Hey guys... I post some of my mate's articles whenever he discusses Arsenal. This one I found interested at is it discusses what differences, if any, exist between TH and RvP's exits from Arsenal (the latter is assumed to be an exit). Interested where you all stand... http://lastwordonsports.com/2012/07/26/van-persie-versus-henry/ cheers boys...
Humans are rational creatures. We make distinctions and choices all the time. Do I eat at McDonalds or Chik Fil A, do I wear a polo or a shirt and tie. We can see nuance: light blue is a different color than periwinkle. So, we can decide that there are differences between how Henry broke our hearts and how van Persie is doing it now. But people are irrational and make poor choices all the time. How else do we explain the existence of Spurs fans and fondue lovers? Worrying about the differences between Henry and van Persie, and subjecting them to differing levels of fan ire strikes me as similar emotional claptrap. Both van Persie and Henry seemed to enjoy their stay at the Arsenal, didn't say anything bad about the team, gave a crap about the game and their performances, and seemed to be genuinely good teammates. I'm angry that Henry left when he did and sad that Robin wants to leave now. But they were both good servants to the club and I will remember both fondly. Obviously, Henry was better during his years here than van Persie was, so there's more to remember about Thierry, but you know, if van Persie goes off and wins his CL and in four years came back to the Arsenal, just like the noises Henry is now making, well, I wouldn't have a problem with that.
What is it that you are implying??? I write there too, and have posted my stuff in BigSoccer on occassion, but I write NFL, rarely soccer, and use my real name, Michael Kovacs. Why try to call me out??? Is this not a valid discussion point?
Very well said! I don't see much of a difference between what they did. All I can say is that the openness of RvP's letter was very shocking to me. I don't think it the wisest thing for him to have done...but clearly it was part of his plan to create an unworkable scenario, as discussed by Arseblog some weeks back.
The difference between Thierry and Robin IMO is that Thierry reached the heights in the 2002 Double team and the 2004 Invincibles. By 2007. we still were capable of challenging, but the old guard of 2002/2004 had either left, retired, or were in decline (Pires, Ljungberg, Bergkamp, Sol, Vieira, Cole, Kanu, Gilberto, etc.) So it's understandable that he wanted a new challenge. Robin overall has been a very good player for us (not just in the past season), but he never had the success of Henry with us. I don't hate Robin at all, and I can understand why we wants to leave. I think he is an all-time great at the club, and not just for the past season.
Robin could have had another 5 great seasons and it still wouldnt have mattered. His statement to 'the fans' chucked all that in the bin.
I might need to clarify my statement then. In no way do I hate RvP for his actions. who knows, if I was in a similar situation I might well get my agent to do the same thing. What I do dislike though is the idea that he was doing it for some altruistic motive. Those people who believe he did may well be in need of your jelly just in case I try to shove his loyalty bonus up their arse.
Well, I have yet to hear anyone say that his motives are altruistic. He surely did not make that case. However, I'll happily take his loyalty bonus...if you can give it away.
Really? Unfortunately there are plenty out there that believe he wrote his statement for the good of the club.
Not only is Robin no where near the Arsenal legend of Henry, he crossed the line by dismissing the club with his public statement. He and Nasri become hypocrits the moment they leave the club while suggesting Arsenal can't retain any stars. What they're saying is Arsenal can't retain any stars at the wage rate Sibneft and Abu Dhabi are providing. Arsenal want trophies as badly as any club, they simply can't reach for that with a bottomless checkbook, and that's the aspect of the vision Robin's statement is all about. Henry had more than served his time and contributed to the club, never complained but instead worked with Arsenal in the hopes of getting a shot at a CL title before his days were done. RvP has a few ample years to try for the same at Arsenal but has less patience, a shot at bigger money or both. Either way, his statement suggests he's turning his back on the club whereas Henry worked with Arsenal to secure his transfer.
But it is completely rational to "love" some guy you've never met, buy over-priced crap with his name on it and, literally, sign songs to him? I don't see why the dislike of him is anymore irrational than was the love of him or any other player. I completely accept that it is all irrational and I embrace every aspect of it. Like Superman got to be a superhero when he donned a cape, I get to be wildly bipolar when I put on my "Gunner" persona. Could be worse, we could be those crying Twi-hards...
Rvp could be a great if he wasn't such a greedy cnut, who will remember him in 20 years? I will remember Henry my whole life
Difference is, Henry had many MANY amazing, high quality seasons, and left when he almost had nothing left in the tank to take on a new challenge. Robin has been supported through the club through many MANY years of injury and glimpses of promise, he has a break out season then wants to leave DESPITE the club selling deadwood and bringing in players who WILL help us win something. If the rumours of more players of the quality of Sahin and the Spanish lad who's name i forget are correct, then his comments about the direction of the club are foolish. From the outside of the club it looks to me like we are building a team to challenge for honours, and RVP's statement makes it sound like he is lying about wanting success and is leaving for cash. Henry ALSO made time to return and help Arsenal as a player, and wants to return again in future. Can't really see Robin wanting to do that.
Basically, the major difference is that we didn't sign Podolski, Giroud, Cazorla and possibly Sahin on the season Henry left. By saying that we are not showing ambition he's crapping on the players we have signed and are calling them worthless. RVP left us for only 1 possible reason and that's money, anyone who believes in any other reason is a fool.
Hello Bigsoccer Arsenal Fans - long time lurker here and very first post. I think we fans see the two situations as different because of where they are in their careers. Like Darcgun said Henry was at his height and on the downside of his career when he left, after lifting trophies for Arsenal. Robin is trying to leave after an awesome season with a somewhat injury riddled career. The true test of who is more "loyal" is what Robin does and says when and if he leaves. Henry has been a class act, lets hope Van Persie follows suit if he does leave.