Wagner. But lets look into the later rounds and the needs of the Power. Is Gao Hong coming back next season? Is Saskia the #1 goalie? Branam should be available next season but is she WUSA material? Is there a defender currently playing right now that you guys can make a trade for?
Don't forget everyone's favorite NT keeper, Hope Solo, will be graduating. As for upcoming defenders, Lauren Orlandos of Portland will be available. Don't forget about Keisha Bell from UF. She tore her ACL at the end of the NCAA tournament, and she might not wish to play, but she was a good defender. I won't be surprised if her name pops up.
My guess is no. Hmm...it appears so but who knows who we will get next season. Havent seen her play. Anyone else know? I duno. Pearce is a definate no because theres no way she'd leave the NY/NJ area. Fair, theres no way we could let her go, shes such an important part of our team. Whelchel I do not know. Shes a great defender, she gets up and wins most headers, a good tackler...but i find her chasing after forwards who eventually score on us. I duno about her. Raveia, she was good too..a great mid-season addition..I dont know if we will keep her though.
Christie Welsh or Aly Wagner No contest Aly Wagner not only can she score goals but she can create them and i think she would combine well with Milbrett The only thing that Christie Welsh did last season was rob Aly of the Hermann Trophy.
VERY true...and wasnt there a USWNT game where they connected?? Shes a great player and I would LOVE to see her come here. Thats if I can even travel to the games though!!! You're damn right!! I remember how pissed I was about that!
people also have to keep in mind, that next year is a WWC year...they will be getting pulled in and out of camp all season....... so that means possibly, Millie and Christie probably/Might get pulled in, and if we get Aly or Christie or Solo, they probably will get pulled in as well! as well as rapp and Ormen, and if Finland makes it Minna as well (If we keep those three) SO next year in a way no matter what we will be hurting!
all join me as i pray that Gro Espeseth will come out of retirement after seeing how bad NY needed her this year. Amen.
Get Aly.. then if you want another keeper.. not many people have heard of Erin Sharpe from SCU.. quality keeper.. she'll prolly be around for a few rounds of the draft.. she broke her finger so couldn't play in the CHAMP game.. EJ is one cool chic.. good keeper too!
Mama Joy did it, why can't she? In regards to the NT situation, all of the teams will be hurting in some way.