Champions League Matchday 5: Arsenal vs. Lens

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by DaPrince84, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. ArsenalMetro

    ArsenalMetro Member+

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    Khusanov is a little wrecking ball out there.

    Fascinating career path. Bunyodkor (Uzbekistan) academy -> a Belarusian team that reached the top flight for the first time in 2019 -> Lens
  2. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    And under the category of better late than never...

    81' Nketiah comes on for Jesus
  3. ArsenalMetro

    ArsenalMetro Member+

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    Handball or elbow, should be a penalty either way.

    Let Raya take it, cowards.
  4. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    And we get a chance to make it 6... a surprising PK call for handball not a vicious elbow...
  5. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
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    Think I found your twitter account?
  6. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    And Jorge makes six. What a day!
  7. ArsenalMetro

    ArsenalMetro Member+

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    Nope, don't have one.

    My thoughts just aren't original lol
    Shen-O and mebeSajid repped this.
  8. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
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  9. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    FT ARS 6-0 LENS

    Would they let us transfer some of this GD to our EPL account?

    That 14 minute period where we scored 4 of them... WOW!

    We were clearly very up for this one, right from the get go. Urgency and supreme clinicality. And thus anilhated a team which beat us just 8 weeks ago.

    And right at the death Big Gabby shows just how much an emphatic win and clean sheet meant tonight.

    Onward with a :D
  10. Rewinder

    Rewinder Member+

    Jun 24, 2004
    Arsenal FC
    Would like to see a full rotation for the final game now that we have the group won.
  11. ArsenalMetro

    ArsenalMetro Member+

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    He's really cleaned up his game this season - way fewer mental mistakes than before.

    I think having Rice in front of the defense is making their jobs a lot easier.
    danielh repped this.
  12. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    Yup, When Rice is playing at 6, the triad of Saliba-Gabriel-Rice is probably best in the league.
    Deep Wilcox, Shen-O and ArsenalMetro repped this.
  13. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    Seems a no brainer. To you & me that is.
  14. Serengeti_Boy

    Serengeti_Boy Member+

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    Today Mikel told the lads to put on a show for the home crowd. This is us when we really want to score a lot. Nice to see the clean sheet. Kai looked great today.
  15. Super Llama

    Super Llama Member+

    May 21, 2006
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    Kai looks so much more confident since the break. Playing LB unlocked him lol
    thebigman, danielh and Serengeti_Boy repped this.
  16. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    In the post-game show I noticed a few things I didn't in real-time:

    * On the Jesus goal, the work that Saka did, running through 3-4 opponents and then just barely getting his foot on the final assist pass, was really impressive. Long may his valuable goal creation continue!

    * Jorginho's PK run-up did not include any hop... hmm

    * The audience at Paramount's Miami stage was 80-90% Gooners. Gotta love to see that!
  17. Rewinder

    Rewinder Member+

    Jun 24, 2004
    Arsenal FC
    It unlocked Xhaka too.
  18. ArsenalJake

    ArsenalJake Member+

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    Having been absent from the Champions league for years, I'm really just now starting to watch this Paramount Champions League studio show with Henry, Carragher and Richards.

    Bloody hell, are these guys drinking on set?? It's complete madness listening to them. At times it's entertaining, but it often comes off as amateurish with all of the prodding and joking.
  19. yossarian

    yossarian Moderator
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    But UEFA has since wagged their finger at all the officials involved, so maybe not?
    maskito repped this.
  20. NorthBank

    NorthBank Member+

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    Don't get me started on these silly, vacuous, banter-filled shows. They seem to follow Kate Abdo from network to network. They were cringe-worthy during her Turner-B/R years but at CBS/Paramount they seem to have taken it to a new level. Micah Richards acts buffoonish. Even Jamie Carragher gets into the silly goofiness. Only Thierry seems to maintain a level of traditional professionalism/dignity. Abdo is pretty good as a footy moderator, so I find it disappointing that these hours-long shows have <50% discussion about actually footy. But these companies must believe/know that this is what the general public wants. :(
  21. DaPrince84

    DaPrince84 Member+

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    We are a CM away from being unfukkwitable
  22. And_ROOS

    And_ROOS Member+

    Dec 30, 2006
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    That front 5, with Rice in behind, and then a back 4 that has Timber would be our best 11. That said Tomi has stepped up big time, so now I am not as sure that Timber is a guaranteed starter.
  23. thebigman

    thebigman Member+

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    Tomi has been arguably, our best defender after the cb pair

    Zinny has stepped up the last couple of games but Tomi has been a rock apart from that dodgy pass a few games ago
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  24. yossarian

    yossarian Moderator
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    With the caveat that we still have several issues to iron out, back in August if you had told me we'd be top of the table and already through in the CL as group leaders at the beginning of December, I'd have been ecstatic.
    thebigman and Tonerl repped this.
  25. DutchCane

    DutchCane Member+

    Apr 6, 2004
    New York, New York
    That was Champagne Football. That's the level it should be at when you spend that kind of money and you have 4 yrs on the job. I don't take too much away from these sort of games, Lens are abject let's be clear, they're 6th in Ligue 1. That loss to them was more a reflection of our ineptitude rather than their quality.

    Watching this team, I realize how far the standard had dropped around here. This should be the level if you say you're a big club. You spend money as you should, then the expectations are raised. Nothing except a major trophy will do for me. Arteta and Edu are still learning on the job and doing a great job, so far. Lift something big this year, and really show the levels. It's time.

    I still don't think Odegaard is as influential, we need something more. Tomiyasu was incredible. Gabriel very good as well. Again, the only thing that concerns me is the need for a 9 who can conjure something out of nothing. Jesus is a baller, he ought to get more play on the right and spell Saka.

    Maybe just play Havertz as some sort of hybrid 9or whatever. I'm still not really here for him, but apparently people love him. Funny how that goes, it's always interesting to see who fans have patience with and who they don't. I don't have patience for anyone, so I'll remain consistent.

    These are high stakes, everyone is getting well compensated. No excuses.

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