Pre-match: Can't believe it took this long for this thread, the 2024 Presidential election thread!

Discussion in 'Elections' started by ceezmad, Nov 7, 2020.


Who will be the 2 Candidates for the 2 big parties in 2024

  1. Joe Biden

    34 vote(s)
  2. Kamala Harris

    17 vote(s)
  3. Bernie Sanders

    2 vote(s)
  4. Ted Cruz

    1 vote(s)
  5. Donald Trump (from prison)

    24 vote(s)
  6. One of the Trump idiots

    4 vote(s)
  7. A Never Trump Republican

    2 vote(s)
  8. The dude from Florida (not florida man)

    6 vote(s)
  9. A Trumpian Republican

    10 vote(s)
  10. Hail Grimes!

    8 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    The Atlantic has an issue where they’ve gotten 24 writers to describe what a Trump 2nd term would look like. They’re ringing the alar, bell. Let’s see how other media react.
  2. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm more interested in news like NBC (as opposed to MSNBC), ABC, CBS, AP, Reuters, CNN, and similar. Hell, even NPR writing alarm-type stories.
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  3. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Also, for tomorrow's Republican debate, obviously Haley, Ramaswamy, and DeSantis would be there. But I'm surprised Christie is there, as well. To me, that says how split that Republican party is.

    btw - the requirements were 6% in two national polls, or 6% in one national poll and 6% in two early state polls.
  4. dapip

    dapip Member+

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    RFK says what?

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  5. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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  6. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Is anybody watching the rooster fight...I mean, the non-Trump Republican debate?
  7. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
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    F******** no
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  8. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm reading the WaPo live feed. It is hilarious.

    Oh gosh, we’re back to the kindergarten shouting match. I can’t even hear what anyone is saying! I thought this part of my night ended when I put the kids to bed. But no, 9:09 p.m., they’re fast asleep, and here we are.

    “No one can hear you!” host Megyn Kelly says at one point.
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  9. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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    I didn’t even know it was tonight….not a chance.
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  10. Kazuma

    Kazuma Member+

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I've been at my sibling's place house sitting and playing with their cat. Why ruin a good thing?
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  11. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    I tuned in for the last two minutes - caught the closing statements - well, missed Christie's, but got half of Ramaswamy's and all of Haley's and DeSantis'. Ramaswamy sounded unhinged. OK, they all sounded unhinged, but Ramaswamy was talking about how climate change is the new religion of the left, as opposed to, I dunno, something that you can measure and see. Haley was pushing fear of the other (immigrants, etc.) and DeSantis was pushing his record in Florida. I don't feel like I missed much, and I didn't see enough of Ramaswamy to want to hit something (which is my usual reaction to listening to that guy), so I'll call that a win.
  12. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

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    I watched it, though not from the beginning. I actually agreed with much of what was said. I went into it thinking DeSantis was a fascist. Nothing changed my mind.
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  13. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Apparently Ramaswamy wants to give all Taiwanese guns to prevent China from invading.
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  14. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Including keeping Muslims out?
  15. Smurfquake

    Smurfquake Moderator
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    Whoa. My mind is blown. What could go wrong?
  16. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
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    You should keep that to yourself or they'll make him the VP or Attorney General or some shit.
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  17. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I don't think Smurfquake has, or wants, that much influence in the Republican Party. ;)
  18. Matrim55

    Matrim55 Member+

    Aug 14, 2000
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    More ammo for the 2024 optimists:

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  19. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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    I will need more than that to make be more upbeat.....Saying that I am concerned about 2024 is an understatement. Reading stuff like that poll below doesn't help either. I am also worry that is the Hamas Israel drags into 2024, that may have devastating effects on the democratic coalition.

    A new Wall Street Journal poll finds President Biden’s political standing “is at its weakest point of his presidency, with voters giving him his lowest job-performance marks and favoring Donald Trump for the first time in a head-to-head test of the likely 2024 presidential matchup.”
    Sounders78 repped this.
  20. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    If the stakes of this election were normal (like, say, 1996) I’d be very optimistic about the Democrats’ chances.

    But a loss means a very, VERY real chance that we lose our democracy. So it’s sort of like playing Russian roulette with 1 bullet in 6 chambers. I’m probably OK, but the downside is existential.

    And I think that’s driving the pessimism. The part of the left that is vocal on the internet, in the media, etc., know this is an existential election (again.) and is alarmed at the consequences of losing, not the odds of losing. It’s exhausting to continually fear the end of our democracy as we’ve known it.
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  21. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
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    Unfortunately, there's also a vocal part of the left that doesn't see the threat for what it is. But I'm hopeful that they have less influence over young progressives than I once feared.
    charlie15 and soccernutter repped this.
  22. Kazuma

    Kazuma Member+

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Not an expert, but given past results since the repeal of Roe, I share this viewpoint. Proposal 3 in Michigan passed by double digits (13%), abortion has been winning in places like Kansas and Ohio (With a wide margin no less).

    Anyway, we're 11 months away from the election, and past ain't prologue, but I think abortion will be one of the bigger issues in the election, and not some far off conflict in the Middle East.

    Funkfoot, rslfanboy, Deadtigers and 2 others repped this.
  23. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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    This will definitely play a huge factor next year. I hope more states will try to put women's right to choose on the ballot next year.
    We are seeing signs that regular folks are starting to feel the economy is improving as well. That is comforting too.
  24. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

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    Like I said in another thread, if they don't do something and this woman dies or a severe long-term injuries I don't think Republicans can run away from it. I'm surprised Republican Pols aren't screaming just give her whatever she wants so we won't have to talk about this in the new year.
  25. chaski

    chaski Moderator
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    Trump looking to attract Moslem voters.

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