Shouldn’t Crew have the first choice in uniform color? I know amateur games usually make the home side switch but the banana kit is our iconic look. Hell, they hardly wore anything else on their march to MLS Cup 2008. And it was a good look in LA a few days ago.
Feels like we might see a Midweek Mail-in from Charlotte if the Crew score a goal early in the second half. They have to go onto Austin Saturday. More likely to get something from there.
Lots of teams in our league can & do wear a black uni. They look the same. Few can justify wearing anything close to the unique banana kit. Why not own it?
We pretty much do. That doesn't mean it's the only one we have. It always amazes me that people who have followed this club for so long manage to forget that black is one of our primary colors. There's nothing wrong with wearing it sometimes.