Not trying to be a nuissance on your boards, but I was just curious about Dallas fans opinions on Clarence Goodson's performance this year. I must confess I haven't been able to watch many FCD matches thus far, and I'm just curious how the local (to me - he went to high school with my nephew) boy is doing down there. I see he's started all 16 games and notched an assist, but stats don't tell much of a story with defenders.
He yells at the opposition when they fall down. And he kicked Landy. I'd say that makes him something of a cult hero.
Solid defender and a really nice guy. Having a great season here now that he's in a starting role. Almost scored off corners in quite a few games, so he's about due for a goal.
absolutely nothing bad to say about clarence, if he keeps playing this solid il bruce might need to give him a look in a year or two
Mmmmm - the potential might be there, but that is a pretty aggressive projection (imo... I guess I've just seen too many like Clarence - great in MLS, but not able to make that jump)
oh definately a good point, but im just saying he might be worth a shot down the road if he keeps up what hes doing now.
We will not hold that against you. Nobody has been able to watch many FCD matches this year. The last four games have not been on TV anywhere. The season count is six (more than a third of the games played so far). Goodson has been a rock this season. He looks like he has been doing this for Dallas for 10 years.
Now THAT'S comedy! Good stuff. I think Goodson totally has a chance with the nats in the post-Germany era. He's a legit 6-4, smart, faster than he looks, has decent feet from his days as a forward - started his Maryland career up top - and has a nice nasty streak but still plays in control, which you need at that level. He's also still getting better. Remember, he's only been a defender since August of 2002, when he was abruptly switched to center back on a whim by Terps coach Sasho Cirovski. (Goodson ought to name his first kid Sasho since that move by Cirovski changed him from also-ran college forward to first round draft pick!) And, of course, he's only in his secod pro season and first playing regularly. So, he's playing this well with limited experience both at the pro level and at his position. Wait till he actually figures out how to play CB. And, he'll still be 6-4! Having said that, it ain't gonna be easy for him with the nats because of the competition. Bocanegra is all of 26, Gibbs 25, Onyewu 23 - the same as Clarence - and Marshall is 21. All those guys are ahead of him in terms of international experience - he has none, not even at the baby nats - so there will be stiff compeition at the CB in the 2010 slot. But c'mon. Ritchie Kotschau and Mike Petke have been capped at CB for the nats. So has CJ Brown. If those guys can get chances, then a guy like Goodson can. What he does once he gets the chances is up to him, not to mention the whim and preference of the coach. But I certainly feel like he's playing well enough to think he'll be capped in the future. And all the cool nerds will rejoice!
Pretty good situation---to be a 1st-round pick, 1st string professional soccer player---with a license to eat! (he weighs 5 lbs. less than 5' 9" Carlos Ruiz) btw ditto the above: He's outrun several opponents I would have bet were faster. and one game he was heading away crosses one after the other. iirc, he goes by "Clay" .......God bless Londoners.......
FYE (for your enjoyment) At the luncheon today I had a chance to chat with Clay (yes ze bill that is what he goes by) and told him about how much we enjoy the "Clarence Chastises a Flopping Forward Moment" in each game. I'm setting the over-under for the next MLS game ( @ NE) at 42 minutes for the CChaFF moment of the game. So what do you say? Over or Under?
IMHO....our best defender this year...last year...the year before.... and will see a callup within 2 years if he stays on his current form/pace, and a factor post-Germany with Bocanegra, Gibbs, Onyewu, Spector, & Marshall.