What did the five fingers say to the face, David? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7218296.stm Quite happy with this--could you imagine him getting injured playing in a meaningless game for his country. Now he can do it in Korea!
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. If I were Capello, I'd rather have Beckham get his 100 so he can ride off into the sunset and so I wouldn't have to deal with him pushing for a spot come qualification time. I would've had a meeting with Becks and said, "I'll give you 100 and you have to back off" - seems that would've been the most prudent thing to do.
BECKHAM is still capable of playing at the top level. Why why why is he playing for you lot? he is wasting the last few years of his career with you. Good luck and everything but this is really getting to me seeing such a talent goto waste. From an angry Manchester United fan.
Regardless of whether Becks was fit or not, Capello wanted to prove that there's a new boss and a new way of doing things. The more the public wanted it the more determined he was to make that point. Becks will be called up again. There will be plenty of opportunity for him to get that 100 between now and WC qualifying. An injury to Capello's midfielders would provide a convenient excuse to call him into the team for one last hurrah. A stellar performance with us wouldn't hurt.
not true he turned down offers from Inter among others to join MLS. I am disappointed by this news as he deserves his 100 caps. It's a freindly and amounts to nothing so he should have been included
he'll get it I think Capsy should've just given it to him. But maybe caps knows deep down inside that becks is a bitch-ass crackwhore who can never get enough praise or attention. And although he says he justs wants this magical number of #100 he really wants to linger around in the darkest hopes that this England National Team can never really move forward without him. David Beckham is a selfish prick that is trying by his own egotism to kill off other younger players chances of living there dream. He is sick and mentally ill. He never thinks that every team that he leaves or leaves him will ever prosper again but they do. Manchester United has gone on to win numerous titles. Real Madrid is top of the table now that he is gone. But the England National Team, maybe... just maybe he is the one that is killing this team and Caps knows it. Above all Brits, all the media, all the beckophiles. If only becks could sign a contract... February 6th will be your last game for England (sign here) That is one deal he wouldn't sign.
Captialism, mate. This is just another reason that the MLS schedule will continue to attract aging veterans (this class does not include DB), and keep us from signing excellent prospects. If you can't be called up for your national team because of our long winter layoffs, you're going to look twice as hard at Europe. And notwithstanding Jaqua's talent, how does someone who has played for their national team leave MLS to go play in Austria? Seriously, Austria?
feel bad for the guy, he obviously really wanted this. I don't really agree that its good for us either, it would have been good to get his 100th cap out of the way early. Cappello said once becks in back to playing in MLS and in mid season he might give him a call up then.
Capello's explanation strikes me as pretty feeble. "Not match fit." How match fit does someone have to be to put in twenty decent minutes as a sub in a meaningless friendly? I'm willing to bet Becks' training with Arsenal over the past months makes him at least that fit. Normally, I advocate managers being as ruthless as needed to evaluate talent, build squad cohesion, and/or get necessary results. But Beckham has done a lot for England over a long time, and this match was precisely the right place and time to recognize that. Maybe fitness really is the issue, maybe Capello has other unstated legit reasons, but, honestly, this just feels like Capello's vengeance on Beckham for not coming to heel while they were both at Real Madrid.
Im just happy that Alexi didnt sign Capello as as our head coach, otherwise our season really would have been another circus.
I am gutted Davids not been selected, I must say though, that I have no doubt that when the MLS season Kicks Off, he will be recalled. For Fabio's first squad he wanted to pick the players who were playing week in, week out, which is fair enough. BUT HE IS STILL WORLD CLASS, AND IS THE BEST RIGHT SIDED PLAYER WE HAVE. MAYBE IF STEVE MCCLAREN PICKED HIM WHEN HE WAS MANAGER, WE WOULD BE GOING TO THE EUROS.
