Coach McGuirk's Pre-Match Diary

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by Coach_McGuirk, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Coach_McGuirk

    Coach_McGuirk New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
    Between the Pipes
    WEll, it's 11 hours to kick-off. It's the middle of the night in England, but it's 11:05 PM here in Texas. I'm totally up for this match.

    Just poured a Pepsi after spending the evening drinking approximately 1 gallon of iced tea. I'm semi-wired. My left hip hurts like a bitch since I avoided my daily pain killers after 2:00 PM so I could sleep easier (the stuff tends to jack me up). Now I think that may be a problem. If I take a pair and kill the pain, I'll be up until at least 5.

    Screw it, I'll just stay up.

    Coach McGuirk, signing off for at least an hour.
  2. Coach_McGuirk

    Coach_McGuirk New Member

    Apr 30, 2002
    Between the Pipes
    11:46 PM: OK, that's it. I must attempt sleep. For a little while.

    Crap, I can't wait for this thing to start!
  3. jwaldman11

    jwaldman11 New Member

    Jun 14, 2002
    The OC
    It's the total opposite for me. It's now 2:10 in the afternoon here in Taichung, and I'll have to stay up tonight to catch the game at 11:30, then groggily go into work tomorrow at 8. I know it doesn't sound too bad, but I was out until 5 this morning drinking tequila and up at 9:30. I might try for a nap later this afternoon, but I doubt it will happen.

    I'm also ready for this one. Due to travelling, work, etc, I honestly haven't really gotten into football mode yet this season. Sure, I've caught games here and there but, in a lot of ways, it's like May and June during baseball season. It's such a long year that it's difficult to get excited when you're playing Charlton. This, though, this is different. This is the game against the Red Menace. You know it's serious when a Newcastle supporter I was talking to last night said he'll be at the pub tonight as well to watch the match. When other club's supporters make plans to watch this one, it's big.
  4. Claus KJ

    Claus KJ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
    Aarhus, Denmark
    Sorry to hijack this thread but... 08:35 local time, 8½ hours to kick-off. I'm going to try to sleep, I don't think I'm going to succeed, though a couple of hours would be very nice. I've been trying to calm down with a couple of beers with no luck, I'm just too hyped. And I still need to wash my lucky drawers!

    I think I'm going to more or less collapse after the final whistle, exhausted and emotionally spent. I just hope I do it with a smile on my face.


  5. fedwood

    fedwood Member

    Sep 13, 2004
    you all think you got it bad
    come down here to Sydney

    the game is at 1am Monday morning..9am i got my Maths final exam
    this is the most important exam in my life so far

    i can picture myself strolling in at 10:30am with a smile on my face knowing Arsenal won having forgot to set my alarm clock after waking up at 1am
  6. delmundo

    delmundo Member

    Feb 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Hi Coach,
    Its like the night before Christmas out here on the west coast of North America. Midnight and we are sitting back sipping good Tequila laced Baja Mocha and listening as Pavarotti and his pals send sensual shivvers throughout our intoxicatingly confident souls.

    When we tire of looking over the vast array of lights emanating from Japan we go back to outfitting the kitten in her lil RedDevil kit. She has difficulty with the socks poor thing. She'll pull 'em up and be ready for action when the whistle blows.

    Sorry to hear about the back my friend. Might I suggest hanging from a doorway by your heels. Upside down on an incline plane works too.

    Win, lose or draw Im looking to be entertained later today. Dont jump out of any windows.
  7. Forza Badger

    Forza Badger New Member

    Aug 29, 2004
    My prematch for the last 12+ hours.

    Rush arounding from these forums and google trying to find a solid way to watch the game. Finally get a stream to work. It blows big time, and I being to sadden. I've been looking forward to this match too much and the game looks like crap on my 57" HDTV (not that I was expecting much from a stream). Lo and behold I browse the DTV guide for the 400th time and what do I see "UPCOMING: Manchester United vs. Arsenal. Then I notice the $20.00 next to it. I say ********** it to myself and I'll drop the $20. I've been looking forward to this match so much and I'll be damned if I'm going to miss it. Not to mention I'm paying for a quality feed in my own language.

    I'm going to shower now, make a quick breakfast, and I'll don my Arsenal kit for good luck. :) Hopefully the coffee will keep me going as I haven't slept in 2 days now.

    Note: Everytime I wear my arsenal kit they tie (or worse, lose), so maybe I won't do that.
  8. fedwood

    fedwood Member

    Sep 13, 2004

    im guessing the last time you wore your Arsenal kit was 2 years ago
  9. mad theory

    mad theory New Member

    May 10, 2004
    2 hours till kick-off, and things are getting worse, I have my obnoxious loud mouth cousins here.
  10. Motterman

    Motterman Member

    Jul 8, 2002
    Orlando, FL
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ahhhh.... there be justice in the world after all. :D

    Just woke up, extracated myself from my girlfriend's arms so I can drive off to the Lucky Bar....

    Back is killing me, injured it playing indoor soccer on Monday. Taking some meds, so no heavy lifting at the bar today, me thinks.
  11. TxTechGooner

    TxTechGooner we're having fun here, no?

    Feb 24, 2003
    countdown 1hour 19 min

    Roma vs Palermo is on (how Roma is behind stuns me, but anyway)
    Was so gutted from my alma mater's performance i took two valium and fell asleep at 11:00 PM... already opened my first guiness, awaiting the arrival of my TWO footie friends here in America... learning an Oasis tune on my acoustic to kill the time off..
    and typing on here now. lol~ i dropped a C-note on our boys to do the job so maybe ill have an extra payoff (pays $165!!!) ciao
  12. Rapids/Arsenal Fan

    Mar 8, 2001
    Denver, CO USA
    Leaving in about 5 minutes. I can't wait. I'm listening to "Clubbed to Death" by Rob Dougan, which is what I hope happen to Man U's title hopes today. I'm pretty anxious....I almost feel like I'm playing today. Anyway, GO GUNNERS!!!!! Let's get it on!!!!!!!!
  13. naggi

    naggi Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    san francisco
    It's an 8am game out here on the west coast, which is not as early as I've had to get upto see the Arsenal. Slept fine, except when the d*mn cat woke me up at 6am because he was out of food. Going over to my friend Simon's house to watch the game in 5 minutes or so.
  14. TheImposter

    TheImposter Member

    Jun 15, 2002
    Centerville, OH
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Got my PV4 shirt on and he's in the squad!

    Vierrrrrrrrra! Whoa-oh!
  15. Forza Badger

    Forza Badger New Member

    Aug 29, 2004
    I meant my new kit, I wore the hell out of the older one (Henry is He_ry on it). I did happen to wear the new kit to school during the ************ luck of those CL draws. A funny thing is I remember wearing the kit the last time they did lose.

  16. delmundo

    delmundo Member

    Feb 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    decked out kitten..
    French Toast..

    Jack Benny 39
    Arsenal 49
  17. fedwood

    fedwood Member

    Sep 13, 2004
    ugly piece of down syndome shrek dived and ruined the game

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