Pre-match: Can't believe it took this long for this thread, the 2024 Presidential election thread!

Discussion in 'Elections' started by ceezmad, Nov 7, 2020.


Who will be the 2 Candidates for the 2 big parties in 2024

  1. Joe Biden

    34 vote(s)
  2. Kamala Harris

    19 vote(s)
  3. Bernie Sanders

    2 vote(s)
  4. Ted Cruz

    1 vote(s)
  5. Donald Trump (from prison)

    26 vote(s)
  6. One of the Trump idiots

    4 vote(s)
  7. A Never Trump Republican

    2 vote(s)
  8. The dude from Florida (not florida man)

    6 vote(s)
  9. A Trumpian Republican

    10 vote(s)
  10. Hail Grimes!

    10 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hayaka

    Hayaka Member+

    Jun 21, 2009
    San Francisco North Bay, Bel Marin Keys
    Nat'l Team:
    I’ll have to go look for it. I thought that the recorded Bedminster disclosure to dinner guests, for example, was while he was still president.

    But that gets back to my original point that the immunity ruling doesn’t override the post-presidency charges, so why would Trump even be contemplating leaving the presidential race when he would still be subject to prosecution for a variety of charges?
  2. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    #3852 diablodelsol, Aug 3, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
    July 21, 2021. And others later in 2021. And not charged in the Florida case.

    edit: agree completely on the second part.

    Plus I would not be surprised at all if Merchan sentences him to jail in the New York case. Plus he has all the state level electors cases (GA AZ etc). GA is particularly dangerous as the GA constitution prohibits pardons/clemency prior to sentence completion….and I don’t think there are enough GoP GA state legislators to amend their constitution on his behalf.

    The presidency basically gets him a 4 year tolling on all of those state charges….at which point he’ll pull a Harvey Weinstein trying to gain sympathy and avoid prison in any of those states.
  3. Hayaka

    Hayaka Member+

    Jun 21, 2009
    San Francisco North Bay, Bel Marin Keys
    Nat'l Team:
    Okay I stand corrected on that part of it. Still wondering though, why anyone (particularly Trump) would think the immunity ruling is his salvation in the documents case.
    diablodelsol repped this.
  4. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
    Columbus, OH, USA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Despite lazy reporting on the matter, Trump was not charged with anything related specifically to his handlnig of classified documents.
  5. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
    Columbus, OH, USA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Because it advantages him to do so. Whether or not it's accurate is immaterial, as long as the courts go along with the argument.
  6. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    My hope is there is a sealed indictment in NJ for disclosure just in case Cannon successfully ends the documents case before she is removed.
  7. Hayaka

    Hayaka Member+

    Jun 21, 2009
    San Francisco North Bay, Bel Marin Keys
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, it is very material on the question on whether he should leave the race. But maybe that is all just internet chatter and not really being considered.
  8. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    There is also lazy reporting that still at times remains that the classification status matters (all that much). That’s why the counts 32-38 were important. And iirc….even counts 1-32 relate specifically to National Defense information…rather than “classified documents”…I believe he was charged under that statute as it simply doesn’t matter whether that information was classified or not…it’s illegal to retain it. As long as the person retaining has reason to believe the information they have would be damaging to the United States if publicly disclosed….they have to return it.
  9. Kazuma

    Kazuma Member+

    Jul 30, 2007
    Chelsea FC
    It's not just poor white Americans. Lot of affluent Americans too. Many years ago, Rick Snyder was seen as a darling by a lot of people. Including one person my mother knew. This person was a Dem guy and even said he thought Snyder could actually help Michigan. A friend of mine voted for him because I quote, "At the time, I saw myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative." Said friend realizes that error now.

    The other thing is, it's racism, some of it people just voting GOP because their family did. Or because it's familiarity.
  10. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
    South Florida
    Millonarios Bogota
    Nat'l Team:
    “роLiciЗs Th4t woЯk fOЯ mз 4иd mY f4milY!!!”

