowest goals against stat).