I am so glad the FO forced me to buy my playoff ticket at the beginning of the season. Now I don't have to wait in lines like the rest of you! Oh wait, there is no playoff game! How come the FO is all silent about it? If I pay for a burger, a drink and fries, then I expect to get a burger, a drink and fries! If you are out of fries, give me my money back or give me something else!
The price of the playoff ticket in this year's package is being deducted from the payment due for my 2012 Season Ticket.
I don't know, good question. I only made the decision to renew a few days ago and just learned of the "refund" today.
That's bullshit. If you paid for something, and they didn't deliver, they need to give you a refund, not a discount on a further purchase. Exactly! I'm not a season ticket holder, but that's mostly because I don't live anywhere near SJ anymore. Good luck to those of you who bought season tickets. GOOOOOOOOO QUAAAAAAAAKES!!!!!!!! FIRE FRANK!!! - Mark
In lieu of an actual playoff match I will accept a caged death match between John Doyle and Frank Yallop: two men enter, one man leaves (with a job).
They did give us something all season long: headaches, nausea and depression! Now give us a good pill we can swallow and get our endorphins going by firing the dynamic duo once and for all! Ese Beti Oe!!
then call and ask for your money back. they'd rather you use it towards next year, obviously. it's not hard.
Trade the unused ticket for money or a throwback jersey. Set up an Occupy SJE camp in the office until you've achieved satisfaction. Or on the roof, like the guy downtown at City Hall.
so i received an updated statement of my account from the FO. was anybody else credited for an amount that is less than the face value of your unused playoff tickets?
I wasn't impressed either and the 2012 season ticket statement will sit in the mail basket until changes are made regarding the coach and general manager, only then will I fork over the money for next years season ticket. Ese Beti Oe!!
The credit we paid for expires? ?? ? You have to be kidding. Pay for something you do not get then lose the opportunity to get reimbursed if you do not respond with in the FO's artificial timeframe?
Actually, now that I'm home and looking at the invoice, it's ambiguous. It indicates that the terms of the offer expire on November 18 at 5 pm. But what that means exactly is not clear. Will the price go up? Will our seats disappear? (I think we were the only STH in our row.) Does anyone think that demand for ST will be greater in 2012? Speaking of which...I have had season tickets all four years of the new franchise. Seems like for the last four years (including before the team returned), I'd be getting calls from reps enthusiastic to punch in my credit card number. Or trying to upsell me. This year, nada. Did they decide I was such a sure thing that no one needed to ask me if I was renewing? I would love to see management changes, but I expect I will end up renewing with Frank and JD still on the throne.
why would your credit be face? you didn't pay face. the way I understand my invoice, assuming it says the same as yours, if I don't renew by that Nov. 18th date, my seats will be up for general sale. I don't see anything about losing money? How would the credit expire? It doesn't say anything about that. There's nothing on the website about the prices being a limited time offer. It'd say so if they were. and why are you asking the board these questions anyway? Just call your rep. All of this can be solved by a 4 minute phone call (I hope)
If The Epicenter is indeed built and ready for use by the 2013 MLS season as the current plan reportedly is, then that makes the upcoming season-ticket drive the final one for Buck Shaw Stadium (and with the current ticket prices?). Or is it more likey that The Ep will only be ready by mid-2013, necessitating a few early-season home games at Buck Shaw? Or would the first half of 2013 simply be a massive road trip for the San Jose Earthquakes? GO SAN JOSE EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
Both of these options are extremely optimistic interpretations of the final sentence of that last Murk article... You know, the one that stated "once the city approves the plan they'd know whether it's economically feasible".
It sort of bothers me that every season one of the "benefits" to being a STH is touted as having first rights to tickets in the new stadium. However, if the stadium is not built the following year, then you have first rights to nothing.