Re: he'll get it Thank you, Dr. Joal. Um. What's your evidence for this? What has Beckham ever said to suggest that he thinks like this? Well, would you? If one of your main reasons for rolling out of bed early every morning and working like a dog to keep yourself physically fit was that you loved to play for your national team (even after it booted you as captain, even after half the country's fans and media mocked you as a washed-up has-been moving to soccer's most backward of backwaters), would you say, "Sure, gaffer, I'll sign a contract officially saying that I won't ever play another game even if I'm still playing at a high enough level and even if injuries to others might make me useful to the team? Sure, that seems like a swell idea for everybody involved." Why is Becks a villain here for wanting to play for England as long as he has even an outside chance? Is your model of heroism somebody like Carragher who, even while young enough and fit enough to be a potential contributor says, "I'm tired of sitting on the bench, and I want to focus on my club"? I don't blame him for that decision, but there's no way his decision was less selfish than Beckham's. In fact, I really doubt that even 1% of guys who have retired from international soccer in order to concentrate on their club did so primarily to give space to the "younger players" you're so worried about. They did it to preserve their starting roles on the club and to lengthen their (lucrative) careers. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, but it's hardly proof of altruism. Maybe Beckham is kidding himself about his continued fitness to play. I don't think he is, but maybe. Do you really think that's mental illness? Or is that just loving soccer and being competitive? (The very intangibles that made him a great player in the first place.) Doesn't seem like a tough question to me.
Yeah he has done a lot like miss Penalties and getting himself sent off in the World Cup. Beckham would have his 100th cap if he wasn't attempting to act like he is entitled to it. This sad ad campaign makes him look terrible.
I should just close the thread and delete everything but this. Because, really, what else is there to say? Sentimentality is clearly not welcome in the house of Don Fabio. ...but, seriously, what a dick move.
You do know that being match fit and just being fit is seen as two completely different things ? Match fit = Plays football matches on a regular basis. Fit = In good physical condition. Capellos job as National team coach is to pick the players who performs well on the football pitch. And Beckham hasnt played football in a while.
McClown did the exact same thing when he took over England, dropping Beckham to prove he wasn't "Sven's boy." Then the team struggled, Becks started to play well with Real Madrid, and then he had to call him back up. So Capello drops DB b/c of lack of match fitness but calls up Michael Owen who hasn't been match fit in two years, because he's trying to prove he's not tied to the old guard. The England squad is still sh*t, leaving DB off is just posturing.
I was thinking more the 58 appearances as captain over six years and doing the little things, like saving England's 2002 WCQ campaign against Greece. Look, truth be told, I often root against England. But Beckham seems like a hardworking, decent guy who over his career has helped England's team far more than he's hurt it.
Re: he'll get it Yes, because certainly England have shown themselves to be the cream of Europe without him.
Capello should have let Beckham have his 100th cap in front of a London crowd. In a friendly like this the pressure would have been off, and Beckham's fan in England could have given him the appreciation he deserves near the end of his national team career.
My soccer knowledge does extend that far, yes. Look, Beckham is training with Arsenal, not with Mickey Goldmill. So, it's true that he hasn't played a competitive match in a while. But he's been fit, healthy, and training with high-level players for months. Plus, he's played 99 full internationals for England, so it's not like there would be a steep learning curve if he ever stepped on the field for England again. Seems to me that, at a minimum, Capello could have called him into the squad to actually see whether he was match-ready.
Exactly - this game means nothing should have given him the cap and then say goodbye. Not only does he get a deserved send off it also would not disrupt his MLS season (if he gets recalled for matches in summer then you would lose him)
Well, I'm an Earthquakes fan so that would actually be a good thing. Just think a coach should let a dedicated player have a decent send off in front of his fans.
Has anyone seen Gullit make a rulling on Beck's and him playing for two squads? He may veto the idea..
This raises an interesting point. Does England have any summer friendlies scheduled? Because, if so, Beckham would probably be the only match-fit player on the England squad. If Capello's only objection to including Becks really is Becks' match-fitness, then for a summer match he would pretty much have to make Becks his first selection, no?