Christian Pulisic at AC Milan

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by Balerion, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    This was how I saw his game - he had a stretch on the right in the second half that I thought was more effective for him.
  2. mace

    mace Member+

    Indy 11
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    Jun 5, 2004
    Chicago Fire
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    People, people... let's focus on what's important here. How many touches in the box did Pulisic have?? Then we can fairly judge both him and the overall tactics of AC Milan.
    NietzscheIsDead and acima repped this.
  3. smokarz

    smokarz Member+

    Aug 9, 2006
    Hartford, CT
    Somehow this Milan team feels like Chelsea while Pulisic was there.

    They do create a fair amount of chances, but just can't seem to put them away.

    Their keeper and defense continued to be a liability just like Chelsea were for long stretches of time, except for the earlier Tuchel era.
    Namdynamo, freisland and twoolley repped this.
  4. Hagbard Celine

    Hagbard Celine Member+

    Oct 7, 2003
    Simsbury, CT
    I sort of disagree - I actually think the only commonality is that the two teams are underperforming. At Chelsea, they had too much depth in a squad that was constructed with a lot of money, but no real guiding plan. I think that's being proven right now with Poch (a great manager) struggling to get wins.

    At Milan, the roster is paper thin, but actually seems to be pretty well constructed. They shored up a weakness at RW getting CP at a relative bargain and followed that up with Chuk for depth. They filled a weakness in the midfield with Musah. Pioli seems to have a plan for how the team plays, the problem is that there's a pretty steep drop off between their 1st and 2nd choice at each position and there are too many positions using that 2nd choice. Think about how well Milan started the season - that was when the roster was healthy and they were using their 1st option at every position. Things were rosy (with the exception of that Inter game) until people started to get injured. Their defense is definitely a problem, but again mostly due to injuries throughout the team. A weakened attack/midfield puts even more pressure on a weakened defense.

    In the last couple of years, when has Chelsea put together a rosy run of form?
    Zinkoff, adam tash and dark knight repped this.
  5. smokarz

    smokarz Member+

    Aug 9, 2006
    Hartford, CT
    Great point on the roster depth.

    They did win the CL under Tuchel. I think that qualify as a great run of form.
  6. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
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    Pulisic and Musah start. Kicking off soon.
    Pl@ymaker repped this.
  7. Bruce S

    Bruce S Member+

    Sep 10, 1999
    CP looks fantastic today
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  8. ShayG

    ShayG Member+

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  9. derek750

    derek750 Member+

    Apr 16, 2007
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  10. kickin365

    kickin365 Member+

    Mar 4, 2002
    That was a very difficult and classy goal.
  11. ChambersWI

    ChambersWI Member+

    Nov 10, 2010
    AC Milan
    I think the last couple games with Leao out has shown how clear Pulisic is of Chukwueze. Puli may not always seem involved but his movement and passing is smart and usually helps the offense. When Chuk gets moving he can be very dangerous (see Dortmund goal) but he's a much more limited player
  12. Mt Stone@

    Mt Stone@ Member

    Apr 30, 2016
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    What a freakin goal!
  13. LouisZ

    LouisZ Member+

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Anyone noticed that our American players are the only ones wearing bright yellow cleats?
    It makes it easier to follow our players.
  14. DCU1984

    DCU1984 Member+

    Jan 15, 2009
    DC United
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    United States
    Great performance from Pulisic today. As I said in the pbp thread he deserves MOTM.
  15. jond

    jond Member+

    Sep 28, 2010
    Levski Sofia
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    United States
    Really seeing Puli putting together more of a full repertoire. Becoming a much more complete player, scoring many different types of goals and the IQ and decision making in the possession game has gone to another level.

