Does anyone here play Cartola? A while back, I ran a league for BigSoccer members, but that has faded away. For those who aren't familiar with Cartola, basically you are allotted money to field a team of 11 with positions of GK, CB, FB, M and F with your choice of various tactical formations. You can field a different team after each round of the Brasileirao. Basically, your team earns points based on a bunch of categories like goals, assists, balls won, etc. Depending on their performance, their value can either go up or down. After the round has ended, you can sell a player who's value has gone up to earn more money to spend on other players, etc.
I tried to play it with a group of friends from Brazil, but I didn't have a certain number/identification used by Brazilian citizens/residents. tried to use a random number generated from some sort of formula that deciphers the numbers for these identification... sad day
Try this generator. It works. Take out the dashes and period, just type in the numbers. For the address and CEP, just find any random address. Let me know if you guys need any help with the registration. After you finish registering, let me know your team name so I can send an invite.
I'm having trouble filling out the first page, naming the team and choosing the patrocinio. It keeps telling me I have to fill out all the fields, even though I did.
this is too rigorous lol.. identidade.. numero, complemento.. como posso preencher isso, se eu não tenho nenhum disto.
Wow ND, you chose the same exact team name as me, except mine is all one word. Catracho, just fake the information. And not all of the fields are mandatory. Just fake an address, use the generator for the CPF. That simple. You can even put an address in Brazil and say your country is the USA. Globo ought to eliminate those fields when you say you are out of the country. So since they don't, just fake the information as a work around.
Invite me too. Team name: ARIS I played Cartola FC last year for a while but I always forgot the deadline to change the players. I hope I can remember this time.
Finally got the cpf right now its saying my identity's wrong I actually tried to sign up week 1 and couldn't.
Only thing I don't like is how it takes peoples previous weeks into are standings but other then that its really fun.
I'm taking a beating, haha. How the hell is the patrimonio values adjusted each week for each player? I had Douglas from Vasco last week and he netted 6.8 points. But his $ value dropped by almost 1 whole cartoleta. Leo Moura netted 7.6 points and his $ value went UP by 1.25. I skimmed through the regras but see any any thing on it. And Douglas's $ value was less than Moura's to begin with, so that has no effect on it.
Douglas probably had built up close to his "max" value already, so an "average" performance costed him value. That's just what I noticed from my time playing. I haven't seen an official explanation. I've never seen a player costing 4 cartoletas reach near 20, despite how they play.
last round was pathetic for me I think i got a total of 18 with 63 the round before. Vagner Love and Luiz ricardo have been killing me.
I dont think anyone is doing worse than me. I only have 88 cartoletas to spend on my players. I lose money every single week.
When you start off, try investing in cheap players to gain cartoletas and sell them if they gain value the next round. Also look for players who have devalued a lot the round prior. They usually gain value the next round.
I've been dreadful this year. Scored 13 points this week (thanks Durval). I haven't cracked 70 points at all this season.
I think in all the rounds I got between 40~50 points. Including one that I forgot to change the players. lol It's so difficult to win cartoletas... I saw that the best period to raise the money is during the first few weeks. After that, the market become too much regular.
Anybody know what happens to the postponed games, Fla and Atletico-MG? I have a lot of players from these teams. I'm guessing this game wont count at all and I should just sell the players and get replacements for this round?