What a terrible terrible waste of life. I wish I had some idea of why we're at war there, because none of it makes sense to me.
I think SuperDave enjoys posting things like this. He actually is happy because he thinks it helps make his point. Ever here this low life post on something good that happens between the American Soldiers and the iraqi population? I don't remember seeing any of those posts from him. He must really be a poor soul. I will let you guys be the judge, does he ever post on the good things?
Did you also write to the poor souls in CNN, NBC, USAToday, or NewYorkTimes asking why they tell everybody the bad news instead of shutting up?
15 confirmed dead. They were on their way to some R&R too. Too bad Bush and Rummy weren't on the helicopter.
RIP. The helo that went down was a CH-47 Chinook leaving from an 82nd Airborne camp, but no word on the units of the soldiers (I'm assuming they were all soldiers) killed. Also no word on the cause of the crash, altho according to CNN.com "witnesses reported seeing missile trails"--but we don't know how reliable that is. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/11/02/sprj.irq.main/index.html Anybody know anything about the Chinook's safety record? Those things are huge, slow-moving targets--wouldn't be too difficult to hit with an RPG, but that begs the question why more Allied helos haven't been shot down.
the difference those news channels do not just report the bad news. Super Dave can't say that can he?
In keeping with my new policy on outrageous posts like this... You're exactly right. I'm a Saddam lover who hates America. Of course, in my America-hating, I didn't just sacrifice a baker's dozen of brave soldiers in a stupid pointless war.
While I wish for nasty cruel things to happen to those above, I can't really blame Bubba or the Kennedy's for the failure's in Iraq. They weren't the ones who started the war there.
They are all the salt of the earth. I wonder if Mary Jo's mother feels that way about Kennedy? As far as the Clintons go they are both the most honest and most ethical people on the face of the earth. Have they ever told the truth about anything in their lives. World would be a far better place without them.
so by posting bad news the poster automatically is happy about it? ever heard the phrase 'don't kill the messenger'?
If I did Super Dave would stop posting very suddenly. His messenges are always the same. I am looking forward to the good message he said he posted once. If and whe he does post that message I will look it up to see when he posted it. I doubt if he ever made such a post. Do you remember it? Does anybody remember it?
he posts good things in the soccer threads - this is the politics forum during wartime and a george w bush presidency... what good news are you looking for?