Columbus 8/10 pregame thread

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by Northcal19, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    No Pablo for the reason of yellow accumulation, no Spencer I think, and Musa is hurt. Sounds like the dreaded 4-5-1 with Carrieri up top and Henderson or Pibe morphing in and out of the midfield.

    Columbus should be interesting. Cunningham has been good of late, West, McBride, Maisouieeoeuve, all all fun to watch. The back seems a little suspect. They have about similar record as the Raps, with home field on our side.

    Raps 2-1.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Apr 14, 1999
    Alexandria, NOVA
    You mean we have to talk about soccer? :)

    Ok, here goes. No Pablo/Spenny/Musa = circle the wagons. Hope everyone else steps it up ala at the Meadowlands. We'll need a full 90 from Carrieri obviously, and the team defense needs to keep McBride and Cunningham away from the ball.

    I think the Raps can take this one at home, but the home team never seems to win in this series.
  3. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Did Someone say Maize is fun to watch!? *LOL*LOL*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (possibly one of the worst players ever to suit up for the USA)

    Anyway, Columbus has great offensive players in West, Cunnigham, and McBride, but lack a lot everywhere else...

    We're within 8 points of glory and 8 points to disaster. Rapids need 3 points in the most urgent manner. They've responded to games like this all season with two different teams...

    Flip a coin for your winner...
  4. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    Define "urgent."

    Honestly, does it really matter how many points they get out of this one? With DC and NE not looking like they'll be making a push anytime soon, the Rapids could all but forfeit their remaining games and still make the playoffs.

    And if they're playing like crap it's not going to matter where they'll be seeded.

    I don't care so much about points as I do how the Rapids play; hopefully they go into this match -- and the rest of them this season -- a bit more relaxed and open, willing to attack and not be so tentative.

    I'd be much happier to see the Rapids lose this game by playing well than winning by playing poorly.
  5. Chris_Bailey

    Chris_Bailey Member+

    Feb 28, 2000
    Columbus Crew
    Let's see it done.;)

    This game is going to be very very even. You have a slightly better defense than us (who doesn't) but it's the offensive side that I think we have the advantage. Buddle is back from a good run in England, and you may know this little known scorer we have, Cunningham.

    I hope Andrulis keeps McBreak off the field. All we need is Titus taking whacks at him.
  6. Rapids/Arsenal Fan

    Mar 8, 2001
    Denver, CO USA
    I'd be happy with that :).
  7. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    Would that be the same offensive side that played to such a dreary 1-1 tie against these very same Rapids just a few weeks ago?
  8. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    OK, assuming we're missing Spenny, Musa, Palacios, Pablo, and Backstreet, I'm betting we'll see this exciting lineup yet again:

    Chung Henderson Pibe Kingsley
    Titus Fraser Herdsman

    bench: Stewart, Kotschau, Jackson, Shak and a goalkeeper callup

    Lord help us.
  9. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    Apr 22, 2002
    Columbus, Ohio
    McBride isn't traveling.
  10. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    Ahem. That prediction would be RAPS 2-1.
  11. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Member

    Apr 3, 2001
    Re: Re: Columbus 8/10 pregame thread

    Your reward:

  12. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    Thank you...thank you very much.

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