    Playing regularly for the first time in awhile is proving beneficial. Leadership role too.
    ChicagoVT, Pegasus, Zinkoff and 15 others repped this.
  16. dams

    dams Member+

    United States
    Dec 22, 2018
    He looks great, was feeling it today no doubt about it. Have to go all the way back to those halcyon days with Lumpy to see him playing with this much flair and confidence IMO. Seemed to get frustrated today when he didn't get the ball. Was kinda in a good way though, like he was saying give me the ball dammit and I will carry you. Not like the old frustrated Puli that sometimes came out. Might be reading into it too much but it seems like he might be evolving into one of the leaders of the team.

    One thing is for certain, he is one of the first guys penciled in on the team sheet now.
    adi21, mattjens, TimB4Last and 1 other person repped this.
  17. Dervos

    Dervos Member+

    Mar 13, 2002
    Austin Aztex
    I confess I find this bittersweet. This is who he was becoming at Dortmund. This is what he showed under Lampard.
    I know I know, I should just be happy that he's finally free and back doing the wonderful things he can do, and usually I am, but today my bleak northern blood is coming through and all I want to do is curse Chelsea and Tuchel to the appropriate levels of h*ll they deserve for what they took from him (and us). Is that so wrong?
    russ, Pegasus, FASTEDDIE and 5 others repped this.
  18. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
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    yeah you got it.

    the economic impact of a very weak italian economy plain and simple

    these are hitoric culbs with huge followings but they are simply on a lower tier economically.

    give AC Milan Chelsea's budget and they are serious contenders for the UCL and scudetto.
  19. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    He needs/needed to grow as a player - hopefully he’s entering his prime now and ready to step up in quality and consistency. I don’t blame Tuchel for his struggles - or at least not completely. I am just hoping he’s putting it all together now.
    usnroach and don Lamb repped this.
  20. adam tash

    adam tash Member+

    Jul 12, 2013
    Barcelona, Spain
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    United States
    so ridiculous how lowly many observers in this thread and AC milan fans online rated Pulisic compared to the other attackers on AC milan when he signed

    go back and look it up many thought pulisic would be coming off the bench

    he's their best attacker. lock starter.

    just bc he strggled at the dumpser fire also known as chelsea people thought it was him
  21. NietzscheIsDead

    NietzscheIsDead Member+

    NO WAR
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    May 31, 2019
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    From the run to the first touch to the angle to the finish, thats a world class goal, folks.
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  22. Cris 09

    Cris 09 Trololololo

    Nov 30, 2004
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    He earned a CL medal...that's something I am sure he will always embrace.
    NietzscheIsDead, usnroach, acima and 4 others repped this.
  23. jond

    jond Member+

    Sep 28, 2010
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    Mt Stone@, ChicagoVT, Namdynamo and 9 others repped this.
  24. ChambersWI

    ChambersWI Member+

    Nov 10, 2010
    AC Milan
    With Milan fans it was unique.

    1. At first there was anger towards RedBird for the Maldini situation and selling Tonali so many saw this as Americams getting an American.

    2.Once they got over that most Milan fans wanted Chukwueze and thought Puli would prevent getting Chuk. Once it came out they were going for both again they calmed down.

    3. The biggest thing was then that Milan fans didn't like getting a player they viewed as injury prone but many also thought Pulisic was 28/29. Once they learned he was 24 going on 25 again the criticisms left.

    After that? It became more about fans wanting to see Chukwueze play but even before Chuk showed his weaknesses most fans would admit that Puli has surpassed all expectations and those in Italy have pointed out hoe he brought in professionalism that was lacking
    russ, dark knight, ChicagoVT and 9 others repped this.
  25. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

    United States
    Mar 18, 2019
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    I am a bit surprised at Chuk’s inability/unwillingness to use his right foot. It makes him a bit of a one trick pony when playing as an inverted winger. The guy desperately needs to learn how to at least threaten to cross with his right or opposing Defenders can just cheat to the inside. Heck, even when he takes the ball to the end line he literally always brings the ball back inside. So predictable. AAR, CP has really produced a great start to his career at Milan. It really looks like he has worked hard on improving his long range efforts and his passing consistency/creativity has been outstanding.

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