Personally I like the Black best but if anyone has yellow in their kit I prefer us to wear Yellow because nobody should ever wear that color in LDC but us .
They got us good lol I heard only rain no thunderstorms good thing we grabbed a seat at halftime and not stuck having to stand.
Both other teams at the top of the Eastern Conference are playing. Is the play to flip to KFC, Inter Fort Lauderdale, or 360?
BTW, if you get a chance, check out the "start" of the Minnesota/DC game. They just had a Make-a-Wish kid "start" the match, and score a goal against DC. Pretty cool. Although I don't know if I agree with the strategy of subbing him off.
ISTM that it's dumb to choose to wear black for a home match in the summer. Had there been no clouds and rain (as we know how unpredictable Ohio weather is), wearing black in the fading evening sun and humidity is making it harder on yourself than it has to be. Let Charlotte wear their dark shirt. I'll take the yellow shirt. "Inclement weather has entered the area. Fans should take cover in the concourse. Follow along for more updates, including when the second half will begin." Fans: "Follow along, eh? Fool me once..."
I go back to the home game vs Miami in 1999 at something like 1pm on a Sunday afternoon in August. Back then, the home team always wore black and the road team always wore white. Well, someone important petitioned the league and it turned out to be a "blue vs white" game, essentially as if the game was in Miami.
I ended the day at Buca DiBeppo with maybe seven or so others. "We need the biggest pitcher of water you have! And we need three of them!"