I miss Nick Thomas. This team is 3 points from the cellar of MLS in a major downspin and the postings on MLSsoccer.com are completely worthless! What's going on with this team? Where's the insight? Where's the journalism trying to find the real story instead of the canned quotes fed to him that everything is A-Ok? Coverage is complete CRAP! I'm thinking of starting an online petition to MLSsoccer to have them actually cover the team - would that be at all effective if we got people in agreement and to sign it or is MLSsoccer completely crap that wont' post anything at all critical of any teams?
I miss Nick Thomas as well - at least he tried to uncover and report things that required accountability......hmmmmm, maybe the FO didn't like that! I would fully support your petition, Mark
Have to say I don't think the Denver post is much better. But aren't 80% of all sports articles positive in nature? I mean really really positive Cant recall seeing anything on Broncos saying they have no chance this season.
Outside of Goff and Wahl (and very occasionally Ives, but not on Rapids stuff) pretty much every MLS "writer/reporter" covering the league right now is crap. Well Beau Dure as well but I don't know how much coverage he does these days.
You have to be on board to cover the Rapids... I'd petition the league for some sort of guarantee of media independence, and annual audit of credentialing.
I expect that from the reporting on MLS.com. I do think the Denver Post should at least try to do a bit better. I guess they have bigger problems than MLS coverage though.
The DP's coverage of the Rapids has at the best been lukewarm. An article here or there and I reckon the editors use their deep knowledge of minimal statistical sampling to determine that those articles will never pay. On the other side the Rapids are a bunch of thin skinned kids who want only positive coverage. It's tough to be a DP writer in that situation. There's no support from the DP should you write a tough article - odds are they're binned 9 times out of 10 - and the Rapids don't want tough coverage. If the DP doesn't back the writer then they have little more authority than a blogger.