Kerry's the One By Scott McConnell Here's an article in 'The American Conservative': It's one of the most scathing indictments of the Bush government I've read, and from a conservative perspective no less. Here are a couple of quotes from the article, to get readers interested: The pieces about the other 'major' candidates (links below the editor's note) are worth a read as well.
Is that the magazine where their editorial board (all conservatives, of course) was so badly split on this election that they decided not to do an official endorse of anybody?
This hasn't really been discussed here (considering the election is still a week away, that's a good thing), but this fact occured to me a couple weeks ago. He would have a lot of work to do to repair current situations, and I am sure that there will be another terrorist attack on US soil within the next four years regardless of who is president. Unless Kerry does something to save the world, he most likely won't be reelected in four years. At this point I don't much care who the Republicans trot out, just that he (or she) makes me want to vote for them. I'm tired of this 'lesser or two evils' crap.
Could be...there's even a piece about the virtues of not casting a vote for President. Pat Buchanan provides his reasons for supporting Bush, but it's hardly a ringing endorsement:
The American Conservative is a strongly isolationist magazine. It is no surprise that they would be conflicted about the current administration. Pat Buchanan is one of, if not the, driving forces behind this organization.
How can a conservative vote for a guy who owns the biggest deficits in history, had to twist arms of conservatives to pass HIS entitlement program that will be one of the largest in history, and has expanded the US world role to one of empire-building? You guys are really in a tough spot.
Yeah, especially since the traditional "we inherited the deficit from the previous Democratic administration" isn't going to cut it this time.
There's a theory, although not a very plausible one, on why conservatives should vote for Kerry/Edwards. Kind of like only Nixon could go to China and only Clinton could reform welfare, only a guy who chose a plaintiff's lawyer to be his VP can institute tort reform.
Nixon started his politcal career by accusing his opponents of being Communists and he ordered the bombing of a bunch of them (Communists, not opponents) in Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia. (But he did sign the law that created Title IX) Only a hardcore anti Communist like Nixon could propose normal relations with Chairman Mao's China without being seen as being soft on Communism. McGovern would have been assasinated if he tried the same thing. (But it's a post for a different thread on why a guy who instituted wage & price controls is considered to be anti Communist.) So then could a guy who has made millions off of medical malpractice awards institute tort reform. Or at least that's how the theory goes.
How can a conservative vote for an over-spending, big-government, oops-where-are-the-explosives, one-press-conference-a-year, coke-snorting incompetent tool of the Saudi royal family? Easy. Republican core values now consist of situational ethics.
I'm not a conservative, [but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night] but I am a Republican voting Democrat in the presidential race this year.
Well, I can honestly say that I'm not much of a conservative anymore. This admin (yes I know they're not really conservative) has really helped my reevaluate how I feel about a lot of things. To be more honest, I viewed myself as conservative before this cesspool of incompetence took office.
you kidding me? you havent heard them try and say that the recession (which lead to the deficits) started during the clinton administration, therefor, he bears the brunt of responsibility for where we are, financially, today.
A lot of Nixon's liberal accomplishments were really Congressional accomplishments shoved down Tricky Dick's throat during the Watergate scandal. Nixon hated hated hated Title IX, and in fact was one of the first people to see how it could be applied to college athletics. But all his political capital was tied up in not being impeached, so he had to sign it. Similar stories, I believe, explain the EPA and various environmental bills of that vintage. Threadjack - starring Emilio Estevez, Rene Russo and Mick Jagger.
Plus Civil Rights legislation, which has the added element of the Republican party "Southern strategy" to make it, erm, interesting.
Conservatives for Kerry(?)... both of them? There seem to be a great deal more Liberals for Bush; with Zell Miller, Ed Koch, and many many others!