This is a website that I've found recently that gives you 10 free cents to start off betting on various sports (MLS and EURO 2008 are included). If you can ever make it up to $20 you can cash out for a real check. If you lose it all, they'll keep giving you 10 free cents to start over with. It's really fun. I've got all of my money ($1.58) on a two game parlet of Spain and Sweeden.
I'm very impressed that you have the ability to cut and paste from a website. However my statement remains true - you can bet on MLS and other soccer events for free. I thought this would be of entertainment value to people on this board who enjoy soccer. It is true, that I'd get 5% on top of your winnings if you sign up under me. But you're also free to sign up on your own and give your 5% to the guy who created the website. Somebody's going to get it either way.
Sorry, the fact you get 5% of peoples winnings that sign up under you, and then you are able to make money off that? Sorry, I call bs on your motives for posting the link.
While this Centsports is an interesting idea, yours is self-serving thread and violates the TOS. Link edited and thread locked.