Mods...we might want to consider making this a sticky. Construction photos of the various projects. Here's a big one of the CAB Cauldron:
I am REALLY surprised people still get away with them. There have been times the Chivas goal has been completely covered in streamers to the point that the goalie could hardly move. I would imagine it'd be relatively easy to hit a patch of streamers wrong and pull something. Besides the visibility issues, it's got to have some physically dangerous ones as well.
I am surprised as well. I am not in favor of throwing anything onto the pitch. But if the league does allow it and other team's supporters do it to our guys, then we owe it to our team to rain streamers, confetti and anything else that we can over their goalie and over anyone taking a corner against us.
BINGO! It has got to get ridiculous before they reign Toronto in on it..... or Houston They say they love it on TV, because of the passion, I hope we show them passion....
Apparently the youtube code doesn't work anymore. Anyway, this is pretty much what I am hoping for everytime someone gets close to us.
i was waiting for someone to point that out. I just felt weird leaving a post with "boner" in it. I should have said BRB. With the first "B" meaning "BIG."
yeah, and i was hesitant about making my post because, frankly, the less posts about boners, the better. 'course, now i've unwittingly managed to take the total posts on the subject to 4. moving on... Apparently the T-Bones will have picture updates on the renovation on their website.
Is there a TBones SST holder discussion baord anywhere? We should try to get together with them for something.
here is a general fan board for the t-bones, but i think it's safe to say they aren't soccer fans.
I think that makes you a MajorsSnob or something. Hey, they like it. They enjoy it. More power to them. I thought some of the comments on there were very intriguing, like the guy who's giving up his season tickets because the PA is too loud and is used too much.
It is what it is. Simply an internet message board. The people who have a high level of interest in it interact with each other about something they are inerested in. Many of them are talking to each other in real life terms, it is obviously a community not unlike our own.
CAB and Swope Park construction updates at Hillcrest
I was out at CAB today and it looks like they just need top put bleachers in and poor concrete for the Cauldron area.
This may be a dumb question, but the entire pitch will be grass, right? I mean, surely there's no way they're leaving that dirt in the corner unsodded (if thats a word) (and its not).
Sooooo, anymore photos? This thread should be renamed, "Two construction photos and lame questions about CAB."