Ok, so me and my friend/coworker (who I finally got addicted to Hattrick) have wondered for some time if the match report statement of an injury to a player has any correlation to the severity of said injury. You have guys leaving from rough play, getting kicked, or even being carted off on stretchers. Are the statements telling you how long to expect your guy to be out? We wondered. So today was a slow day at work. A really slow day. I looked at yesterday's cup matches played in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Sweden (boy did that take some time), a few friendlies, and found 9 injury statements and 124 injuries. One guy in Sweden actually had 3 players injured in a cup loss, boy that's gotta hurt. Here's what I've found so far, in order of average injury length (best to worst): limped off the field and was replaced Average injury length for this statement so far is 1.22 weeks. However, this only accounts for 7.26% of the injuries. No injuries over 2 weeks yet. had to leave the pitch due to a knee injury Average injury length for this statement so far is 1.46 weeks. By far the most common injury, with 28.23% of the 124 surveyed. Only 3 injuries were over 2 weeks in duration, with the max injury being only 3 weeks. Vast majority of injuries were listed as 1, but the players were already bruised and playing/training. left the field because of a nasty blow to the shin Average injury length for this statemtent so far is 1.71 weeks. 11.29% of the injuries used this statement. Majority of injuries were only 2 weeks, with just one lasting 3 weeks. couldn´t continue playing due to the rough treatment Things start picking up as this statement averages 2.05 weeks. 16.13% of the injuries used this statement. 3 of the injuries were as high as 4 weeks, but several were 1 week in duration. Kind of a mixed pot. had to be helped off the pitch, unable to finish the game 9.68% of the injuries used this statement, and last an average of 2.5 weeks. Several 1 weekers are in here, but so are 4-5-6 weekers. This is the first statement yet that involves injuries over 4 weeks. the unlucky victim, couldn´t continue the game Seems we're kicking it into high gear now, as this statement averages 3.27 weeks. A couple of one weekers in here, but more and more the injuries are 4 weeks or higher. 6 weeks is the highest so far. had to be carried off on a stretcher in agony This is the one I assumed would be the worst, but so far I'm wrong. This statement is very rare so far, though, with only 4.03% of the 124 injuries using it. Average injury is 3.40 weeks. However, if this hits you don't expect a walk in the park. So far none of the injuries have been less then 3 weeks in duration. None have been more then 4 weeks, either. will have to do without…..for a time due to a bad foot injury We're really getting to the statements that will make your hopes for the season drop in your gut like a lead weight. While only 6.45% of the injuries so far, they average 3.88 weeks in duration. The range so far is 3-6 weeks. being carried off the pitch and replaced And here's the worst statement so far. 4.40 weeks injured on average, with the only 7 weeker in the survey. Again, no injury less then 3 weeks with half being 5 weeks or more. Fortunately this one is rare as well, with only 8.06% of the injuries coming in at this level. Well, there you have it. I can't account for the age of these guys, the form, or the amount of physios on staff, but still. I see a trend. Next time I'm watching a game and my #1 inner mid is carried off the pitch and replaced I'll probably start crying, but if he's only limping off the field I might feel a bit better. Thoughts? I've never seen this subject broached in HT land before, so I'm curious......... Panther City FC II.3 - USA
I'm quite sure I've seen Bjorn comment before that the text of the event reporting the injury is a hint as to its severity. I don't recall where, probably a thread in Global.
Well it takes less then 10 seconds to check a match if there are no injuries, and I checked Chile at home........but still. I'm in 'hurry up and wait' mode at the moment. Lots coming, but not yet.
I had one of those a few weeks ago. It was a 4 week injury. Thankfully a crack team of doctors had it fixed in 2 weeks.
very nice work, I had never thought about that before, but thinking about it, and scanning some of my matches it makes sense. Very good work
I posted a slightly modified version of my correlation results in the USA Conference on HT in a thread called 'Injury Study'. I'm curious to see what they have to say about it, and how many posts it'll take before a fight breaks out over attendance issues and gets locked.
same here, nice work lone star putting this together...I do wonder if age is a factor here....since it is for recovery time, is it a factor in injury time right off the bat...
Ok, so I just checked 80 more matches (D1/D2 games in the USA, Ecuador, Switzerland, and Oceania) and here's an update. I found a new statement, but other then that the order of statements remained exactly the same. My spreadsheet has 153 injuries at this point. Statements are listed best to worst: left the game because of a back injury This statement is a first for me, and so far has a 1 week average with 1 occurance. Not a valid sample by any means. limped off the field and was replaced Average injury of 1.27 weeks. It was 1.22 weeks last time. had to leave the pitch due to a knee injury Average injury of 1.53 weeks. It was 1.46 weeks last time. left the field because of a nasty blow to the shin Average injury of 1.78 weeks. It was 1.71 weeks last time. couldn´t continue playing due to the rough treatment Average injury of 1.96 weeks. It was 2.05 weeks last time. had to be helped off the pitch, unable to finish the game Average injury of 2.60 weeks. It was 2.50 weeks last time. the unlucky victim, couldn´t continue the game Average injury of 2.87 weeks. It was 3.27 weeks last time. had to be carried off on a stretcher in agony Average injury of 3.50 weeks. It was 3.40 weeks last time. will have to do without…..for a time due to a bad foot injury Average injury of 3.78 weeks. It was 3.88 weeks last time. being carried off the pitch and replaced Average injury of 4.36 weeks. It was 4.40 weeks last time.
Here's a statement I saw for the first time last night: "In the games 32nd minute Artur Poças recieved a blow to the hip due to a collision, and was unable to continue." Ironically, it happened to a team called Real Hip. It resulted in a +1 injury. Match ID is 30545189.
Match: 30560705 Statement: Henderson´s Jacob Carroll left the field after 16 minutes because of a nasty blow to the shin. Duration: 1 Week
Just got this one. Hopefully it just means bruised but playing. Columbus´s Crisogono Soriano refused to leave the field after injuring his achilles tendon in the 30:th minute
Damnit I just got the worst tonight being carried off the pitch and replaced 4 week injury to a 19 year old trainee ID: 29186221
In the 83rd minute Kaauulis Ray Maynard received a yellow card for going into a challenge studs first. The Daverules player was Ivan Golubović who had to be helped off the pitch, unable to finish the game, but Preston Cooper came in to finish the match. he injured my goalie! that should be a red!! 2 weeks for my 20 yo goalie
I had two guys with a knee injury, both are at +1. At the moment, Hattrick thinks they'll be ready to go in a week.
I just looked at the D1 and D2 league matches of 2 random leagues (Ireland and Brazil), and here are the current results: http://www.geocities.com/gollum1197/HTIDB.html The data is sorted by average injury length (best to worst).
Bad foot injury to my 18 year old soon to be formidable IM. DAMN! I was going to sell him this year too. 5 weeks
Yeah I've seen that one posted 3-4 times in various places, but have yet to come across it myself. So far the average injury for that one is around 2 weeks. Sure sounds painful, though.