What ever happened to that confetti cannon we had about 2 years ago? The Wizards used it for 4 or 5 games then quit. It was positioned inside the press box and would shoot blue and white confetti all over. I know that the league didn't make them stop because LA uses one every time they score. It seemed that the fans loved the confetti cannon. It would be great if we could get it back, but I guess that we would have to score to be able to use it, so......
I suggest e-mailing the front office and Curt Johnson and asking about it. Voice your opinion about how great it would look for the game on the 20th.
Woah, woah, woah..... We're all assuming we're going to score a goal. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here...
Scoring a goal from the run of play? Nope.. I do remember the confetti cannon, and I've been wondering how we could do something like that. (Waterballoon slingshot, anyone?)
Of course, we all remember the cannon... Roush- Water balloon slingshot is a great idea... but I doubt they'd let us bring one in.
FWIW The confetti cannon was removed becuase the season ticket holders in that area didn't like bringing home confetti with them.
Can we borrow it then? I kind of enjoy still finding bits of confetti around my house/car in January.
There are pieces of confetti on the bottom floor of my condo complex where the mail boxes are all the way over here in St. Louis. It was tracking with me on my shoes when I came home one Sunday after a game and was getting my mail. Theres still about five pieces down there on the ground. Bring the cannon over the Cauldron, we'll but it to good use. All over Cobi Jones' face!