  11. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    The GOP tied themselves to Trump anchor and dove overboard. If polling shows Trump will get annihilated….theyll discover the only thing trump cares less about than the Democratic Party is the GOP. Hell gladly drag them all down with him….then blame them all for the loss. A massive trump loss will be the end of the GOP.
    spejic, Deadtigers and The Jitty Slitter repped this.
  12. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Nat'l Team:
    trump trying to welch on debate 2 because he’s scared of brat girl.

    seriously what a pathetic old man
    soccernutter repped this.
  13. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Dems should go on offensive as to how this is how he conducts business. Agrees to a deal then wants to change terms after signing.
  14. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
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    Kamala will show up to the debate without him.
  15. Val1

    Val1 Member+

    Mar 12, 2004
    MD's Eastern Shore
    Arsenal FC
    Be funny if they got someone to role play Trump.
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  16. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
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    maybe little Ron DeSanctus would step in?
  17. gatotkaca3

    gatotkaca3 Member

    Oct 23, 2010
    Newcastle United FC
    Pretty sure that already happened in 2020 - early 2021. The current GOP is basically a MAGA party now, you have to kiss the ring to get into any influential position.
    Deadtigers and The Jitty Slitter repped this.
  18. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    I agree. But even those politicians are in it for the power that comes from being elected. I know I’m smoking the hopium….but I think of trump remains this isn’t just a blue wave….its a blue tsunami. And it will be evident in the next 3-4 weeks….with the only way to avoid it is to dump trump. And as you rightly state….they can’t (not that they could even if they wanted to at this point I think…)
    Deadtigers and The Jitty Slitter repped this.
  19. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Seattle Sounders
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    I'm sure the chair and co-chair of the GOP can intervene. What's that? Lara Trump is the co-chair? Never mind.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  20. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Nat'l Team:
    George Conway was talking about this today

    It seems like Mango might have taken 10m from Egypt

    rslfanboy repped this.
  21. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    The bigger scandal is Garland knew all this and protected the justice department rather than going after a corrupt predecessor

    Edit: probably better stated that he deferred to the corrupt decisions of his predecessor. Cause it’s likely Barr was smart enough to not break the law.
  22. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The institutionalust at the Supreme Court have showed it was about power while the the Dem institutionalists are busy watching it all burn down. Garland was a terrible pick. It should have gone to Yates and or Jones. Should Harris win, I hope she puts one of those two or even Smith in charge.
  23. Pønch

    Pønch Saprissista

    Aug 23, 2006
    Donde siempre
    There is nobody in the GOP today that can get rid of Trump. They let him burrow in too deep and now have to sink or swim with the Fanta Menace. Preferably sink.
    onefineesq repped this.
  24. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    That's because there is no GOP outside of Trump these days.
  25. Gilbertsson

    Gilbertsson BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 1, 2012
    Toronto Croatia
    Nat'l Team:
    No. I just said that the price was the same, so I took random years. Of course, I visit dentist every six months. My next event: February 2025.:)

    I have family members in USA, Canada, who live there 60-100 years.:)
    So, it’s relevant for me to say. European elections are also irrelevant.
    One side puts people in fear with new world order, controlling, that some other cultures will conquer and change our culture.:rolleyes: Also, they add that climate changes don’t exist at all.:D And they say that Oreo cookies have Satanic cross, Illuminati insignia…:p
    Other side uses the usual working class aid, how LGBTIQ people are normal people. I asked once: “Is it normal to sleep with a man who changed his sex? What is this? Same sex relationship, or hererosexual relationship?”
    Many people watch others badly if they say that they want to be in relationship with person of same race. Why is this a problem?:p It’s cool to be in a relationship with a girl who is from Southern Sudan, Mongolia, Australian Aboriginal?:)
    It’s not normal that some man who thinks that he is a woman beats me with some leather stick while he carries gigantic eyelashes.:p
    The things went out of control, in both sides. One side creates paranoid scenarios, conspiracies, the other side makes funny statements: “You can be everything that you want to be”
    I am not human, I am cactus.:D
    It’s normal to spend the night with a man from Thailand who switched his organs through surgery and estrogen pills.:cool: Such figures bring only religious fanatics who think that the world exists around 2000 years. Tensions, conflicts. Politicians use this and they create false news. Biden says: Trump is a criminal. Why is Trump free and not in some facility? If Biden is great candidate, why isn’t he the candidate anymore? Why do we see the sudden popularity of K. Harris? Quality based on what? What are her references? Vice president references? Democrats brag that she got huge amounts of donations. Isn’t this matter of interest conflict? I will donate, if you do what I want?
    People are divided in medical and scientific sense: women and men. If we share characterists just so that people can feel happy, I could say: I am a animal who wants to live based on instincts and I don’t want to pay any taxes.:D

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