Copa America 2024 Discussion

Discussion in 'Argentina: Selecciones Nacionales' started by soul24rage, May 10, 2024.

  1. Leon12

    Leon12 Member+

    Jan 5, 2006
    Man of the world
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    I don't have any issue with it, just asking the question, after all, my parents are from the punjab, India, migrated to England, I'm asian British but support Argentina :D
  2. SupaMario

    SupaMario Member+

    Aug 31, 2009
    Los Angeles
    CA Tigre
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    Well, yeah, your sentiment was correct. Argentina is a nation that is mostly built on immigration. We have a mix of many things from Europeans, Middle Eastern to indigenous(Particularly if you’re in the North like Salta and Jujuy) and people from neighboring countries, i.e., Paraguay and Bolivia. All of those cultures were blended to create Argentina. Yet, it is futbol that unites us. We come to a standstill for it. It is clearly more than a sport.
    afar, Rattlehead and Leon12 repped this.
  3. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    Maybe is an unpopular opinion, but I don't understand the controversy there is on twitter about Dybala not going to the Copa America, never had an outstanding game for Argentina, not saying he is a bad player or anything
  4. soul24rage

    soul24rage Member+

    Jun 13, 2009
    Manchester United FC
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    For me, he provides the X factor from the bench in case there is a need to score a goal, more so than the likes of Julian and Lautaro.
  5. soul24rage

    soul24rage Member+

    Jun 13, 2009
    Manchester United FC
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    I've been watching this video to which I like how David doesn't beat around the bush and ask direct questions to Gaston about Dybala. There's 2 working theories that I have

    1. After winning the Copa America, Finalissima and the World Cup, it's only natural that complacency sets in and players might think that their spot is secured even though Scaloni warned them that we cannot be complacent. The majority of the people thought that Dybala will be in the squad and maybe this was Scaloni's way to send a message to the group that nobody's spot except for Messi and Di Maria is safe and he won't hesitate to drop them if they do not bring a good performance.

    2. Dybala has been Messi's like for like replacement. Maybe Scaloni is going for a different approach in which if, for whatever reason, Messi can't play, instead of replacing Messi with Dybala, Scaloni will go for a different team strategy by playing with 2 natural wingers.

    End of the day, I trust Scaloni and he 100% deserves that. I'm hoping he made the right call.
    ganapordiego and SupaMario repped this.
  6. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    Well, people always talk about Dibu last minute saves against France, but after that France had actually another chance at last second which Dybala clears it , so clear that it went for throw in instead of corner. He then put us ahead in shootout with his penalty. He came in in last 5 minutes in Finalssima and still managed to scored. He also assisted the winning goal against Uruguay (away game) after winning the ball in midfield himself. He also scored the winner against Chile in 2019.

    This season, he has most G + A contribution in serie A (22 goals) behind only Lautaro (26 goals).

    According to "Paulo Dybala's total G/A (goals + assists) is 22 for this season. His goal involvement equates to 1.05 per 90 minutes." That ratio actually even higher than Lautaro
    which involvement equates to 0.91 per 90 minutes.

    Saying he doesnt deserve it, what makes Nico, A.Correa and Garnacho deserve it then? To put it simple, when he's fit, he'll always have that X factor much like Di Maria.
  7. SupaMario

    SupaMario Member+

    Aug 31, 2009
    Los Angeles
    CA Tigre
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    It is kinda interesting. Gaston talks about a couple things about Dybala. One, he did not want to call-up Dybala to the list of 29 to only cut him. He is a big name and has seniority, which could impact the players. So, I guess, it is better to leave him off now. I mentioned this in an earlier post and I believe Scaloni did not want to upset the team.

    However, he also talked about how Scaloni wanted Dybala in that U.S. tour a couple months back so he could see how he would play. Perhaps this was Dybala's last real chance to make the CA team but of course he was injured.

    I mean, if it was up to me, I would take him ahead of an Angel Correa. Correa is a good player and all but Dybala can produce magic out of thin air. But, yes, I get it, it is all about the intangibles and what a player can bring and where they will be slotted in.
    soul24rage and Albiceleste2010 repped this.
  8. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    Fair, but I was trying to say like an entire game when he was the best or almost, something like De Paul and Montiel in the 2021 final, not to that level, but an example of what I was trying to say

    It's not about his level in this season, if is for that I think is worse that Musso or Benitez are not on the list and Rulli is, (I don't care about Armani, he would leave the NT after Copa America) or Pezella over Senesi.
    Nico, A.Correa and Garnacho play in different positions and/or have different roles, none of them will do what Dybala does and vice versa.
    My point is, Dybala never had much impact for Argentina, he barely play for us, him not going will not change much, especially if Scaloni plans to play different without Messi
    Albiceleste2010 repped this.
  9. Albiceleste2010

    Albiceleste2010 Member+

    Jun 5, 2010
    Watford FC
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    Scaloni needs to stick to the old rule and which served him well when introducing Julian, Enzo and Mac. Pick on form not past reputation.

    How Rulli gets in ahead of Musso or Benitez ? Mind boggling. All it takes is one injury heaven forbid to Emi and we could be relying on Armani or Rulli. I have zero confidence in either. Pezzella does not come ahead of Senesi/Balerdi in metrics. He's behind even Perez. And Equi and Varela are the future and Guido while steady doesn't offer anything else from DM compared to those two.

