JD is going places few people dare: This is, objectively, the saddest, most Christopher Guest political photograph in at least two election cycles. pic.twitter.com/uatrxlMyyj— Michael (@mikel1814) August 15, 2024
But which Christopher Guest film? Waiting for Trumpman? A Mighty Windbag? Worst in Show? This is Spinal Crap?
This is an other great pice by Josh Marshall, in the same vein of the article I posted yesterday. Kamala, A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma, Many People are Saying. "On the one hand, journalists press for information, details, answers. That’s what they do. It’s their job. It’s part of their job to be annoying. They press for things that people aren’t going to volunteer. But there is something uncanny and vaguely absurd hearing this mix of complaints, demands and warnings of electoral disaster leveled at a campaign which is finishing up what has to be at least among and quite possibly the best single month of any presidential campaign in at least half a century. Campaign success isn’t what journalists are or should be concerned about. But it defies belief that Harris and her campaign would shift gears when what they’ve been doing is working this well." " The final part of the story is rooted in official Washington’s view of Harris. To put it baldly most elite DC journalists treated Harris with a kind of breezy disdain that could scarcely rise to the level of contempt. For the first year of her vice presidency there were an on-going series of critical reports about turmoil in the Office of the Vice President, staff drama, mean bossism, general turmoil. I don’t know how much reality there was to those reports. But they set a dismal tone. You’ll remember that when Ezra Klein and others got together the calls for a Thunderdome convention Klein referred delicately and painedly to “the Kamala Harris problem,” a problem so obvious that it scarcely required explanation: how to usher her out of the way for others from the vaunted Democratic bench. I’m not trying to pick on Klein here. I’ve done enough of that. I note this simply because it was such a deep conventional wisdom that it hardly required explanation. Everyone in that world knew what he meant. That certainly figures into this, and in both directions. It is not only that there is this great appetite to find out just what it is Harris must be doing wrong. That backstory must have left Harris just utterly uninterested in what these folks have to say. They treated her as something between a punchline and a nonentity and now she’s the odds-on favorite, if only by a small margin, to the next President. Why should she care?" https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblo...stery-inside-an-enigma-many-people-are-saying
Depending on who you believe, Biden's people did nothing to discourage this line of thinking. According to some reporting, Harris also intentionally kept a low profile after the Border stuff, and then was much happier doing her grass roots engagement work. There was a journo who spent a lot of time with her recently who did a few media hits after the debate - the whole back story of her fall and rise is fascinating. I remember that journo also did a 30 min piece on Hysteria podcast maybe a year ago ETA - this is the journo https://www.theatlantic.com/author/elaina-plott/
Dude's going to places where conservative vote is shored up in Michigan and getting turnout like that. If you're going to Shelby, which is heavy Trump (And I say this whenever I go there to bike), and you get low turnout, you might be screwed. On a related note, there used to be a house on my route to Shelby that had large ******** Joe Biden flag. I was just in the area recently and haven't seen it since he announced he wasn't running.
Great article, but I would add that Biden's speech problems make it difficult to speak directly to the people, and so he was sort of forced to rely on the press to tout his accomplishments (which they didn't feel like doing).
These are the results of campaign staffers who are hired and kept based on how well they profess loyalty to Trump rather than any competance.
I always believed the Harris "fall" or "ineffectiveness" was grossly exaggerated. Same as the rumors of rift between Biden and Harris teams. As Josh said, for the "elites" DC journos, she was an afterthought, treated with disdain. No surprise that the Ezra Klein or Cohn were advocating for an open convention.
P What is interesting about that poll is that Real Clear Politics clearly knows about that poll result, because they include it in their Trump-Harris-Kennedy poll results, but they don’t include it in their Trump-Harris results. The reason? Probably because their electoral college map is linked only to the Trump-Harris results. If PA flips to Harris, it flips RCP’s entire electoral college map to Harris. That would be bad for clicks from right wing viewers, which is their bread and butter. Pretty shameless.
The guy whose house I walk by on my longer sunday walks has lost his ******** Joe Biden flag. He still has his "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Trump" flag. And, in true patriot fashion, he flies it on his flag pole ABOVE the stars and stripes. At least he only has one Trump flag over the US flag now, and not two.
Just to follow up on this I don’t know why the media (even the left wing media) quotes RCP results. They are obviously not honest brokers. Their methodology also sucks. They take garbage polls and the quality polls and just average them as though they are equal. So lazy and misleading.
Oh well. The “cavalry” are s coming…..I guess. Lewandowski told allies over the weekend that he was coming back as a campaign chairman essentially a layer above Wiles and LaCivita. This comes as Trump, superstitious and nostalgic, wants the team that helped him win in 2016 back https://t.co/UfxK7oW0M9— Tara Palmeri (@tarapalmeri) August 15, 2024
Hopefully this is one of those things that politicians say to get the dumb people vote, similar to Trump saying he will cut electric bills in half. News: Kamala Harris will on Friday propose the first ever “federal ban on corporate price gouging” in the food and grocery industries on Friday, the campaign says in a statementWill also announce measures on housing & prescription drugs— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) August 15, 2024 This dude knows what is up https://t.co/9kDF5besnW pic.twitter.com/kjDfMON2HQ— Wally Nowinski (@Nowooski) August 15, 2024