Great point. These kinds of big moves don’t work without years of preparation. This ain’t the time to make it a campaign issue but it’s past time for Dems to start putting this into the conversation.
Ok…I’ll concede on this but only as an opportunity to point out that educating voters on that don’t already know all this would kind of be the job of the dude running on a plan to do so.
Sure - i am not trying to be argumentative, just that we discuss within the right framework. It doesn't matter what some leftist activists claim. But Biden is objectively behind in the swing states, though apparently catching up. The reason appears to be weakness with young and non-white voters. His numbers with white voters appear solid or even better. Now obviously it is too early for those numbers to be predictive, but it does show what he needs to work on. If Biden can't bring along all his young voters from '20, then he needs to replace them from somewhere. This is also why he had an entire apparatus devoted to opposing No Labels.
I used to be sceptical about this but i have seen a bunch of dem activists i follow running about saying the repeal of roe happened on bidens watch and he did nothing type stuff - i guess they know the truth of it and do it for klout? or are people this dumb
amazing stuff CNN's @KFILE uncovers a robocall sent out under Lara Trump’s RNC claiming “massive” election fraud. Hear it for yourself— Erin Burnett OutFront (@OutFrontCNN) April 11, 2024
Which ones? If anything, people are this dumb. Along with lacking a basic understanding of US government functions.
Nothing about the GOP being near broke, (see MI) but the funds for house, holy hell. And they will still keep paying Trump’s legal bills. Democratic advertisers have a significant head start in fall reservations for Presidential, Senate, and House generals. While these totals are sure to even out, here's a look at current Aug-Nov reservations.President:🔵$130M 🔴$0Senate:🔵$256M 🔴$129MHouse:🔵$77.4M 🔴$348K— AdImpact Politics (@AdImpact_Pol) April 10, 2024
The GOP is probably banking on Trumping being on the news everyday with all of his trials going on. Free advertising!
I suspect the Senate numbers are largely due to McConnell. And I suspect the House numbers are largely due to the lack of McCarthy.
Yes, totally agree. But this is a structural change to our government, and also needs to get Congressional approval. As most people don't really understand how SCOTUS (and the entire federal court system) works, it will take a lot of educating voters so they both understand why it needs to be done and so they don't freak out.
I wonder how informative these numbers are for Republicans. thanks to Citizen United and Republican corruption, they have started using SuperPACs for a lot of their donations. It allows them to hide their donations a lot more and makes it much easier to funnel money from their donors into their pockets that they can't really do with donations to the national committees.
I’m struggling with the idea that for the last 40 years Dems have campaigned on appointing judges that will protect RvW…and have have them made it a point to bring it up during confirmation hearings…and yet somehow now they’re supposed to remain silent on the fact that the only way to correct this is to expand the court…as the Supreme Court…as constructed…means it’s lost for the next 50 years. “Scare off voters”? Who exactly is going to be scared of that? Reforming the Supreme Court should the the center of Biden’s campaign. How many SCOTUS L’s is enough before it finally becomes the center? You want reasonable gun control legislation? Great…I do to. But even if that legislation is passed it will be struck down by this court. Want abortion to be available under the terms set out by SCOTUS before this one corruptly reversed 50 years of precedent? Great. But they’ll shoot it down within minutes of me signing it. Want to fix gerrymandering? Great. See above. Want a new VRA that protects everyone’s right to vote? Great. See above. Want to fix the issues created by the Citizens United issue? Great…see above. If you want ANY of these things in your life time….vote for senators and representatives that will pass a bill expanding the SC, and then pass bills to codify all this and you’ll get it in the next four years. If you don’t…you’ll be dead before any of this is fixed.
Exhibit Z: Today, the Justice Department has announced the “Engaged in the Business” Final Rule – an updated and clear definition of who must obtain a license and conduct a background check before selling firearms. 🔗:— U.S. Department of Justice (@TheJusticeDept) April 11, 2024 This will be challenged in the northern district in Texas (or whichever is that single judge district). He will issue a nation wide injunction within hours of the challenge. It will go to SCOTUS…and they will side 6-3. So maybe this will be the L that breaks the camel’s back? This won’t be law in thirty days.
as it happens i listed to PSA today and pfeifer said that polling since the SOTU shows Biden tied or in a narrow lead. so positive
I think the issue is that the Democrats have been incredibly naive in their approach to the Judicial system. While Republican have been looking to appoint judges that are willing to appoint along ideological lines (laws be damned), Democrats have continued to appoint people who share their ideology, but are still bound by the confines of the laws. That's why Democrats have focused on legal battles to protect existing laws and rights, while Republicans have focused on appointing judges willing to ignore the laws.
I am not sure what the answer is when one of the two major parties is appointing Judges who don't want to uphold the rule of law. What do you do about it? I agree there has been naivety - see the likes of Ben Wittes
Realistically, the only hope is that Democrats win across the board and the Republican party implodes following the November election...
And it's going to change the more Trump keeps talking and the more the Republican party keeps going through on abortion bans.
That’s the point though. Even if the Republican Party implodes…it’s a 6-3 scoreboard. You literally need two of those 6 to die in office while the Dems hold the presidency or the senate…or it will always be 6-3 at best. The war is already over. They won. Are you referring to Dem politicians or Dem voters? Dem politicians I agree. Dem voters? I don’t. And if Dem politicians don’t start showing them a pathway to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel…you’re going to lose them because they’ll realize there’s no point in trying to change things through the ballot box and they’ll just stop showing up. And if we’re not going to expand the court we’ve already passed the why bother stage.
I get everything you are saying. But as Yosh said, dem/liberal justices have operated within the lines, while the Rep/conservative justices have not. Further, what does expanding SCOTUS do when lower courts will just ignore liberal SCOTUS rulings, and make injunctions nation wide (when they really don't have that authority)? Expanding the court is not just enlarging SCOTUS, it is enlarging the entire court system. Which means more courts. Which means more people to get in our business. Which will make people uncomfortable. So, this needs to be explained over a long period of time.
Bro people are still struggling with the green lantern concept of presidency. Plus I just watched a clip of the British Labour party (their democrats) move to the right on transgender care and something else. I say that because a large part of the population maybe liberal but a heavy chunk are light blue and light red and don't understand how things work. Combine that with a press that will compare him to Orban and or Chavez and it will have a lot of people that believe in the "right way" of doing things stay home or vote Republican
One of the big problems is the US already had a constitutional break - seen first in the erosion of all kinds of constitutional norms, then the coup, and now the SC protecting the insurrection president. The Biden admin is still behaving as if that can be resolved within the normal democratic order a business. IMO a great example of it is that Trump continues to collaborate with a hostile foreign power to overturn democracy.