I agree with you completely It takes a diffrent kind of fan to like Atlas..and keep liking them no matter what. Their like the cubs of futbol. Chivas es grande, el mas grande de Mexico But what drives me away is the money-minded ownership that influences the club in a non-buisness kind of way. The pride of an Atlas fan will always out way his intelligence. Thier a team where without them the league would feel incomplete because of thier history and youth system. It will be a good game, hopefully they wont be too fatigued from Bolivia.
I also differ...I hope they are fatigued and get relageted. Seeing Atlas relegated would be almost as good as seeing Chivas champion.
We will see the same lineup that faced Morelia. except Morales will be in Fabian's place this time. http://mediotiempo.com/noticia.php?id_noticia=52032
I am curious to see if Pineda stays on the bench. He could conceivably play for Solis or Araujo, but maybe he is still in a rut. On the other hand, I am glad to see Pato starting. And Medina on the bench still too?
This should be an easy win for us. Atlas defence looks very weak specially the left side. I'd like to see Medina start as a right winger so he could exploit their left side with his speed. Omar Flores is very slow at LB, venado could take advantage of that and create scoring chances for us. If Medina starts I see Bravo getting a hat-trick, and even if he doesn't start I still see a 3-0 victory for us.
Chivas need to win this match. as well as the superclasico but thats for another thread. Chivas confidence will be high once we defeat the zorros. and i can see a nice liguilla run for us. 8 teams will qualify but once the matchups are set, it shouldn't matter what team we are grouped with because any team should be able to be beat by Chivas. If we beat the lesser teams by large margins then it should show when face the bigger teams. according to ovaciones, Flores used to coach Atlas and he beat Chivas only once 3-0 in 2001 or 2000 i believe. With that in mind, he should be able to know their tactics but that may have changed with all the coaches that have shifted through. last formation they used was the 4-4-2 when they played La Paz in Bolivia. but i think they used that formation to play more defensively to retain their lead. I think they may go all out in this Clasico and try an offensive approach so one side will get a goleada on them. I expect Bravo to show up against them. Medina is back and usually does good in Atlas games. I remember we compared Guardado to our Venado whenever the Clasicos happened, but Guardado cargo el Atlas en su ombros como Deportivo. He was only one man. Morales is back as well and is 100% Chivas have not missed his presence, just look at our past results. But it will be nice to have him back as he is one of our best players and to have a penalty taker is nice!
PROBABLES ALINEACIONES: ATLAS: Jorge Rodrigo Bava, Hugo Ayala, Diego Colotto, Jorge Torres, Luis Robles, Christian Valdez, Jorge Hernández, Eduardo Rergis, Juan Carlos Medina, Jorge Daniel Achucarro y Bruno Marioni. DT Miguel Ángel Brindisi. GUADALAJARA: Luis Ernesto Michel, Xabier Iván Báez, Jonny Magallón, Héctor Reynoso, Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Ramón Morales, Patricio Araujo, Sergio Ávila, Sergio Santana, Alberto Medina y Omar Bravo. DT Efraín Flores. http://atlas.naranya.terra.com.mx/noticias_oficiales.php?nota_id=2917 Atlas website has our possible lineup and i think its correct.
I was in Guadalajara in April 06 when Chivas lost to Atlas and my friends were devastated. As you said, they hate Atlas even more than Americaca because they are local. And the former husband of my friend Rosalba, is an investor in Atlas (on the board of the Atlas Golf Club also) which made it even worse!! We watched it on a big screen TV at Pacos in Tlaquepaca and a fight almost broke out between the two sets of fanaticos. I live near Clearwater, Florida, where the Scientologists have their big headquarters, and previously worked at a company with a bunch of them. And I have news for you...they do not respect your beliefs if you disagree with them..so they're just as bad. And Omar said he really wants to play well tonight against them.
i thought this was funny check out this PM i got sometime today by some newb who shall remain anonymous: Hey ******** el atlas le va a ganar a las chivas las chivas nomas sirben para la biria i nomas para eso HAHA..pobre pendejo
I hella want Chivas to beat Atlas, today I went to the FMF website and I felt sooo proud to be a Chivas fan when I saw that we are el Superleader, the best defense, the best offense and the goliador, Santana, I felt so proud to be a Chivas fan. My prediction for this game is 3-0 Chivas, but I maybe wrong these new kids are fast and very skillful so maybe we will score more.
I can bet it was El Mero Mero, while you received a PM i received bad rep , Margaritas what can you do with them? well anyway time for me to go to the stadium.
i'm glad Bravo got his goals. especially in a game as important as the Clasico Tapatio we played a great first half, but the team fell apart in the second half resorting to many pelotazos. Michel and the defense were top notch and deserve much praise. Flores did a great job with the subs and the team slowly got back on track which helped lead to the second goal.
Flores was smart. This was a game you had to win no matter what nor how and he did. 2-0 Omar Bravo! Thanks for participating zorritas.
Told you Omar said he wanted to play well. "Estoy con muchos deseos de que inicie (el juego), con ansias de que llegue la hora. Yo siempre tengo ese gusanito de entrar a la cancha, pero más en los clásicos", comentó Bravo. Good for him and hope Vergara chokes on it. ¡GOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!! ¡BRAVO!!!!!!!!!! ¡OMAR!!!!! ¡OMAR BRAVO!!! As the announcer said twice. Anybody else not like the way Bruno Marioni acted, like when he grabbed the ball on the throw in by the corner? And both the owner and DT of Atlas still they were the better team even after they lost!!! GUADALAJARA, JAL.- El presidente de Atlas, Fernando Acosta, dijo hoy sentirse satisfecho por la actuación de sus jugadores, pese a la derrota que sufrieron 0-2 ante Chivas, en la fecha cuatro del torneo Clausura de Primera División. Al término del encuentro, el directivo indicó en entrevista que el conjunto estuvo cerca de lograr el empate al desempeñar un futbol ofensivo, que fue "ampliamente superior al de Chivas". http://www.informador.com.mx/informador/modules/xfsection/article.php?articleid=119522 Yeah, right! ¿Puede usted decir "estar en un estado de la negación"?
Ofcourse they were better in for about 25 minutes, but they were obliged to, we were not... y the way some good videos here after the game.. notive Omar's celebration with Chivas porra "La IRRe" he throwing up the Irre sign... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eZdfIopAJsc&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eZdfIopAJsc&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0OGpaFRrFuI&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0OGpaFRrFuI&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSPUdqi_zac&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HSPUdqi_zac&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>