This might give you an idea of what they're like: "Teamsters union pays $2.9m to settle racial discrimination lawsuit". You'll recall that Sean O'Brien spoke at the RNC. Nebraska may change its electoral system at the last second to help Trump win In one of those strange freaks of American politics, Nebraska has a split electoral college vote, and for the past few elections the city of Omaha has reliably voted Democrat. The other four electoral districts vote solidly Republican. Ordinarily, this little hiccup in the system wouldn’t matter much. But 2024 represents a uniquely precarious moment. As it stands, once you remove the settled Democrat and Republican states, the most direct path to a Kamala Harris victory is by way of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. With those three states, she would receive exactly 270 electoral college seats, the number she needs to win. In that case, she would win if, and only if, she holds that one electoral college vote in the congressional district of Omaha, Nebraska. The Omaha congressional district hasn’t mattered much due to a kind of bipartisan detente, a balance of power. Nebraska is not the only state that splits its electoral system by district. So does Maine. And Maine, while mostly Democratic, has a similarly reliable Republican constituency, which will almost certainly give its electoral college seat to Trump. If Nebraska changes its system to give Trump an advantage, Maine has said it will reciprocate in order to cancel out any attempt to shift the balance of power. Largely for this reason, the inclination to change the law has been muted in Nebraska, even though Republicans control the statehouse. Having a contested electoral college seat also makes Nebraska slightly more worthy of attention from both national parties, meaning the current division is, to some small degree, in the interests of Nebraskans on the whole. Yet that state of detente may be set to unravel. The Maine legislature has now gone out of session, and last Friday, Jim Pillen, the governor of Nebraska, made a public statement: “I strongly support statewide unity and joining 48 other states by awarding all five of our electoral college votes to the presidential candidate who wins the majority of Nebraskans’ votes,” he said. “As I have also made clear, I am willing to convene the Legislature for a special session to fix this 30-year-old problem before the 2024 election. However, I must receive clear and public indication that 33 senators are willing to vote in such a session to restore winner-take-all.” Pillen is effectively deflecting the electoral college question onto the state senators, but he is also opening the door to the possibility of the switch, which could alter the course of the election.
You are indeed more than white about it.... at least White (61%). 16% of International Brotherhood of Teamsters employees are Hispanic or Latino. 12% of International Brotherhood of Teamsters employees are Black or African American. is is also 80% male....To make things worse, their leader is very much an opportunist and charlatan.
" On Wednesday, the union released the results of their surve…. It found that almost 60% of rank-and-file union members preferred to endorse Trump, while 34% backed Harris, according to an electronic member poll. A phone poll indicated similar margins, with 58% supporting Trump and 31% supporting Harris."
Just remembered this anecdotal story, I went to a NAS concert at Wolf Trap on July 21. I was sitting on the lawn with my girlfriend. Two couples sat next to us, 2 white females and 2 guys, one black and one white, clearly on a double date. At some point their conversation veered into politics. The women were adamant in their disgust of Trump, however the dudes were obviously pro felon. Eventually, the black guy referred himself as a teamster and claimed how good things were for them truck drivers under the Trump administration. A few minutes later, the dudes went to buy some drinks and one of the girl, likely the black dude date, told the other, I need to dump this asshole, I can't deal with his trump bs.
Nice string of polls: And, all non-PA polls *overnight*:National:—NYT: tieMI:—Marist: Harris 52/47—Emerson: Harris 49/47WI—Marist: Harris 49/48—Emerson: Trump 49/48NC: —Emerson: Harris 49/48—JFL poll: tieNY:—NYT: Harris 52/40Other Emerson:—AZ: Trump 49/48—GA: Trump 50/47—NV: tie— Taniel (@Taniel) September 19, 2024
EMERSON (B+) polls, Sep 15-18 Georgia Trump +2 Wisconsin Trump 2 Arizona Trump +1 Nevada TIED North Carolina TIED Pennsylvania TIED Michigan Harris +1
I think this is directed towards myself even though im not @, however i agree with all 3 points. Jan 6th was unacceptable and shouldn't of happened with delusional MAGA supporters which i i don't support. His fraud and charges don't impact my daily life.. i care about where the economy and inflation are at. The pet stuff was ridiculous i never looked into what's real and what's not but it doesn't have any place to be discussed @ the debate. Happy now?
The number of people who actually want deflation and don't understand the economic consequences of that is way too ********ing high.
@SamScouse this came up before. It’s an empty threat. Maine can just call the legislature into session and retaliate. A reminder that top Maine Dems have pledged to retaliate and also go to winner take all if Nebraska does so— David Nir on Bluesky: (@DavidNir) September 19, 2024 How long did yall laugh?
this is "Shad White", the "42nd Auditor of Mississippi" the state with the largest percentage of African-American citizens.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 19, 2024 nice ears, shithead God grant me the undeserved confidence of a Dumbo looking mother fucker like this chode 👇🏻— Darkness Personified (@ErebusSpeaks) September 19, 2024
He seems nice Minnesota Rep. Jeff Dotseth, R-Kettle River, allegedly mused that he would own slaves if it were allowed today and called his then-stepson “Kunta Kinte,” after the enslaved African character in Roots, according to a 2008 affidavit from the stepson. via…— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 19, 2024
Dogs in particular. Haven't heard stories of them shooting cats ... yet. But given how much they project, we should probably just assume they are eating them.
I would need to hear why they believe the economy will be better, despite all the analysis that says it is not likely to be.
Economic anxieties. It's just so tragic coming from a gay guy, given LGBT+ will be among the first "eradicated".