Chester Stadium: Worth the Cost?

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Union' started by sccaflagger74, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. sccaflagger74

    sccaflagger74 Member

    Apr 24, 2005
    Media, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  2. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
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    United States
    Of course this schmendrick Eckstein doesn't mention he is whoring himself and his book all around the country, meaning that, once again, a stadium has a positive side impact. :rolleyes:
  3. mansbro

    mansbro Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Hatboro, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And I'll say the same thing I said in the WHYY thread: Eckstein paints a lot of broad strokes with his commentary and makes no mention of the developer for our project, Bucinni Polin. Like Pileggi said in his commentary today, Bucinni Polin has pulled off this type of development before on the Wilmington waterfront and Blue Rocks stadium with excellent results. They've been praised with having the model with which other developers should follow when incorporating stadiums into additional redevelopment and there aren't many people that will deny their results.
  4. Chastain'sSportsBra

    Chastain'sSportsBra New Member

    Nov 14, 2007
    ORLY? Hmm, I guess we'd better alert all those cheesesteak shops and bars around the Waco Center, and let Chickie and Pete's know that their stadium-area franchises are a bust, then. I guess they teach at Temple that businesses hate setting up location in high-traffic areas.

    Oh, and also, stadiums run on robot power, so no humans will find gainful employment inside a stadium.

    Nope, no benefit here, folks. People hate going to sports games, so there will be no tickets sold, and no tax money going to the city. Why do we foolish mortals continue to insist on sports arenas to plague our cities?
  5. Fred Hits

    Fred Hits Member

    Jul 8, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    Philadelphia Union
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    "This is not a pro football operation moving to tiny Chester, bringing the colossal fan base and marketing power of the NFL, she noted. This would be a team in a league that last year drew 3 million fans - about as many as the Phillies. And anyone who thinks it's easy to thrive in the crowded Philadelphia market should consult the Soul, Kixx, Phantoms, Wings, Barrage, Rage and Charge."

    That part particularly irks me- sure MLS may not be up to the major sports yet but it is easily ahead of all these true minor league sports and has a large base to grow
  6. uglyandproud7

    uglyandproud7 New Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    South Philly
    Missed this thread originally (couldn't figure how to delete either) but:

    My only comment is didn't everyone say the Camden Waterfront was completely useless and would never work?

    Also I love the 'groups' with 'no ideas' who just #$# on anyone with any thoughts. (reminds me of the lewis black joke)
  7. ReneGoulet

    ReneGoulet New Member

    Aug 10, 2007

  8. skyscraper

    skyscraper Member

    Dec 6, 2003
    Arsenal FC
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    part of what they say in the article is true: plopping down a stadium does nothing for anyone. but this development is more than that. it is one part of a much bigger mixed use development. they don't really address that.
    for the record, I have always opposed public subsidies for a stadium or for any private development. but I have stayed out of the letter-writing campaigns. if people were really interested in helping an economically depressed area like Chester, they would campaign for things like tax reform. the best thing the government can do for a city like this is to provide a system of incentives to build rather than outright subsidies, but those incentives have to be more broad than just one waterfront development. they have to include development throughout.

    Jul 31, 2006
    Collegeville, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I see the light "Lord"...

    "The economists have defined a narrow issue: Is the public investment in sports facilities worth it to the public?" said John Lord, a marketing professor at St. Joseph's University. "Where government leaders, investors ask: Is the public investment in sports facilities worth it if it draws other development? Those could be very different answers."

    The "Lord" is right if a new stadium/development project draws investment and growth then the research and data switches to the other side to the real question: Do investments in stadium development projects from governments produce growth and jobs for that area? I think they will in this case.
  10. mansbro

    mansbro Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Hatboro, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Praise Jeebus!
  11. Dills

    Dills Moderator
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    Philadelphia Union
    United States
    Jun 6, 2006
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true.
    Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil.
    Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet.
    All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world.
    So there was only one thing that I could do,
    Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long.
    Jesus built my car.
    It's a love affair.
    Mainly jesus and my hot rod.
  12. Toolhead

    Toolhead Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Williamsport, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    F'ing great song, Ministry rocks. Psalm 69 is a kickass album!!!
  13. wz187

    wz187 Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    It is hard to believe this person is a teacher at Villinova. Anyone who does not understand the importance of soccer on the worldwide sports scene should not have a job in her field. First off, no American sport other than football has the colossal fan base or marketing power of the NFL. If Philly didn't have a baseball team, the same argument could be made to try to negate bringing a baseball team there. Second, international teams like Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchesetr United, etc. all blow any individual football team out of the water in fan base and marketing power internationally. The EPL dominates the NFL. This is an important indicator of potential growth. Finally, the proffessor only addresses MLS. MLS is just a shadow of the bigger soccer picture in america. She needs to be speaking about the marketing power of SUM.

    Time to call her out.

    Perhaps it is the fault of the article, but I can't find anything that says she is a sports marketing expert.


    Areas of Expertise Econometrics; Labor Economics; Quantitative Analysis

    Research Topics Living Wage Legislation; Poverty; Allocation of Time by Volunteers; Interactive Classroom Experiments

    Courses Taught Introductory Microeconomics; Business Statistics; Statistics for Economists; Labor Economics; Economics of Sports; Mathematical Economics; Econometrics
  14. joethunder

    joethunder New Member

    Aug 28, 2007
    I live about 15 minutes from the Waterfront Park in Trenton, NJ (which pits me an hour from the new MLS stadium in Chester). I have seen some great improvement in their waterfront area over the past few years but the city has yet to truly build on that. They build a parking garage and KatManDu next door, and revitalized a walking/nature area next to the stadium, as well as signifcant road/pedestrian improvements, however, many of structures on the other side of the street are still in need of assistance. Hopefully this Chester project will aid to remedy some of those issues I see in Trenton, but this is good news for the city if the money is spent well.

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