From Goff: l Gotta say it: All desire to see Charlie back on the senior national team just evaporated for me if this reporting is accurate. Absolutely classless.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment ugh, yeah I would much rather see him admit to his mistakes and put all his focus into soccer. Red Bull didn't make him get into a car with a visibly intoxicated girl behind the wheel while breaking curfew. Hopefully this isn't true. Charlie will lose a lot of fans(including me) if it is. If he won the case, I wonder what he would do with the money.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment What a douchebag move, way to squander all of your built up goodwill in the space of less than an MLS season Charlie.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment What a shame, and he seemed as though he had taken responsibility for his bad decisions. Very classless, irresponsible, and immature decision from him...
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment He chose to get in that car with a drunk driver he doesn't deserve to win that case this is unbelievable.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Up to now, I just thought we disagreed about soccer but this went to far. That response was very bad posture! I just lost any respect I had for you.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment So you get into a car with a "visibly intoxicated" driver and it's the fault of the people hosting the party?
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Why should someone root for anyone that files a lawsuit that has seemingly zero merit? Plus people were praising Davies for playing for something other than money. Well, this lawsuit seems to show that he is all about money.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Forget the money, I think this lawsuit shows that Davies has no sense of responsibility for his own actions. If it is real, then this aspect of his character is enough to give me pause at wanting him back with the national team at the very least, and I can't imagine that DC will be happy at the bad press they might be getting over this.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment How come he isn't afraid that a family of a deceased girl will sue him now? If a driver was visibly drank, Charlie is as much at fault as anyone else. Shouldn't have let her drive. That would be an ironic turn.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Agreed. Furthermore, Davies is the one that broke curfew thus should be somehow punished by US Soccer. Kinda ridiculous that he's sueing now. Was it too difficult to stop drinking? Now everyone that gets into a car accident whilst driving intoxicated should sue the bar/bartender. Jesus Christ.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment What does a lawsuit have to do with him playing for the National Team...So if Landon Donovan sued somebody, he should kicked off. It was an accident, it happens every day and he wasn't charged for anything. Any your comment on "he is all about the money" shows no warrant at all. Let's get back on topic and talk about soccer...
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment He has been punished enough...He missed the World Cup and hasn't been called up since. It's time to let it go. I am all for professional athletes being accountable for their actions but he has paid for it enough...Remember he was not driving so don't put the smoking gun in his hand. You want to place blame on Davies for the driver being drunk...Let's make her accountable for it, which she is since she is doing time for it in prison now. Again, lets get back to soccer.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Perhaps but there are 2 important factors to consider here, and I'd group them together to kind of get an idea of where Davies is as a person (to me at least): 1. he broke curfew and 2. he's trying to profit now from his own irresponsibility. So basically he broke curfew to go party/get drunk and now he wants to make a buck out it? If the judicial system is even willing to entertain the idea, I'd lose faith in it. Then again, one can sue over anything in this country. And as a final point, te wording is just ridiculous: (small excerpt here) "...for all the physical and emotional pain Davies endured...". If he had not broken curfew, we wouldn't even be talking about this.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Here we go:
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Ultimately the decision was Davies to make in terms of getting in the car. IMO he is responsible first and foremost. However, to play Devil's advocate: The lawsuit claims Red Bull hosted the event at Shadow Room and ”had a duty to be aware of the provisions” in the District’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Act that prohibits the “sale or delivery of alcoholic beverages to ... an intoxicated person or any person who appears to be intoxicated.” So Davies is essentially saying that the people running the event should have stopped serving a clearly intoxicated individual. They didn't and the rest is history. This is a big stretch for Davies and I doubt he'll win, but they MIGHT get some sort of settlement. The big question is where will the money go if they do win/setttle? If it's going in Davies pocket I have to agree that this is a d!ck move he's pulling to basically make up for any income he was counting on from the World Cup and/or a European transfer. If he plans on donating the money to a related charity or giving it to the victim's family then that isn't so bad. Nothing can replace a life, but it would be nice if in the aftermath of all this the family didn't ever have to worry about money again or if the settlement went to a cause to prevent things like this from happening.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment Great post. ^^^^^ I guess ultimately we need to see where Davies is going with all this.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment You lost respect for someone because they pointed out something that is 100% indisputable fact?
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment The girl's family has also filed a similar suit against Red Bull and the Shadow Room. They filed it today. The scary part - for both DC and his NT prospects, as has been pointed out a few times now in other sub forums, is that Davies now has a $20 million incentive to prove that his soccer skills are greatly diminished. Though he hasn't had much problem with that before now, either...
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment I'm a big fan of Charlie but it bothers me when people sue over stuff that should be strictly about personal responsibility.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment What I don't get about Davies' lawyer's explanation of events and responsibilities is that, while he holds Red Bull and the club responsible for continuing to serve a "clearly intoxicated individual", he relieves Charlie of any responsibility for recognizing the intoxication or stopping the individual from driving.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment In CD's mind, why are the people serving drinks responsible for knowing the woman was intoxicated, but he is not held responsible for getting into a car with an intoxicated woman driving? So CD bears no responsibility for knowing the woman was intoxicated before getting in the car with her, but the bartenders do? What an idiot.
Re: The Charlie Davies Moment I'm not a lawyer, but I'm guessing they'll say something like "under such and such bar law act this and that" the people serving booze acted irresponsibly and broke said code/law/act/whatever. Regardless of Davies actions later on the buck should have stopped there.