    Scaloni needs to get moving with his selections post Copa. We simply cannot have the same players again and again on past reputations. Some will oblige and step aside esp. if the Copa dream is shattered but really Lionel and his team need to be in charge of this already. I'm afraid Lionel S is being a bit too nice here.
    Patoeber, afar, ganapordiego and 3 others repped this.
  10. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    Point taken... but then again, A.Correa only played like 20 minutes in CA 2021 (meaningless 4th group game), about 3 minutes in WC 2022 and he has zero contribution in our treble victory. He's still in the squad, somehow? He has less than 25 games for NT in almost a decade, scored just a single goal in competitive game.
  11. Albiceleste2010

    Albiceleste2010 Member+

    Jun 5, 2010
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    People who know football will understand differently. Not the FIFA playing crowd with the attention of a mayfly. But for another of Lionel S deficiencies namely not making substitutions early enough the knockouts should have been a walkover. Dominated Poland. Should have been 5-0. Australia 3-0 barring the weird deflected goal causing Australia to surge late on. Netherlands the game should have been dead and buried at 2-0. Croatia again several chances missed to make the scoreline more emphatic and ditto versus France.

    Those were tactical masterclasses let down only by fatigue and Scaloni refusing to change players. He seems to reliant on the same core which is a weakness. As shown by his selections for this Copa too.
    afar, ganapordiego, Burr and 2 others repped this.
  12. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    Croatia was lucky enough to not conceides 6 goals.

  13. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    I was surprised to see Correa, specially because Scaloni used him less than Dybala (personally I would have used Correa over Papu in the WC)
    soul24rage repped this.
  14. Pekerman

    Pekerman Member+

    May 20, 2006
    Nah something isn't right with dybala exclusion if it's not for injury concern. The guy is only 30, way too soon to cut him out like that
    soul24rage repped this.
  15. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
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    Some comments on twitter said it's because of his upcoming marriage to his fiance. It's in July.
    If true, they "talk" could just be cover for Dybala to attend his wedding without getting people angry.

    But supamario said dybala posted his 3 awards as a passive aggressive comment for being excluded.

    beats me
  16. SupaMario

    SupaMario Member+

    Aug 31, 2009
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    The wedding story is not true because their wedding is scheduled for after the CA Final, July 20th. He thought he was going to go and wanted his teammates there as well so he scheduled it for after the Final.

    I just think it is what is being speculated, what a player will bring to the squad. I'd still take him but I want to hear what Scaloni has to say.
    locoxriver, Rattlehead and soul24rage repped this.
  17. Riquelme100

    Riquelme100 Member

    Jun 30, 2018
    Its just weird to drop him like that, especially when you consider the players who was included. There is not one good argument that can convince me to why he was dropped. He could`ve been a super sub for Messi.
  18. aerez

    aerez Member+

    River Plate
    Jul 8, 2006
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    Maybe scaloni is giving dybala extra time for final preperations for the wedding (a few weeks) before he calls him back to the squad. Because once he goes to miami, he might not get back till the 15/17. Close to his wedding.

    I wouldn't be surprised when they drop 3-4 players and call up dybala and someone else.

    A lot of those names on the squad are wierd call ups.
  19. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    The only logical reason would be "injury prone" . However, by that logic ADM shouldnt be included since 2017 , after being injured in 3 consecutive tournaments.
    Riquelme100 and afar repped this.
  20. Loco

    Loco BigSoccer Yellow Card

    River Plate
    May 1, 2005
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    My personal take, is that Scaloni favors strategy over overall collection of talent.

    When creating NT, most managers favor calling up the most talented players and hope that chemistry & strategy issues or mismatches will be resolved by the talent. Whereas, Scaloni choses players that can play the role he needs them to or if they provide some kind of flexibility.

    In addition, Scaloni seems pragmatic (look at all the different players and formations he uses) and also wants certain types of character guys. Not sure if this is true or not, but there was a rumor that Dybala turned down call-ups in order to remain at Roma for some games. That's the kind of sh$t that a guy like Scaloni probably can't tolerate.
    Albiceleste2010, DrScorpio and SupaMario repped this.
  21. SupaMario

    SupaMario Member+

    Aug 31, 2009
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    CA Tigre
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    #96 SupaMario, May 24, 2024
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
    I do not think Dybala would turn down any call-up HOWEVER, since we won the World Cup, Dybala has only featured in those celebratory matches between Panama and Curacao. That's it.

    Therefore, he has missed ALL of the qualifiers and ALL of the friendlies. Personally, I was frustrated with this issue. Anytime a qualifier was around the corner, Paulo was missing because of an injury and whatnot. It's a grind to travel tens and thousands of miles, then have to play away in hostile territory.

    Perhaps Paulo should've been a bit more smarter. If a qualifier was on the horizon, take care of yourself. Do not overextend yourself in training and etc. Again, Scaloni wanted Dybala at those friendlies when they came to the U.S. but once again he was out with an injury. Again, I am a HUGE admirer of Dybala but can we really award a player who has not featured in games since winning the World Cup whereas most of the World Champions are still traveling and busting their asses for the team?

    We wanted younger players to be bled in, well, I guess Scaloni is giving us that. As others have pointed out, this could be a warning shot for players who do not seem as dedicated to the shirt.
  22. DrScorpio

    DrScorpio Member

    San Lorenzo
    Jan 6, 2022
    In TyC Sports (or one of those channels) someone said that Dybala only played 53 minutes since the WC.
    I think Scaloni wanted to try how he will do in Messi's role in some games, but at this point he probably said "F*ck it", if Messi is not playing change formation and put other player
  23. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    Yea ... fck it , who needs magical player when you got A.Correa and Nico Gonzales on the wings running into blind alley.
  24. Burr

    Burr Member+

    Boca Juniors
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    United States
  25. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Member+

    Barcelona, Inter Milan
    Jun 21, 2010
    FC Barcelona
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    #100 Rattlehead, May 25, 2024
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
    His idol would have dived on that one.

    Garnacho won his second trophy with MU. Its his 10th goal in all competition this season.
    afar repped this.

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