does anyone have a link to that lady that totally mutilated the Mexican National anthem last week? I thought that was disgraceful on her part and disrespectful on Chivas' part on not having an adequate person to sing the national anthem. I hate to beat a dead horse here, but even in grammar school were we tuaght the national anthem.
Was she worse than Carl Lewis trying to sing the US anthem at a basketball game here 10 years ago? That was horrendous...
Guadalupe Madrigal
So um, what did she sing? Did she omit words, or did she add her own? Both? ******** does happen. It's one thing to know something by heart and it's a totally different thing to have to perform it in front of thousands of people knowing that it's also being televised for millions more. Haven't you all heard of cases where a person is about to give a speech and totally blanks out? Yeah, I did read the part that says that this person was the second one in recent times to sing the national anthem wrong...
tranquilo, tranquilo. Well, if she is going to perform in front of a supertribizillion people, they should hire someone who is a profesional
Woman Fined for Bungling Mexican Anthem MEXICO CITY - A woman who fumbled a few phrases of Mexico's national anthem while singing the song before a soccer game in Guadalajara has been fined $40 for the blunder. Guadalupe Madrigal acknowledged she got the words wrong while singing before an Oct. 30 soccer match between teams from Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico's Interior Department announced Saturday in a written statement.
Re: Woman Fined for Bungling Mexican Anthem After reading the story Lisa linked above, I wondered what will be the repercussions for the Chivas management. An article straight from La Secretaría de Gobernación says... Complete Article